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Posts posted by OsarionRDM

  1. Dead my ***.


    Yep, that's MORE than enough people to play with, and a lot of monthly income for Bioware.


    They just need to reduce the amount of servers. Drastically. That would be a huge boon to the game overall.

  2. Despite the incorrect use of the word "merge" that people keep doing, transferring and closing dead servers is probably the FIRST thing they're going to do for FREE.


    If by "Transfer" they mean a complete transfer of ALL characters off any given server(s), then it'll all be the same to me. Sounds like you're just arguing semantics.

  3. => Biowave, please open up your eyes, and react before it's too late.


    Leveling to 50 IS too fast. There's plenty of good content to look forward to while leveling. Hell, it's mostly all that this game's got.


    But indeed, it is too late. Too many people are 50 now. Damage is done.

  4. The feeling that server mergers will signal decline is ridiculous and insane. It's clear to EVERYONE that server mergers are needed to stop people from leaving due to low server pop. It's a vicious circle that needs to end.


    EA/BioWare need to man up and admit that the way the servers were handled in the first week was a mistake, and announce in a clear and confident way, that server transfers off those servers, then merging some and closing the dead ones will be a one time correct of that initial error.


    The gaming community needs strong, healthy, populated servers and they need to start seeing some better communication and transparency from the dev team. All people want is the ability to play a game they like in an atmosphere that is clear and fair.




    I don't see how a server transfer ALONE is going to alleviate the problem. Allowing transfers TO a dead server won't help -- who'd want to go to a dead server? Allowing them FROM dead servers would be insane, as the remaining population would be even more screwed.


    Close and merge the dead servers. Period.

  5. Would it not be considered a short cut to have the gear be the same?? Why should anyone who hasn't but in the time raiding and got the gear be allowed into an end game raid?? Why should anyone who hasn't built up the valor be allowed in a ranked PVP function??


    Part of doing the grind for your gear is becomming good at your craft.. Be it PVP or PVE??


    I don't think anyone should be able to enjoy the benifits of both with out doing the grind for both..


    I also think it cheapens the work required to get the gear.. Why should someone who is in full Rakata gear be allowed into a high ranked PVP match when he hasn't PVP'ed before?? Nor should a PVP'er be allowed in to a HM KP or Story mode Denova in full BM gear, with no experience in raiding..


    I do think our communities should come together, but I don't think this is the way to do it..


    PvP should be (and used to be) about player skill. Not beating someone with your gear. It's as simple as that. Good and bad players will stick out, and will be invited or not invited to raids and such. A game like DAoC did it RIGHT. It's a damn shame that game was killed by Mythic.

  6. Step 2: make top tier PVP gear = top tier PVE gear (or build infrastructure to allow equitable exchange for time rendered)


    Step 3: allow PVP skill to differentiate good players with good gear from good PVE players with good gear


    Step 4: let the player have fun without some stupid differentiation requiring some epic amount of farming to be moderately competitive.


    Currently, Expertise HAS broke PVP.


    I don't think examples are needed, theres been some pretty epic rage posting lately with regards to the new system. The easiest system is almost ALWAYS the best. Make gearing consistent from raiding and PVP, then let skill determine the winners. GZ, BW: get rid of expertise and SAVE YOUR GAME.



    I agree about removing the Expertise stat, but my theory goes in a slightly different path.


    * Remove Expertise from all gear.

    * Keep PvP gear rewards and make them nice still. On par with PvE gear, stat-wise.

    * Make all abilities scale differently when used in PvP than PvE.


    #2 allows both PvP'ers and PvE'ers to experience endgame, whichever path they decide to go.

    #3 let's Bioware tweak PvP for balance while leaving PvE alone (read: PvP nerfs no longer nerfing PvE'ers).

  7. Lets face it with the subs being under 700k most likely right now if the cancelation really did cancel, and with coming better games that wont be rushed released you can bet that SWTOR will have a mass fall by mid year, infact by end of 2012 this game will have only 200k subs if that. Fact is if SWTOR released same time GW2, MOP and DIablo 3 they wouldnt have even sold over 1million copys. maybe 300k


    Hey, Nostradamus, what's $12.99*500,000*12? Hint: It's $77,940,000. 77 million dollars a year even with 500,000 subs. Just because an MMO doesn't have WoW like sub numbers, doesn't even REMOTELY mean it's a failure. Hey, can I have tomorrow's lotto numbers, while you're predicting the future?


    PS: I say all this as a staunch critic of this game. I just love injecting some reality into the minds of the delusional ;)

  8. But its true with Guild Wars 2 Diablo III and also Tera online looming over the horizon SWTOR is in serious trouble, posters here may say it a million times over and over again but the fact remains that its true.


    Don't you people ever get tired of this?


    When Rift came out it was ZOMG it's going to kill X Y and Z MMO. When TOR came out? ZOMG! Kill X Y and Z MMO! When GW2 comes out? ZOMG, going to kill TOR Rift and other MMOs! When the next big thing comes out? ZOMG!!! Going to kill GW2 and Tera! And so on and so on. Blah blah blah, same old crap over and over again. So sick of it...

  9. Hi there,


    You can find the Community Forums here.


    Best of luck!


    Welcome to the Community Forum! This forum exists so that Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ community members can discuss community sites, fan sites, and general community topics.


    The Off-Topic forum was closed a while before the game launched. Was a bit of a controversy; not so much that it was closed, but Bioware's typical stonewalling of the community that wanted to know why they had chosen to close it.

  10. Noone is denying that there are some servers with light populations. The issue is the scope of the problem. Don't confuse anecdotal evidence with statistically representative data.


    Sorry, but this is ridiculous. Where do you expect to get statistically representative data, exactly? Do you expect Bioware to come out and show us a bunch of bar graphs or some crap like that?


    No. Roll a character on a low pop server like the one suggested, or on mine, Kinrath Spider if you want to know what "Some servers with light populations" truly means. It's bad. Take our word for it or go see for yourself, I don't care which. Pull your head out of the sand with that "Some servers with light population" nonsense.

  11. The fact that you're asking to have Expertise removed from the game just goes to show you don't understand PvP. The point of Expertise is so that PvE doesn't dominate PvP. Furthermore, so that PvP doesn't become a trivial side past time for PvErs.


    Make all gear and abilities have alternative stats/powers exclusive to PvP, when in PvP. Bam, no more need for Expertise stats OR class nerfs which screw over PvE. Simple solutions and whatnot.

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