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Posts posted by Sylriana

  1. VGs and Shadows both have a pull. Ergo, Guardians could use a pull, even if it is nominally worse (they actually had one back in beta but it was stolen and given to Shadows for some unknown reason).

    VGs and Guardians both have a leap. Ergo, Shadows could use a leap, even if it is worse (Force Speed is *not* an equivalent; charges are instant, on lower CDs, and deal damage; Force Speed takes you a full 2 seconds to get back to the target and has no effect beyond just getting you back in melee with the target while requiring player input beyond a single key press).

    VGs are capable of tanking effectively at even long ranges (thanks to a full 30m range on so many of their attacks). Ergo, either VGs should have their ability to tank at range inhibited or Guards and Shadows should be given some additional capability to tank more effectively at long ranges (extending the range on Shadow ranged abilities and reducing the CD on Saber Toss).

    VGs are capable of capable of *heavily* frontloading their AoE threat with Mortar Volley. Ergo, either VGs should have their ability to frontload AoE threat at range with Mortar Volley reduces or Guards and Shadows should be given some capability to frontload AoE threat (by giving them similar long CD targeted AoE ability that fulfills a similar role; my vote is for a Saber Storm and Project Storm for each class respectively that channels in a similar manner).


    Erm, without going into specific balance concerns ( because I'm not well enough versed on the subject, and because it's utterly irrelevant here ) .. I have to disagree with the spirit of the post. It's perfectly fine to have differentiation in utility and options provided.

  2. Empire on VZ is pretty friendly... most of the time. General chat in the Fleet and Dromund Kaas gets weird though. By and large playerbase is active and friendly. Can't comment on Republic VZ, since my republic characters are on another server.


    Also: Juggernaut 21 point tanking talent > Guardian 21 point tanking talent. You really can't go wrong with the backhand ( in general I think the SW has more interesting presentation than the JK, though both of them are done really really well )

  3. Underworld trading is awesome for credit making. It seems it's not a very popular profession for whatever reason, so you get to price gouge miserably with underworld metals/fabrics (moreso metals ) on the AH.


    I'm actually thinking of leveling a new IA just so I can get an alt with Kaliyo for the crit bonus.

  4. Conceptually it's interesting. I don't mind it ( actually when I didn't even know about that when I first started crafting, I just used RE as a way to recycle mats for grinding purposes ), but some sort of pseudo-random system (essentially set the chance to RE successfully lower than expected, but have it increase with each failed attempt. A lot of games do this to make RNG feel less RNG'y ) to make it less frustrating for unlucky people would be nice.


    And I'd love for bioware to get rid of the ability to "learn" recipes you already know.

  5. There's a lot of things I kinda like about SWTOR's crafting. It has some interesting mechanics, and the mission system makes leveling gathering skills feel like less of a chore than it does in some other MMOs.



    I really think if they gave the GTN a decent UI and smoothed out crew skill balance/perks ( without going the WoW route.. ) it'd be a pretty decent system.


    They don't need to go the SWG route ( and the gathering in SWG wouldn't work in this game... and honestly am sort of glad it wouldn't.. wasn't a huge fan of that aspect of galaxies )... just make the experience a little smoother and more rewarding.

  6. It's always an issue for Ops since tank requirements don't scale with group size. But for Flashpoints and heroics it always seems like I'm stuck waiting for a tank when I'm on my Operative or Sentinel and that it's fairly easy to get my assassin in groups. Though it's definitely not as extreme here as in other MMOs.
  7. Seeing as how coma patients are, well, in a coma and therefore unable to analyze data and come to a conclusion (Nevermind that I don't think a blind and deaf person would be able to play MMOs very effectively or be able to compare/contrast healed very well, since they can't hear or see the information). I have to disagree.
  8. I don't need to main a OP to see we're this game is going. Poor nerfs will corrupt and leave a class in the dark. I'm out






    Not going to stick around for the next nerf on who knows what.



    Seems silly to declare a gamebreaking trend after only one set of changes, especially when those changes aren't gamebreaking to begin with either ( it only really undermines Concealment's performance as a raid spec ).

  9. Please stop replying and saying you still kill people. Everyone with half a brain realizes that yes, you can stun people longer now due to the resolve changes. However, PvE is totally borked, since it's a fairly significant nerf to PvE output.


    Yeah, seems that way. Personally didn't comment on PvE conceal because I only PvE'd as Medic or Lethality, so can't really comment on how much damage was lost.

  10. Still killing people relatively quickly, and my stunlock is even longer than it was pre-patch... so not seeing a point in rerolling.


    it's just a bad sign in general that you've got a small group of developers who are enamored with The Vision of how the game should be and only give token attention to the community.


    Wait, weren't we complaining a few pages ago about how the developers were listening to the community too much and not focusing on balancing the game? Now it's the other way around?


