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Posts posted by So-low

  1. Hey, I'm on mobile so I can't write a novel :(


    Let me first address the thread you linked. It's for PvE, not PvP. There are two main reasons why that thread doesn work for PvP. One, it takes into account the fact that the DPS have a large sum of their stat pool that has to go into accuracy. Because of this, they will never actually push the DRs that PvPers will push because there isn't any 'forced' points going into a stat such as accuracy. Instead, depending on your spec, you're left to funnel a large sum into one or two tertiary stats.


    The second reason that thread doesn't apply is because the stat budget for 220 gear is insanely large compared to PvP gear. This specifically applies to mastery. You push such high levels that it does in fact diminish the value of Mastery augments. Tertiary augments are more valuable at that point because after points are put into accuracy, the amount of points left over will not push you as far into DR as PvP gear will since there's really only one main stat to take on certain specs, that stat being critical rating.


    With that out of the way, Alacrity vs Power, power wins. It's something like 1.69% better than alacrity in the augment slot, I'd have to double check my results when I get home. That leaves Alacrity vs crit. Alacrity is only vastly better when you're in the 2200 critical rating area, the further down you go in crit, the less alacrity is better. This is because critical rating is a function of two stats now instead of just one. It's surge and crit chance. What people don realize when they compare alacrity to other stats is that in order to gain alacrity, you're losing something in return. A loss in crit rating actually makes each point worth more than the previous. There is, however, a breakpoint where alacrity is specifically more valuable than crit, but that exact number is at home in one of my sections of notes.


    I'm not saying alacrity is bad, in fact, it's good. I just personally wouldn't trade power for it in the augment slot.


    I hope this makes sense, I'm on my phone and phone posting is aids. When I'm home later I'll try to give you Tefia and my math behind all of it, I feel like if you could visualize it that it would make more sense. Is there any chance that you could get solow to post his math behind his findings as well? Would be nice to compare notes for inconsistencies.


    Are you talking purely for burst still? I am trying to compare sustained, even for healing. Anything over 1300 crit right now and you are really heavy into DR. Also, what's the match behind power being better than alacrity? While I realize the numbers in that thread are for PVE gear, there are multiple sources comparing crit, alacrity, power, and mastery. Each saying high crit/alacrity builds are far superior to power/mainstat. Lackey did a breakdown for sorc healing augment by augment comparing hps with each augment, and crit/alacrity split wins out every time. And that is of course a class with 0 accuracy as would be expected for PVP.

  2. First of all, great healing hottie. You definitely outperformed me in those matches.


    However, my team had so many problems going in with it that it is a bit ridiculous.


    For one, our comp, virulence/madness, now has pretty much 0 burst. Watching that 7.6k match back, it was literally a healer's dream, with no spikes in hp and hp going down at a steady rate on all players, allowing an operative to heal to their potential by just keeping hots up, using infusion on CD, RN on cd, and kolto waving the group, without ever having to sacrifice hots to burst heal a single target.


    Secondly we were getting very few interrupts and no stuns on you. Personally during the start I had you on focus target interrupt and got the first few, but after you stealthed I literally was under so much pressure that I had no time to reacquire you. None of us were stunning you more than like a couple times.


    The largest issue was our comp. Running 2 sorcs against 3 PTs is a terrible idea lol. Before you could get away with it because while PTs were bursty, they could still be controlled. Now they do some much *********** damage to sorcs even through guard that it is insane. Never seen anything like it. It was so impossible to heal lol. Then of course if 1 sorc is guarded the other is getting *** bursted because spammable 10k mag blast, 12k railshots, etc.


    Again with our comp we had 0 carbs that game against 3. 3 carbs is going to give a healer a **** ton of time to get casts off and catch up. Carbs are still 3.5s each so thats 7 seconds of freecast that no one can stop, then another 3.5. With having 0 carbs on our side I felt like I had no relief and no time to catch up on heals.


    Lastly we had a tank that is very green. Poison is a very good player don't get me wrong but he has very little experience tanking (as do I, I would've done much wore) so we were taking spike damage hits when we shouldn't have, making it even harder to catch back up in heals, especially while being chain interrupted, stunned, pulled, lept to, etc by 1-3 pts. We were being guarded after the burst almost very time and it was just a nightmare to play catch up heals lol. Of course this is my fault as well because he was panicking because we were getting so low because I couldnt keep up in heals.


    Don't get me wrong, you guys did outplay us skill wise. My healing was friggin god awful in those games. I wasn't utilizing phase walk until the later games. I let us get insanely low at the start and everyone had to pop CDs off the bat and barrier early. I was panicking, and my healing was 1-2k hps lower than it should have been. We didn't interrupt and stun you which is just a terrible idea when we are playing double dots against an op healer, while buurl especially was putting out a crapload of damage and got almost every interrupt and me or zem depending on who he was on. I think he had a couple 3900-4k games games.


