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  1. L2P? L2R -- "learn to read". What the oh-so-predictable "learn to play" crowd didn't pick up on -- because they didn't really read my original post -- was that I was examining combat logs, lifting hits versus crits, and running ratios. In other words, hard evidence that the crit factor, among other defense-related parameters, had increased dramatically. The average range for mob crits across Ilum and Makeb against a level 52 Sentinel of any of the three types was 54-79% depending on weak to strong, etc., more than double what I was seeing before the release. Another telling metric is the repair cost of damage done to gear without death, which has increased by an order of 46%. As others have pointed out, player offense seems fine; it's defense that's screwed up -- classes are squishier and I suspect it's largely because mob crit and other defense-related factors need revision. Other threads have indicated that it's not restricted to the Sentinel class but seems to be a global issue. I have no doubt that eventually the problem will be fixed, but for now life is quite difficult out there. I'm actually having fun with the extra challenge, but it's mighty expensive....
  2. It's not a question of L2P; I've been analyzing the combat logs in PVE for all three versions -- offense is OK, but they have no defense at all and are constantly critted by strong and weak mobs up to 5 levels below. Even a fully-outfitted medic can't keep up with the healing. So whereas yesterday I had an excellent chance of taking down a level-equal "gold" mini-boss, today I can't take down two "silver" strong mobs or four weak mobs two to four levels below without serious problems. I'm sure this wasn't the intent, but it's there. I'm going to set aside my Jedi Knight until the issue is fixed; I have an Imperial Agent to level. Anyone know how they have fared in this latest release?
  3. Meaning no disrespect to Bioware or the game -- which I've enjoyed for years - but more of this is needed in future development : "Wanderers" By which I mean exploration, "fantastic" realism, and a sense of romantic wandering through the natural galaxy. Oh, and base-jumping off a seven-mile-high cliff like the Verona Rupes on Miranda would be cool, too.... Carry on.
  4. As the title says, is there a cap on medical supplies missions in Diplomacy? I hit mission level 33-40 and immediately there were no more missions with medical supplies offered -- companion gift missions only. I've logged on or re-logged a total of 42 times in the last 10 days, and not a single medical mission has showed up for any of my crew. Plenty of medical supplies missions are still available in the lower levels, however. Is this a "feature" or a bug? If it's a feature, it's a bloody peculiar one. I've searched, and all I can find is a suggestion to "reset" the missions by doing several lower level medical supplies missions. That hasn't worked. Thanks for any replies.
  5. Lord Malichose, last encountered on Alderaan, has just popped up again on Corellia. This fellow is John Malkovich, correct? He looks like John Malkovich, speaks with the same tonal inflections, glottal stops, emphasis on first syllables, and lack of punctuation as John Malkovich, moves a bit like John Malkovich (leans over objects, grimaces and gestures with one hand), and even has similar name. If the voice actor isn't John Malkovich -- and he probably isn't -- he and the artists do a good imitation. Intentional, right -- as in Easter egg? If so, are there other "known entities" in the game?
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