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Posts posted by ElJako

  1. I didn't solely PvP, and I had several alts to gear up, but I've run into this problem also. I'm saving my daily comms right now, as I'm under the assumption that post 1.4 there will be several new tiers of gear to get and hopefully some pieces of those will be bought with the daily comms. Other than that, they're pretty much useless to me. I can buy some Campaign Relics and RE em, but there's really no point.
  2. To answer the first question: I haven't heard anything about any coming updates.


    That being said, their DPS isn't as lacking as people say. I play Commando in Ranked Warzones and am one of the top DPS. We're not one of the top teams, but we do have a 70-80% win rate. It's just harder to play now than it used to be.

  3. With the recent changes I had some fun with my (gunnery) Commando again, though only in unranked yet. With a good healer behind you you can dish out a lot of dmg - 880 dps is my new record, though the enemy team was pretty bad.;)


    Now THAT'S impressive. My personal best was only 608.1 in a Voidstar, although I did do 676k damage in a Civil and forgot to check my dps that round. :mad:

  4. I've run a few ranked's with my guild on the Fatman, and I'm consistently near the top or top dps. We're a pretty small guild, so it's hard to get the people, so I've only been able to do ranked's with them once, but we went 7-3 that day. Not only did they have a DPS Commando with them, but we never had fewer than 2 Commandos in the ops. We started off with a CM pug who was pretty dang good, then he had to go so we picked up a Scoundrel. After that one of our dps had to go, and we picked up an Assault Commando. In both instances we won pretty regular.
  5. I'm a Gunnery Commando, and I've done 15 ranked warzones. Of those, 5 were with pug groups, which I lost every one of (and was top dps for my team in every one of).


    The other 10 were with my guild, and we went 7-3. Of those 10 games, I was normally near the top or top dps. I had a Civil War where I did 676k damage. Second was 619k, and third was only 450k.


    While "the internet" would say we're not worth a spot in ranked's, that's because the majority of mercs/commandos rolled them because they were easy, and when we got nerfed they all quit. Your key attributes are your knockbacks, and your sticky grenade (or Assault Plastique, if you are assault.) Play those correctly, and always use other attacks when you're interrupted (basic, I know, but a lot of commandos don't do that) and you'll be fine.

  6. Where does this number come from? I don't believe it's correct.


    I checked up on it again to make sure, and you were right. It comes from this site:http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1117292-Arsenal-Bounty-Hunter-Are-YOU-Doing-It-Right


    This guide was made pre 1.3, so not really sure how it compares now. However, at the time the writer stated that HIS accuracy was 104, with a tech accuracy of 114, but you only needed a tech accuracy of 108 (or 98 base accuracy) to never miss with your tech abilities. So yeah, I was wrong. Thanks for catching it for me!

  7. Hey All...


    I have some questions as I'm trying to maximize both my PvP and PvE damage. I have read various posts here and there and want to summarize what I learned and what I've exerpienced when compared to others who know more than me.


    PvP - Prior to 1.3, I was a gunnery commando. It sucked having to be a standing turret, but the damage was good. After 1.3, I noticed my DPS sucked. I went to Assault and my DPS was much much better. I am 100% in belief that assault is the way to go for PvP right now.


    PvE - I am running PvE as assault right now, but I have seen many a posts saying the gunnery is still the way to go. That said.. does anyone have a great build to share? Is there a cookie cutter gunnery spec these days?


    Gear/Stats - We are running EC SM right now. I am full Rakata with head and legs BH and my MH is my War Hero canon. Fully buffed, I was sitting close to 2200 aim. From what I read, but not confirmed, 2100 Aim is the soft cap and after that, you start seeing diminshing returns in Aim. Can anyone confirm this? When upgrading to BH gear from Rakata, I have noticed a couple things. 1) I lose a ton of accuracy 2) I tend to lose Aim as well. In terms of crit and the mythical 30% Cap... I read that it's not a total of 30% that is the cap. It's 30% in each of the stats you get crit from. Crit tiself is an addition of crit from aim, from crit itself, etc. I read that the cap for each of these is 30% and not the total crit value. I'm floating around 38% right now in crit. 75% multipiplier. Where do I get the accuracy that I'm losing? I don't remember if Gunnery adds accuracy anywhere that assault does not. Being that accuracy is #2 behind AIM, I'm surprised we lose so much upgrading from Rakata to BH. Back to the aim cap... I can understand if there is diminishing returns at 2100 for AIM... maybe that's why BW lowers our AIM value in BH gear.


    Inputs? Suggestions?


    PvP- Most people do consider assault to be better, but Gunnery is just as good. I always ran Gunnery because I used to do a lot of PvE also and never felt like respecing. I still do Gunnery, even in Ranked Warzones, and I'm normally one of the top dps on the team. The other day in a Ranked Civil I was top damage at 676k, so Gunnery is still good too.


