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Posts posted by Prapcaster

  1. I unsubbed and uninstalled. I suggest you all do too. There's nothing left for pvpers in this game just play another game. You'll never love this game like you did at it's peak so just have fun in games where the devs actually try.

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  2. 7 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    That’s more of the matchmaking algorithm not working than 2 queue options. Unless you’re saying the 4 tanks are in a pre-made 🤷🏻‍♀️

    What you have to understand is the game really doesn’t have the PvP population anymore to have 2 seperate solo & group queue for arena or probably WZ either.

    When I was advocating for seperate queues 7-10 months ago, there was still a chance that seperate queues might have worked if the devs hurried up & implemented it. But since that time, the current mixed system & non competitive reward design setup has driven many players from PvP & from the game who will never return. As well as conditioning some other players to think that PvP can only be played in premades. 

    IMO, the best chance to stop PvP from completely dying now is to make either drastic changes to the mixed queue system or find a compromise that stems the exit of existing players. 

    The drastic changes Im referring to would be very unpopular with a portion of the population & may even make them leave too. That would be to remove all grouping/premade options for BOTH current queues & make them completely solo queue only. And while this is what some people want, I think it could be as just as detrimental to PvP & retention numbers than the current mixed setup because of how BioWare have conditioned some players in the last 10 months to think they need premades to win.

    The compromise I mention is to either make Arena a solo queue only & keep Warzones mixed, but with reduced premade sizes than now OR keep both Arena & WZ’s as solo/premade mixed, but both with reduced premade sizes. I can see the benefits & pitfalls of both options.

    But the real question we should ALL be asking is, “are the devs ready to admit the current setup isn’t working & is driving players away”. 
    If they refuse to even discuss the topic or listen to the player base or reflect on their own data, then PvP is going to continue to lose more players & the matchmaking system will never work. At that point, they may as well remove PvP from the game because it will be more detrimental to games rep as keeping it 😞

    I agree with most of that. My thoughts on the pvp dying is that this next live stream will either bring pvp back or be the nail in the coffin

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  3. 17 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    What I said isn’t false. It is impossible to properly balance 4 man premades against solo players.
    But your compromise of 2 man size limit would make it work better as long as the matchmaking doesn’t put 2x 2 man premades on the same team against solo players. 

    It isn't imbalanced there's an entire queue option missing that's supposed to be there. queue group arenas and queue solo arenas. Removing it has resulted in the death of 4's as a whole. The only thing imbalanced is when you queue solo and your entire team is nothing but tanks and the other team is a solo queued perfect meta.

  4. 53 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    The learning curve is much steeper than swtor, especially if your learning at a lower lvl. But at least it’s a lvl playing field when it comes to gear/stats & access to all abilities. There are also areas where you can setup & test all these abilities (even if you aren’t high enough to use them in the pve game yet).

    I think GW2 does this really well. Which is why I’ve been pushing swtor devs to look into doing the same since they basically killed lowbie PvP participation when they removed PvP comms for dedicated PvP gear.

    Honestly, the current lowbie PvP system is an absolute utter joke. Lvl 10’s vs lvl 40’s and lvl 40+ vs lvl 75-79’s (with the caveat that lvl 75’s can have gear bonuses 🤦‍♀️). If I was a new player or new pvper trying it out for the first time as l lvl’d up, I wouldn’t bother either. 

    It’s why we have people trying PvP for the first time at lvl 80 instead of learning as they lvl up. That’s why most of them have zero idea how their classes work or what 75% of their abilities actually do because they don’t need them in the devs dumbed down version that the pve part of the game has become. 

    The Swtor Devs since 4.x seem to always take a good idea or system & nearly always ruin. So maybe we should be careful what we wish for 😵‍💫

    gw2 is fun but weapon swappin isthe worst thing ever added to an mmo and for some asinine reason other companies try to replicate it. Literally just give us two hot bars instead of this nonsense. 

  5. 4 hours ago, septru said:


    I qued solo arenas too, for the first time in a long time. I got against them. It was the most fun arena I've had in a long time. We lost, of course. It was closer than I thought it would be. I probably could have won, if my teammates weren't utter dog water. 


    Pugs are just so bad these days. It's become disgusting. My sin didn't stealth out any of the 3 rounds. I asked him "hey bud can you please stealth." And he literally responded with (verbatim quote), "stealth is for *****." 

