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Posts posted by Sylriana

  1. Of course dull is in the eye of the beholder and what you may view as dull I could view the new healing mechanics and resourse bottlenecks as strategic play that actually requires planning & forethought where practicle. I view the skill cap as having the bar raised in 1.2 that the 'attuned' players will strive for & achieve verses thoughtless 'highest HPS I win whackamole' epeen healing. That to me personally is 'dull' and gets old real fast.


    In theory you're right. Managing resources effectively can make healing more skillful and dynamic. This is not the case as far as I've seen in 1.2.


    The problem here is that the resource bottlenecks cause your options to be severely restricted from the get go. You have trouble managing resources because your tools to do so are so limited, not because it's hard.


    The issue with pre-1.2 raid content isn't that the healer is too versatile. It's that the content doesn't pressure you enough for those options to truly matter most of the time. Taking away options and increasing pressure, both of which 1.2 advertise they're going to do, doesn't make you more dynamic, it just pigeonholes you. If they had merely increased pressure without restricting options (either through better content or restricting nerfs only to output ) the class would be in a far better place IMO, because then you'd be able to use your resource managing tools in a meaningful fashion.


    There's even an example right in front of us. The 1.1 Medicine Op and Sawbones.


    They have limited tools to regen their resources and questionable healing abilities. Does that lead to more dynamic gameplay?


    No, the opposite actually. The Op's playstyle devolves into rotating your two most efficient heals, with the rare filler thrown in. There's no choice here. There's no meaningful resource management. It's just doing what's efficient because every other choice is a false one.


    1.2 BG/CM wont quite be that bad, but the situation is similar.



    It really bothers me too because I was hoping they'd do the exact opposite. The bodyguard was a fairly Intersting design, and could easy be a really dynamic and exciting spec with a few minor changes.


    Personally. I could ignore the field training nerf and the kolto residue nerf. But cutting supercharge in half? Two ammo Trauma probe? Whhyyyy?!

  2. the other school of thought, and I think the more important one, is that the changes make healing a lot less interesting. reference ChorusGirl's post about her changed rotation in order to manage heat. it's great that she's managed her heat, but now she's got a very boring rotation that involves a much higher % use of rapid shots. This makes the game play much more static, and uncreative.


    THAT is the reason why i won't heal as a merc anymore. i would have welcomed harder, i do not want boring.


    Looking back I realized I was tired when I wrote this and the post came off way too dickish, so apologize for that.


    I agree with this sentiment though. The changes make the spec much less dynamic and made the standard healing procedure much less interesting, which by extension makes the spec less fun and makes healing itself less fun because you can't have dynamic encounters if you force healed to play static.


    Funny to, considering that the second biggest complaint about Operative healing behind concerns over AoE and burst healing was that the spec didn't have much to do other than rotate KI and SP.


    I just think there's more constructive (and dignified) ways to try to fight this.

  3. The choices they made with BH healing were a bit questionable and I really wish they'd handled it differently, but hardly gamebreaking. Not like healing high end raid content wasn't trivial anyways.... So not sure why I'd stop over something as inconsequential as this.


    Hope y'all get some catharsis from the pity party though.

  4. Lightning storm seems a bit odd of a choice, since it's not an inquisitor skill, it's sorcerer specific.


    Seems like warriors/consulars/bhs get the short end of the stick in this regard though.


    For moves with short cooldowns like force project, can you use it continuously throughout the duration of Heroic Moment?

  5. Healers running around with unlimited mana pools limits design choices far more


    The changes in 1.2 don't remove the unlimited mana 'problem' though, it just reduces the number of non-HS buttons the commando can press in a given interval.


    The WOTLK comparison is disingenuous from the start though, because we're not actually talking about a class with truly unlimited resources. We're talking about a class with very finite resources who happens to have a completely sustainable rotation.


    The problem in Wrath is that, barring a catastrophic raid failure, a healer could essentially do whatever the hell they wanted and not run the risk of challenging their resources. That's not even remotely an issue in TOR, as it's extremely easy to resource starve yourself if you overcast your heals, and the regeneration deficit is extremely punishing.


    If anything I think we have the exact opposite problem with these changes. By making the commando less dynamic of a healer, you're forced to make encounters less dynamic as a result.