    PvE - I haven't done much PvE in over a month and a half now, but we had downed SM EC within 3 days of release and were working on HM EC, so I at least have a little bit of experience. My regular gear was full Rakata with Black Hole Earpiece (this will be your largest aim increase from Rakata to BH, so get the earpiece first.). I never did bother to augment my stuff, other than my Rakata relics, but post 1.3 it's so easy to augment items I would suggest augmenting everything. Black Hole Annihilator's Implants give a pretty big power increase over the Rakata implants, so I would suggest getting those also.


    As for Accuracy, you want your base accuracy to be 104%. If you're lacking, I suggest checking mods/enhancements in some of your Rakata gear and making a few changes while still keeping as much of the other stats as you can. I normally found that I was right at 101 or 102% without even really trying though, so you shouldn't be too far off of that mark.

  8. They used to be abundant because they were easy to play, and when they got nerfed everyone re-rolled, like always.


    I personally created a Commando as my first character because I loved an assault cannon, and I've stuck with him the whole time. In current warzones, I'm normally top dps on my team roughly 75% of the time. In the game, maybe 50%. In rated warzones, I fare about the same. I actually did 676k damage in a ranked warzone the other day. I also did over 600 dps in a regular Voidstar about a week ago. While I know that's not over the top impressive or anything, most people consider my class to be a space waster in warzones. We're still competitive if people play them smart.

  9. Oh no I appreciate the help!


    So you are saying that every 4.5 sec it increase my damage automatically? Without me doing anything?


    I should be able to see the change in my stats and I don't. If it was every 4.5 secs...i would see it go up and down before my eyes right?


    Also how does this interact with Combat Technique?


    One way to test it would be to equip the damaging relic, and do a short combat log on a dummy, upload it to a website (I personally have used dpsmeter.com) and look at their damage breakdown to see exactly how much damage your relic is doing over a certain amount of time, assuming that it counts as its own type of damage.


    And, the 4.5 seconds is a 30% chance. It's not guaranteed. So, if you take the max damage every 4.5 seconds (which is, I believe, 224 damage every 4.5 seconds with a 30% chance) then you're looking at almost 50 dps added with a 100% chance. With the 30% chance, you're right at 15 in the long run. Theoretically, equipping two of these would double that (with the 60% chance) although the proc can still only occur once.


    I personally double stack boundless ages now, due to the nice power increase. That power increase is a constant dps increase, although I'm not sure the difference is easily quantifiable, if at all.

  10. This whole thread made me LOL. First, OP. Stop snobbing it up and listen to yourself. If you think that DPS mercs have no place in PvP, then you are very mistaken. A well-run DPS merc is more reliable than a not-so-well-run Sniper or Operative. Marauders are a no-brainer for DPS, but they're about to get hit with the nerf-bat if the usual "sniffle sniffle whine whine" pattern holds.


    In short, if a player can't run a DPS merc effectively, then that player should reroll to a Marauder since they obviously aren't smart enough for the tougher class..... at least until the probable Marauder nerf, when we will get a whole new set of QQs going on because "mah l33t pwnage marauder iz not so l33t no more". :p


    I loved this lol. I agreed with almost everything you said, and I actually have a 50 Commando, Sniper, and Marauder, which are 3 of the 4 classes you mentioned. My Commando is more geared than the other two, so I won't compare their dps per wz, but I WILL compare my Commando compared to most of my teams in both regular warzones and ranked's.


    In regular warzones, whether I'm with a group or soloing, I'm almost always top dps. In ranked warzones, I'm top dps more often than not (and yes, we actually win about 70-80% of our games as a guild, so it's not that I have a bad team). So yes, Commandos/Mercs still have a place in PvP.

  11. If the next match is an 8 minute win, you are ahead by staying.


    Dude, u so pro!


    While I agree with you completely, I would also like to point out that you didn't add in the load times to the non quitting column. It won't be as much time as the quitting column, but it would still add a few minutes to the total time.

  12. I'm a Gunnery Commando as well, but I don't normally run into this problem. Of course, I try to stay away from pug Ranked Warzones, as I've never found a good one. I suggest trying to find a good pvp guild on your server and running with them.


    As far as dps goes, we can still put out some good damage. I did 676k in a Civil War earlier today, which beat second place ( a sentinel) by 57k, and third place (a gunslinger) by 242k.

  13. We always ran through the fight as well, but make sure that your entire group is mounted when the tanks start the fight. Then you can just ride through to the other side (as long as you don't get hit by the AoE). There's almost no need for instant dps/heals in the first few seconds anyway.


