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Everything posted by TwoGod

  1. No that's a reasonable game but you said top heals and top 3 on damage, if you're managing to do both in the game then the other team isn't doing something right. I by no means said you're bad, or unskilled. I said if you're managing to top the healing chart while still being in the top 3 of dps. Then other team isn't playing properly, your team completely out gears them, or you're team is a premade and theirs isn't. Also not every game has 3 healers for both sides. Lack of dps and a surplus of healers inflate numbers. And if you're going to be collecting screen shots. Don't pick and choose, play 10 games in a row and post the outcomes. I have pictures of me doing over 800k healing pre 1.2 with around 60k damage. Doesn't mean I pulled it off every game. Edit: Also if you click the word healing or the word damage on the scoreboard it makes viewing healing done/damage done comparisons easier. Second edit: When you say top the healing, 3rd on dps I'm assuming you mean overall not your team.
  2. Ok, here's my dilemma with you're logic " I said we didn't have the raw throughput of for example a merc, I meant that it was a small difference, which I believe is compensated for by our utility." Ok so not only do we have less raw output than a mercenary; but also have Light armor: avg 2500 armor (18.8% reduction) vs Heavy armor avg:4500 armor (29.41% reduction) 11% or so less damage reduction against kinectic and energy. Utility only gets you so far against skilled players. It's our lack of survivability and raw output that make us the easiest healer to focus down; and least viable of the three healers.
  3. If you're managing to get top heals and top 3 on damage, you're playing against terribads. Good players should be focusing you down. You're squishy, capable of decent dps, and able to prolong the life of others. Which if they aren't marking you in a wz they are doing it wrong.
  4. Tried a few specs so far, liked this one the best the 1 point you can put where ever. Affliction people up bubble yourself to get distance. Stay in their dead zone or LOS. Works better if you have teammates who know how to peel/help you out however. Spec
  5. Alright so I keep seeing this and I just want to double check the meaning. I know that HPS is healing per second; but HPCT is that Healing per cast time?
  6. You're mistaken in your beliefs, I'm actually for at the very least a LFG system of some sort. So put the poll in game somehow, advertise it on the website, put up billboards, and commercials. Then see what comes out on top. I'm all about giving the community what they want. But I'm also a believer that if you care enough to want something changed, care enough to be involved in the development.
  7. It does not in anyway penalize low pop servers. Penalize definition - "to put under a disadvantage or handicap." It's not handicapping you in anyway, it's still giving you an advantage. And what do you expect if you play when less people play your going to have a harder time finding a group. Even WoW's LFG system was slow depending on when you used it. So take a vote, put up some different options and see what which comes out on top. Majority rule. I have no problem with that. No it won't group you, you have to do the put together the group yourself. All it does is give you the means of seeing who is interested in running the flashpoint.
  8. LFG Systems So I apologize for not going back and reading all 124 pages of responses, seriously that's way more time then I'm willing to allocate to one issue, but I skimmed through and read some pro and some anti arguments. So here's two hypothetical systems that may sate some peoples concerns, though not in there entirety: System 1 - A simple Global LFG Channel. Not a whole lot of coding changes need to be made. It's simple and it's semi-effective. It doesn't take away from the "Social interaction" if anything it gives a whole new forum for it. The /who function would need an update to be global as well and have a name syntax. System 2 - A Non-Cross Server Global LFG system that simply puts your name/level/class/role on a list for the instances you want to run. A person wanting to put a group together can then go through the list and figure out who they want. By either talking to the person or inviting them then explaining what the invite was about. These two systems don't detract from social interaction or server community while providing a faster/broader way of finding a group. Any questions, comments, concerns, feedback?
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