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Posts posted by Regentlord

  1. Hmm... personally this was amazing for me. Went from 80ms on Harb to 20ms.


    I could see how annoying this is for actual West Coast players though.


    The one thing that is good about this though, is it makes cross server warzones/ops closer than ever.

  2. Hey, with the new patch changes to bolster, what does the "checklist" for solo ranked look like now?


    There is the obvious things like: Valor 25, stims, and adrenals.


    What about gear? How do you get gear for ranked, or do you even need it anymore? If you do need it how long does it take to get?



  3. Ultimately, to all who disapprove of the time (or whatever) keep in mind, if we lived in a culture where cheating wasn't so common, this wouldn't be such a problem. It isn't Bioware's fault that people cheat, win trade, etc. It's the players. It's just so common anymore to lie on a resume or cheat on a game. No care for the harm to another, so long as someone gets what they want. It makes every aspect of life less enjoyable and unfair. One who will cheat in the least little thing, will cheat in the most, not caring whom they hurt. And before you flame me, if all who live in glass houses should probably think twice before casting stones.


    Yes I'm old. But this whole cheating thing is not Bioware's fault. And prob 50% or more cheat somewhere. It's only when you're on the raw end of the deal do you realize how much it really sucks.


    Le t the rest of us just refuse to allow it in our lives. Good guys don't always win in the end, but then, do we really know what the end is? Light will eventually shine into the darkness.


    ... You realize that 99.9% of players don't cheat. It is just that the .1% that do ruin it for the other 99.9%.

  4. With the current state of class balance, it is incredibly hard to kill anyone in matches with healers and tanks. As long as both the healer and tank are decent the match will go to acid 100% of the time. This is already insanely tiring and boring, but the mechanics of acid and the mechanics of bolster do not work well together. For whatever reason, some players with worse gear will get bolstered to have a few thousand hp more (but less stats maybe?) than geared players. When it comes down to acid they always win by one tick.


    Either bolster needs to be fixed or acid mechanics need to be redone. They could even replace acid with something where healing is reduced by like 50% and it goes up until someone dies.


    1 Healer 3 DPS = FUN

    1 Tank 3 DPS = FUN

    4 DPS = FUN

    1 Healer 1 Tank 2 DPS = NOT FUN

  5. I think this suggestion is a bad idea.

    It would limit the writers in how how these characters are used in any future story content.


    They are already "permanent" you just have to start the chapter, grab them and leave. I don't see why they shouldn't make them easier to grab, or they need to make them not go outside their chapters.

  6. Hey guys,


    Me and some friends are resubbing. We all really like to PvP so we were wondering where to go for the fastest pops/best ranked competition. We all got auto-transferred to Shadowlands, but I hear that Harbinger might be the most popular PvP server now? Is that true?



  7. When WoW added 64bit client the only performance improvement I got was it fixed my system from crashing when they tried to load a movie file, specifically the one for killing the Lich King.


    It seems to me a lot of people don't really understand what a 64 bit client does, and that it might not really be that helpful.


    Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see one, but it's doubtful it would be the miracle players are touting it as.


    It seems you don't understand what it does.


    WoW was not affected much when they first came out with the 64 bit client because up to that point the entire game was built to run on 2 gigs of RAM. The reason they came out with the 64 bit client was so that, in the future once everyone had 64 bit os and more than 4 gigs of ram, they could make use of it.


    SWTOR was never developed to run on only 2 gigs of RAM, you can see they tried to get around the 32bit cap by process splitting, but it still isn't enough.


    Developing a proper 64 bit client for SWTOR would show immediate, moderate gains in performance for almost every player that has a computer made within the last five years.

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