    On an unrelated note, I keep coming back to one thought: What if Concealment had been the tree we shared with Snipers, instead of Lethality? I know, strange thought, but think about it for a minute. How different would the game be if stealth was seen as a more normal part of the game, something a ranged class could use for hit-and-run attacks, instead of being solely the province of melee-range burst DPSers? (Yes, I know, Medicine types can stealth. I rarely see them actually do so, though.) And without the need to share with Snipers, Lethality could have been a more focused set than the haphazard mix of ranged and melee that it is now.


    I've always thought making stealth a baseline aspect of the imperial agent would have been a really interesting design, especially since it'd alleviate several of the issues Snipers have with their class too.


    Though I also don't think Lethality is as hopeless as people make it out. The spec could become amazing and unique with only a couple minor changes. The only truly damaging flaw with the spec is forcing one of the squishiest classes in the game, with a DoT based spec, to go into melee range. All they'd need to do to fix that is bump up the range on cull and weakening blast to something more logical and tack TA generation onto one of the corrosive moves through a mid-level talent.


    I'm not sure what they were going for with Lethality in its current form though. It's odd for Operatives because it's a spec that demands you avoid putting yourself in danger at all costs by relying on two long range DoTs... but then also demands you get into melee range. Even for Snipers it's a bit odd, because a Lethality sniper doesn't utilize any of the sniper's core mechanics.

  11. I really don't see why they'd nerf Powertechs. Or that if they did, that it'd be anything significant. It's a strong class, but there's no mechanics that even remotely appear egregious.


    Won't happen any time soon.


    We don't look cool, we aren't very flashy, and our numbers really aren't big. Just consistent and constant.


    Sin/Shadows, Ops/Scroun, and Sorc/Sage will be nerfed before anything else. And if you check the Ops forums, many of them are saying that the "nerf" they just got is a blessing in disguise.


    Our AC is overtuned though, but it matches with the fact that proper tanking of damage from certain attacks is undertuned.


    Uh, why shadows? I thought they were considered fairly universally to be nothing particularly special. ?

  12. Hmmmm.... Difference of opinion but I always thought lightnign was a sorcerer thing :o .

    How does it feel studying artifacts/doing dark sorcery?


    You're still going to be using lightning a lot as an assassin. It's what you imbue you lightsaber with, and you zap people with it ( primarily through shock and discharge ) a lot regardless of spec.


    On its face, the SI storyline doesn't appear to fit the assassin very well (mostly because of the name), but it's just a matter of framing.


    Think of it this way: If the Sorcerer is the SW equivalent of the traditional wizard archetype. Then the Assassin is this game's battlemage. You're still power hungry, you're still built around abusing the force to accomplish your goals. You just don't mind sinking a lightsaber into someone's stomach while you do it.

  13. Sith Warrior is ridiculously good... but I thought the IA story was one of the better stories in the game.


    I actually thought Trooper was the weakest so far ( though I'm only partly done with SI and haven't done consular, which are considered terrible by the community at large ), just because there's so little depth to it.


    Granted, there's nothing wrong with a straightforward story, the trooper story just feels almost too stragithforward (there's one, relatively minor twist in the entire plot I think?). Worse, the scope of the Trooper's story feels fairly insignificant and very insular compared to what people like the IA/SW/JK are going through. It felt like if the entire plotline suddenly evaporated into thin air that no one would even notice anything was missing. Though the smuggler suffers from this to an extent too.


    That's not to say I don't like the trooper story. It was a lot of fun, it just felt weaker than the others.

  14. ^ This, 100x This. Please stop discussing the medic/lethality hybrid like it is anything close to relevant. It's just as bad as a conc/lethality hybrid. Our top-tier talents are very strong, and to be DPS without either 31 pt talent is just crazy and will severely gimp your DPS.


    sub-optimal? Maybe. But to say it's irrelevant is a bit of a stretch. You're sacrificing a bit of single target damage for better support and the ability to forgo melee range. Some people consider that a decent trade.

  15. Nice work. I was trying the same thing but eventually got bribed into turning into an Operative around 40 ( though I did heroic quests alon the way )


    The most frightening part if you do pick an AC late is watching your credits disintegrate when you try to catch up on the training >.>

  16. I sort of agree. I don't mind leveling quickly, and after the first few alts sometimes you just want to power to 50...


    and the actual pace of the leveling itself is okay. That is, I feel the time it takes to get from 1-50 is about right...


    But I feel the game's way too tightly tuned level wise. It's way too easy to overlevel relevant PvE content ( my newest IA has had every planet be either Green or Grey simply because I've done all the heroics/planet quests/flashpoints and did a couple warzones )

  17. Right now it's a silly little rail shooter minigame. It feels like it could be much more, especially given that IP that we're working with here.


    I don't think anyone's talking about a full blown flight sim, just a little more than a low-end Starfox.


    There's a difference between being "inspired by" and blatantly copying.


    I love how EAware gets a pass from the fan brigade no matter what.


    I can't tell which is sillier: Getting upset at Bioware for 'stealing' an extremely basic design concept from another company. Or pointing to a product that came out in 2010 as the game being "ripped off" when this style of shooter has been around since the 80s.

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