  6. Sure you can throw in healers in this equation to make the result worse. But for who?


    The healer makes the tank look much worse...


    This isn't WoW where you can slowly bleed a healer dry of resources. Burst to either out-damage the healer's healing or to force them to heal so hard that they break their regeneration is much more effective.

  7. If I'm reading that right.. the OP's suggestion would be a ridiculous amount of damage upfront.


    Madness is much more tricky as it is a pure sustained dps build being somewhat dot-oriented.


    Perhaps by changing creeping terror into something like "Target takes xx about of damage over 6-9 seconds. When the duration is finished target takes an addition xxxx amount of damage for each DoT present. Damage increased a further xx amount with darthmark"


    I'm not entirely sure we should even be looking to give madness burst. doesn't fit the spec very well imo. Everything it does is DoTs except death field.


    IC thundering blast is a good idea though, at least as a start.

  8. Extremely high cool factor ( throwing lightning or using a saberstaff ) and extremely powerful.


    Seems like an obvious choice for an overpopulated class... Also doesn't seem like a very good set of reasons not to roll one.

  9. Sorry i am kind of new to this, but why would you not use Affliction? Is't it just free damage?


    cloak of pain's duration extends when they take damage.


    and you don't want your breakable CCs to end early because of your dot.

  10. Also lightning strike is not kinetic damage, you can have all the armor in the world and it doesn't effect it's damage since it's ya know not kinetic. Which would make it pretty weird of it added an armor debuff.


    Uhh.... Lightning Strike does energy damage, which is effected by armor.

  11. They need to make all classes equal in play requirements. If one class requires 400 key binds to play the class than EVERY class should require 400 key binds to play, but each class has a huge gap in playability.



    I'm sorry, but that's a horrible idea. No matter which way you go with such a design change you're going to upset part of your playerbase, and why do something like that?

  12. OP for PvE? I disagree. Outside a few bugs skewing their DPS they're ( according to simcraft ) fairly similar to sniper damage.


    I think the easiest solution here would be to slightly nerf TM's damage (no more than 10%, and even that's probably stretching it), and then add onto "Light 'em up" something along the lines of "For each stack of Heat Signature on a target, increases the damage of Power Shot by X%"(1-2% per stack) and to slap Charged Bolts/Power shot onto Tracer Lock / Charged Barrel too as an activator too.


    Combine that with fixing the inflationary bugs and you'd be golden.



    Other than something like that, I can't really think of what you could do to change the spec anyways. Unless they tried something really weird like altering the talents radically enough to make explosive round/missile blast part of the arsenal rotation.

  13. So my gripe here is that the lore hasn't changed. They opened up Sith Pureblood for all classes without any change in the lore.


    The lore doesn't need to change though. The only issue present here is that you seem to be under the impression that every member of a given species must follow a predesignated template, which frankly doesn't work very well for sentients. Good RPers will have a good explanation for why their characters exist, and the bad RPers? You'd be avoiding them regardless of what class/race combination they picked.



    This seems to be a really common issue.. where people see what the lore describes as normal and some people decide to extrapolate that that's also the only possibility... like with the race issue.. and with the color crystal issue. The "Verisimilitude" thread was built around this issue too.


    I know vaguely what happens in the Jedi Knigth storyline and I have a comment to make on that.


    There's also ...



    A lightsided pureblood sith who you can convince that the Jedi's war with the Sith is not about genocide or speciesism, at which point he goes to join the jedi order, because the Jedi code matches his philosophy more than the sith code


  14. I think Kaliyo appeals to the people who take the dark side choices that make you look like a Sociopath stupid unfocused cruelty you get a lot of those choices as a sith. I shock you with lighting because it's funny look at how evil I am *twirls moustache menacingly*


    My first agent was almost pure darkside and I still hated Kaliyo.


    She's a miserable little wretch, and she's made even more insufferable by the fact that she has companion plot armor.



    When other people snooped around their room? My agent shot them on the spot.

    When other people tried to blackmail my agent? My agent them on the spot.

    When other people betrayed the Empire? My agent shot them on the spot.

    When other people acted like douchebags for no reason? My agent shot them on the spot.




    When Kaliyo does all of that and then some more? My only response is "Hurr. Kaliyo you so silly"

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