    I was a ranged DPS when we downed this fight, but we haven't been able to raid on my server in almost a month now. We didn't have too many problems with Fearful, and we had two Gunnery Commandos as the rdps. Just stand at 29 or so and you'll never get it. I normally handled cleansing healers and rdps of the DoT debuff, just have a few people keeping an eye on it.

  14. I have yet to go to a server where Imperials win most of the time. And I have characters on six different servers (currently).


    The topper is that most of them aren't intelligent enough to distinguish between east and west. They have to use left, right, snow, and grass. I had never heard ANYONE use the terms snow and grass to describe a side in Civil War until I re-rolled an Imp alt just to try it out.


    So no, not all servers are this case, although from what I can see it is pretty common for the Imperials to have both more people and more gear (simply from getting a lot of same faction warzones that the Reps don't have the people to field.)

  15. I really like this idea as well. I really don't have a reason from a gear standpoint to do anything other than HM EC anymore. On the other hand, I do enjoy doing raids of any kind (since they're so rare on my server these days) and I don't mind helping other people get gear, but it would be nice if there was a continuous reason for me to do some of the older content that I've already cleared a lot.
  16. He is for now, but that's mostly just because he has the best gear and the most time into him. He was my first 50, but now I have 3 50's, and two other characters that have completed Act 1. I think my favorite character so far is my Marauder, I wish my server wasn't dead so I could actually try out end-game content on him.
  17. The first time we cleared this instance we had a Commando healer, and he had many of the same problems you've described, especially on the second boss. If you can ever get the group, one thing that helps is bringing in a Commando or Sage as a DPS, because they can off-heal themselves during the pipe phase and potentially save you 2-3 heals. On the other bosses he didn't have nearly as many problems, especially after we'd run it a few times and learned better strats for em.


    And I have to agree with the 1.2 content. We were working on HM EC when D3 came out, and after downing the first boss a few times we haven't got another try because my server is too dead. Can't wait for server transfers so I can actually start doing end-game content again instead of continuing to work on my fourth 50.

  18. And you're forgetting the part where they could probably agument Relics with them. Rakata Augmented Relics are some of the best in game, and were unique to Artificers. Now everyone will be running around with Augmented Campaign, and the one perk to being Artifice is gone.


    Yeah, I just spent the last week running dailies to get another chance at RE'ing a Campaign Relic. Finally got it, so I can make the BoE ones for anyone, but I'll have to get my Armstech character to make Augment slots for it. That's not fair, considering they're asking an artificer that invested the time to LEARN the Campaign schems to invest even more time (or money) into an augment kit or a character that can make them.

  19. I agree, i would add doing daily/weekly flashpoints aside from PVP are the only ways to bump up your gear now. I was looking forward to crafting some quality LVL 50 endgame gear for my self, something unique that is not the same as many other 50's. I just reached that level as one of the two highest levels in my guild. Now i see my crafting skills are useless for myself, other then crafting for selling on the market. So now, i have to get high end flashpoint gear and pull the parts at an extreme expense. What happened to Bioware's objective of letting people wear their unique looking gear, they want to wear.


    For starters, gear from Flashpoints, with the exception of the Rakata chest from Lost Island, isn't good enough to be used in progression raids. Just a fact of life. Also, you can basically wear any gear to raids that's orange, as long as it's the same armor class as you use, which will change in 1.3 to encompass all orange gear types. Not only that, but crew skills currently make the best gear in the game, that it takes other people days to gather the commendations for. Artifice can make Campaign relics, Cybertech can make Black Hole earpieces, and Biochem can make Black Hole implants, and all of those are without EVER having to do a raid. In addition, if you have done HM EC or NM EC, you can RE your campaign drops and learn those schematics too.


    And to the OP, the facts that I just pointed out means that crafted gear is currently THE most powerful gear in the game.

  20. I would have to agree with the person that said Operative/Scoundrel... The Upper Hand mechanic can be difficult to keep track of and effectively manage. I don't know how good they are in Endgame though, mine is only level 34.


    That being said, I have a 50 Sniper, and a 47 Annihilation Marauder, and both are extremely easy in PvP. I have never understood why people consider Marauder to be difficult, keep your dots up, watch your defensive cooldowns and keep your stacks of Annihilation up and you're almost invincible 1v1. The Sniper is pretty easy in PvE, his 35 meter range means he doesn't get hit often. The Marauder/Sniper are pretty comparable in DPS from what I've seen, but I haven't done any end-game content with the Marauder yet for obvious reasons. I also have a 50 Gunnery Commando, and while they're good DPS in PvE (mostly cuz you don't have to move very often) they aren't any good against a skilled player in PvP.


    Another class that might be worth looking into is Infiltration Shadow or Deception Assassin. I've only seen one person that's very good at it though, and I can't speak from experience.

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