    That's what people don't seem to get when they want premades deleted from swtor. People aren't making them do delete noobs all night that $hit is boring af for everyone invilved. It's fun when you go against another premade and actually have a challenge. But like you said the other team mates are complete dogwater. Last time I went against a premade in 4's which is honstly pretty rare. It was the funnest match I've had since ranked was removed. We would've won if the other dps could clear more then 2k. 


    Edit: More of just thinking out loud here but when will gutting content from the game be enough for these people? First ranked was unfair and toxic to them so they cried on the forums until it was removed and now premades are unfair and toxic to them so they're crying to have them removed. When will it ever be ebough to when it's fair?

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Enomars said:

    i get what you are saying. i literally play every single class in the game. It ain't pretty if I que as a Shadow tank or infiltration.  Two cloaks is good but give me a ranged class. get me out of that melee pile. 

    if que by valor don't forget everyone on your team is also qued by valor there would be no noobs on your team. 

    Like for real, the 4 man queues would be better for sure. but 4 players with 4 noobs can still completely dominate a match of 2 experienced players on the other team with 6 goobers running around.  


    Look at it this way. On my original server at launch there was this balance sage that was just the worst player you've ever seen. I mean present day michael j fox could probably play swtor better then him. The running joke saying with him was "You can two shot him but he's a really nice guy so we don't mess with him". This guy also happened to be the server first for elite warlord. Now would it be fair to put that guy into the harder bracket because of his legacy valor? Hell no.

    I get your frustration I share it the 8 man premades were a boneheaded idea from the devs and it's hurting pvp to a point. However what's hurting pvp even more is having no competetive mode for these people to go in. And there's no initiative for new players to log on. Seasons were a mediocre attempt to create even less work.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Lord_Malganus said:

    Sorry I missed that.

    Unfortunately ignoring player input and ignoring current PvP design is status quo.

    His idea also wouldn't work. I mostly play on sorc and jug and do well with them since they were my mains since launch. But I occasionally like to play operative and I'll be real it's an ugly sight to see me playing them lmao. So should I be thrown into the "elite queue" because I play well on two classes?

  8. 11 minutes ago, Enomars said:

     CURRENTLY. they were nerfed HARD last year around this time.  ask around if you don't know. 120k crits on watchdog. 

    they have been buffed twice as that nerf too hard of a nerf.   If you don't know this then you have not been paying attention or have not been consistently playing the spec.  

    And as I said many times before it is not a skill issue.  I can 1 v 1 many players no problems.   If you want you and i can go 10 rounds and I wipe the floor with you too. EnoMaster Starforge.  /who Eno its probably me.    we can meet at Lenore's rishi stronghold.   I have yet to lose a 1 v 1 at Lenore's rishi Stronghold. 

    The problem is Premades are hurting pvp.  While I don't care one way or another about losing. I just want a fair shot. I want the pvp community to thrive.  One way to do that is to valor vs valor balancing act linked to the que.  


    Brother I ain't readin allat 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Enomars said:

    I couldn't care less about what players in theory crafters have to say.   Entitled players who don't actually say anything useful.  The only reason i play balance was because of the horrid nerf Telekinetics got last year. One of the worst nerfs to any spec ever.  I just swapped over to balance because it was there. 


    TK is one of the hardest hitting specs still in pvp with one of the best cleaves in the entire game so it sounds like a skill issue. I play once a week at most and I'm rarely dropping below 15k dps in pvp. Your excuse is the same as the engineering abusers.

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  10. 37 minutes ago, Enomars said:

    Well i will tell you right now. The average player cannot kill me.  I am accidentally playing madness and that class is beyond broken.  Very few players can 1 v 1 madness players.  Certainly not new players.  So while premades ruin pvp.   Skilled players ruin noobs.  

    removing premades will help players like me GREATLY!  

    perhaps a way to balance skilled players vs new players


    Okay Enomaster the reason for that is because there's what...15 actual pvpers left across the actual game? I'd wager less then that. You play balance which is the most overtuned spec in swtor history while fully geared out. You don't have a higher skill level then everything they just have a 280 IR at most with usually no augments. Didn't you already get cooked on theorycrafters about this man?

    Your advice to the devs about what they should do while not terrible advice is nothing but blatant dillusion. This is a decade of these trash tier overpaid developers doign nothing to help pvp. They've been gutting content since 8v8 ranked was removed and they're not gonna start adding new balancing features because a mid balance sage that couldn't cut in the pvp community until they all left told them to.

  11. 17 hours ago, CadeStive said:

    Good crew, hard team to beat. Ran into them a few times back in the day. But to your previous post, you're still right. They still barely touch their own game, and it shows. Not only those videos but the other one that Modny was in.