    Overall it was a terrible night for us. A ton of it because I truly believe we can't bring a sorc dps agaisnt PTs. Zem has already leveled and is currently gearing his PT, so we plan to run MM/AP with most likely a PT tank which is a very strong comp.


    GGs hottie. Really nice healing and very well played. IDK if I could have hit 7.6k there on any of my healers.


    Oh and for alacrity, 6% alacrity = 6% more dps/hps compared to just 0 alacrity with no other stats substituted. This is because alacrity speeds up everything. GCD, HOT ticks, cast times, proc times, everything. The only thing I am not sold on is using it for DPS in PVP where it would be mostly impossible to utilize every GCD considering kiting players, etc. For healing and ranged classes it is definitely better though.

  3. The DPS gain is due to the way that Alacrity works. I was discussing this over in the Sin forums with someone else. I did tests with Alacrity as well, alacrity does increase your DPS, but does NOT increase your damage during non crits and even on crits, and it's even worse on Auto-Crit abilities.


    Alacrity is good for the sustained DPS increase. It provides nothing to your burst damage, however.


    Edit: Not only that, but the actual disparity in DPS between Alacrity and Crit/Surge or Power augments is so miniscule that I do not find value in it given the damage potential that you're giving up in say, the duration of a hard stun, just as an example.


    These augments are geared to reduce TTK while Alacrity is meant to benefit from longer TTK.


    I would argue that since alacrity will make you get your burst back 10% faster or so that it does affect your burst damage, in that you can burst more often.


    Keep in mind I am thinking about gearing in a trinity scenario with tank/heals, for example in team ranked where games last a while.

  4. /signed


    This is a stupid mechanic/bug. Any ability that absorbs damage also can absorb acid i.e. shield probe, static barrier, enduring bastion (bubble stacks after barrier). Difference is enduring bastion absorbs so much damage it becomes the biggest game changer.


    For the best chance to win, place bubbles on all of your teammates right before you barrier, then when you come out of barrier right as enduring bastion ends, bubble yourself.

  5. I've noticed a large DPS gain on PT since swapping to crit/alacrity split in overall stats slightly favoring crit. Sitting at 67% crit multi on that class, as well as 11% alacrity or so.


    Mag blast still gets 9-11k crits, 11-13k railshots, 12-14k thermal dets, 20-25k energy burst.


    As long as I can keep up with the much faster gcd this gear is doing more damage, and can burst way faster / more often.

  6. Wouldn't it ban a shame if you got someone elses account banned for account sharing, then you'd have your own account banned plus poor Poison's account


    Wait, who is banned now?

  7. Can you tell me another one before I go to bed?


    Maxing out a 2.8k DPS in a random 4v4 against ppl with 1300 expertise is not the same as averaging "x-2800 dps". And maybe a voidstar with no tanks and lumped up ppl on doors.


    In a real match.. ephasis on real also ... ppl die, you die, you have to go run help west, snow, etc. Causes downtime. If you try to max your dps every match (and not play necessarily for the win) you could sustain 2.3, sure, but having played thousands of wzs, I haven't seen someone pulling out those numbers as consistently as you're claiming


    No, but you should redirect your time spent reading my #mlg stories to practice your class so you can stop thinking 1600 DPS is good.


    I'm not just talking about arenas. I'm talking about random 8v8 regs where you die 2-4 times. The numbers are still possible because most of the time there is no tank guard swapping unlike teams. Maybe my numbers were slightly exaggerated for games where you die 4+ times and node swap, but you really shouldn't be dropping below 2k dps.


    If you're on Harbinger I'd be happy to q with you to show you.

  8. While this thread obviously isn't serious, it brings up some valid points. in 4 DPS games, which is easily the most common type of solo ranked, DPS PTs are fodder. Not enough cooldowns, not enough self heals, etc. Your best hope of surviving is popping HO and kiting. Tip for any PT queuing yolos: take pyro shield and reflective armor. That way when you get focused first and or you get caught and get globalled/almost globalled, you'll have at least some damage on the scoreboard.


    Most (if not all) highly rated PTs on the leaderboard are tanks/have tank gear. PTs are the best tanks in 4s, and AP PT is the best skank tank when combined with a healer.


    The problem is, if they buffed AP defensives to put them on par with sins, sorcs, conc ops, ets., then they would be absolutely broken in team ranked and trinity games. They are already arguably the best DPS to bring in teams.


    +1 to enforcing trinity games, although with the pop as it is they need to have xserver for it to work,

  9. 230 Crit (4 mods)

    68% Surge (4 pieces)

    6% Alacrity (6 Pieces)

    Rest in power. Mainstat (Reflex) Augs


    I've tested many builds and this has been the most effective. The idea is to hit diminishing returns. Accuracy would be nice for railshots, but it's not worth the sacrifice of higher gcd, since most of your abilities are yellow dmg.


    Source: Math. Also anecdotal evidence. An average game for me is 2400-2800 DPS. 2k is low for me, with anything under 2k pissing me off because I must've played like crap.

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