    Musco honestly needs to move onto other projects. Just judging by the livestreams they do once in a while he looks so done with all of it. EA sapped all the joy he had for the game out of him and there's zero chance he'll ever have it again.

  12. 8 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

    Are you accusing them of lag switching because you can't hit them since you're clicking all your abilities? Because I promise you that nobody in this game is lag switching and even the thought of someone doing that is absolutely insane. Like... think about it - how would that work? Like from a technical PoV? What could be is that they are abusing d-sync but you can do that too, its fair game at the end of the day. 

    I agree for the most part but I've still seen some pretty sketch things in my time. Like two years ago there was this regstar guild that couldn't plant in voidstar and literally everyone on my team spiked to 700 ms exactly and when it came back down the bomb was planted and most of our team was dead. It was the most obvious one I've ever seen but other then that I've never seen anything.

  13. 5 hours ago, krackcommando said:

    I can't be bothered to sit through the drivel of these Biosword live streams (as you said, it's just planned PR nonsense). but I'm all-in for the anarchy that you want to avoid. let them feel some of the frustration, as it were....

    It was pretty funny to see all the content creators get mad at them for it then swtorista like the good lapdog she is said more content was coming

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  14. 21 hours ago, Bigfallenstar said:

    The same could be said about the ranked players, except they were violent than care bears, as they wanted anyone who didn't meet their impossible standards to stay out. Gatekeeping, death threats, insults, not having the right gear piece/tactical in their eyes, and not playing the class they want you to play. What killed ranked was that ranked players made that place as unwelcoming as possible.

    There'sa lot to unpack there so lets's break it down from most stupid to least stupid.

    1. "Queueing with the wrong or bad gear": If you queue with the wrong gear or lack of good gear you deserved to get vote kicked. Not gonna sugar coat that if you did that it's your own fault.

    2.  "Insults": Buddy this is a video game and hostile personailiteis have always been a part of the internet and won't be going away. Pinning that on the ranked community alone is just blatantly lying because you got your feelings hurt.

    3. "Gatekeeping": literally every area of the game does this stop dropping buzz words. I hang out with rpers a lot and I'm shocked with the amount of cliques and gatekeeping that goes on in those guilds. Same with the pve community it's all the same. 

    4. "Death Threats": Never saw any myself but not gonna say it doesn't happen because I've seen it happen in other games that I raid in.

    5. "Playing the wrong classes": Sorry man that's just the way she goes with pvp in every mmo. Devs will nerf classes to being unviable and nobody wants thopse on their team to anchor them. That's not a playerbase issue it's an mmo issue.

  15. On 9/16/2023 at 7:45 AM, septru said:

    This is not true. 


    A lot of people hated ranked because it was a "toxic cespool" or filled with wintraders or cheaters. This is was all exaggerated. This has been explained over, and over again. Ranked was only toxic if players entered ranked without any understanding of the game mode, or overwise provided 0 contribution. This is no different than PvP Seasons right now. I've seen multiple people use every slur in the book if their team loses a node. Honestly, regs has become much more toxic than ranked ever was. Wintrading too, is exaggerated much more than it was in actuality. Wintrading only really occurred for the Top3. The number of people that actually wintraded is probably the same number of players that AFK. 


    The first 3 months of a solo ranked season was extremely popular. On populated servers like SF and DM, solo ranked usually had 4-6 instances during prime time. It was only during the next months of the season, where participation would drop significantly. Despite, Eric Musco promising to keep ranked seasons to an average of 3 months, ranked seasons typically exceeded a year. It's no wonder why participation dropped significantly. This is literally the same thing that happens to the current PvP Seasons. After the season, or even after most people have finished the season, PvP Season's participation drops significantly too. 


    Granted, Group Ranked was much less populated than Solo Ranked. But this has long been documented to a failure to properly reward Group Ranked. For example, in late 5.0 at the end of Ranked Season 9, BioWare provided exclusive crafting material needed to create high end augments in ranked pvp and operations. It also allowed players to make progress on their Group Ranked Weekly and gain this crafting material by losing (at about 12x slower). Because of this change, Group Ranked had the highest participation levels ever. Everyone was playing group ranked. Non-pvp casuals forming up groups on fleet to grind crafting mats (much like how they grind PvP Seasons atm) but eventually learned to improve to beat each other, low-tier pvpers that beat the casuals, mid-tier pvpers that beatthe low-tier pvpers, and the top 1% pvpers that finally had more competition than just themselves. The problem previously with group ranked was that no one likes to constantly lose. But the introduction of crafting materials, incentivized and allowed everyone to win. After s9, BioWare removed crafting mats from Group Ranked, and it went back to dead. Again, this is no different than the current PvP Seasons. Without rewards, no one plays the game mode. If properly rewarded, the game mode has high levels of participation. 

    It's really interesting how all the excuses unravled from people. For years they said ranked was toxic and needed to be deleted. Now that ranked is gone they have the same excuses. Eight mans are an issue but they're hardly killing pvp. What's killing pvp is the same thing that's been killing it since 8v8 ranked existed. Care bears that demand they're pandered to or they'll burn everything down.

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  16. 49 minutes ago, septru said:

    I was LITERALLY just talking about this to some of my PvE friends the other day. I'm 90% Musco has had a personal vendetta against the PvP community ever since that video.


    There's no other reason for single handedly killing an entire community and removing an entire game mode that was practically self sustaining. PvPers didn't need new content, they would just continue paying their sub to play PvP. 

    Throwback to when we had "pvp" devs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwsiHUURPTc&ab_channel=vintageswtor

    • Haha 2
  17. 6 hours ago, merovejec said:

    lol as i thought. So you look like this:

    You are guilty!

    Show me proof!

    You know there is proof!

    You are guilty!

    Doesnt it seem silly to you?

    You still haven't denied it. If you want proof I'll give you proof. Google Mr Hands and all will be revealed to you. 

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  18. 32 minutes ago, merovejec said:

    Please show me where this is.

    Im glad that ranked is away cause it was onlly missused and I hope that many of the wintraders and toxic players left the game with the removal of ranked.

    you already know where it is stop projecting and man up and admit your only season above bronze was when you manipulated the queue. The fact that absolutely nobody has ever sided you on this is pretty telling of the sitiuation. 

    Also I've never actually seen you outright deny it. You type out incoherant rants about how nobody likes you yet you've never actually disputed the queue manipulation aside from crying.

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  19. 4 hours ago, merovejec said:

    heh define "people" who ist that? Like 10 players who came up with this conspiracy in the first place?

    Bought? How do you even buy this? I mean what would be the level of trust that someone must have had for a person to give him money and he do that for him?? Where do u even find ppl like that? Its just absurd to claim, which supports the fact even more that you dont have any real proof and just go with what someone, at some point said about me.

    I could come with any similar accusasion about you and spread it around until it becomes "the truth". Oh and some say i used bots, you say i bought it, so make up your mind please :D

    Now there is a change of tone, you trying to get on my good side? :D

    There is a lot to be said here, this is not the topic of discussion (your claim of me buying stuff, not even know what it was :D ), which reminds me that it was probably Ulavi and Riku who spread these lies about me and since they were from the biggest guild they made many hate me who didnt even know me.

    Anyway, yes, those achievements were a hard group effort back then with a few similar thinking people. Nothing the game wouldnt allow, plus our cleverness. I dont know what the novare "exploration" is.

    When did I write that? I have writen a list of the few things I have bought many times on the forums, I am not ashamed of that, its what the game allows and what players do. Its again off topic.

    This entire thing reminds me of kids in highschool that listened to certain types of music then when they graduated and heard people making fun ofkids that listened to it they called it cringe. Your angry deflection of all your past actions in swtor is absolutely embaressing. Man tf up and stop lying on the forums. You blatantly admitted to it on dulfy and on discord multiple times. You either have a horrendous comprehension of the english language or you're acting stupid in hopes people will lay off of you. Judging by the way you type it looks like you barely speak the language at all.

    People say wintrading and toxicity contributed to ranked removal. If that's true you're one of the biggest offenders that got it taken away.

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  20. 2 hours ago, merovejec said:

    Please not you too. Why would I pretend? I dont even get why this is still a topic like 10 years later. People say they will quit yet there are still ppl around that keep mentioning these theories. Others say they play WoW but just come to forums, but they must have sub then so wtf.

    Whole lotta yappin just to end up saying nothing

  21. 6 minutes ago, sithBracer said:

    Yes. that was his response to why they are getting rid of the old leaderboards. To me it just sounds like its too much work, and not worth the effort just to keep old leaderboards up. He later goes into saying that they were used to harass people, and that they have introduced a new way for you to flex with your personal battle record.

    How you took this, and thought they just don't know how to code and because of this sole reason they decided to just scrap ranked completely, is honestly beyond me.

    Why you're so triggered over words on the internet, is honestly beyond me. Take a breath and go for a walk I swear you'll be okay.

    Don't @ me again because I won't be responding to your man baby rage like everyone else does on here.

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