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Everything posted by Lazengan

  1. You understand that this Sith Empire loses in the end right? The Republic is the only galactic government standing by the time of Episode 1
  2. I actually really enjoy PVE Vanguard DPS because of how assault plastique + stick grenade works. I can off some numbers even while disrupted or CC'ed moving boss fights especially, I have a huge advantage over commandos, who cannot kite and lay down their entire rotation effeciently I'm willing to take a 5% theoretically loss in DPS compared to commandos, but actually have the mechanics and defensive abilities to ensure I get my full rotation while remaining mobile and alive I think that has always been the point of a vanguard. I really do miss the 30m assault plastique and inc round though. Could also use a burst damage buff
  3. It really isn't that deep Bioware tries hard to portray a gray situation but at the end it is good vs evil It's not even done right too The empire isn't affably evil, it's stupid evil. They murder civilians, they enslave people, they hate aliens. They do stupid things because they are "evil". I hate the empire both in-game and in the context of writing. The Empire is stupid and does not deserve to exist because it's entire concept is the definiiton of failure. I always select dialogue choices that kill imperials
  4. Because in the end this Empire loses. They disappear for 2 thousand years followed by peace and then war with Darth Ruin's Sith Empire, which ends with the destruction of all Sith and establishment of rule of 2 The stories in this era are just telling you why the empire lost. This sith empire is destroyed and perhaps even absorbed into the republic. I clearly remember reading Darth Bane Path of Destruction & Rule of two. This was the main theme between jedi vs sith. The Republic always works together to fight the Empire, while the Sith Empire is always plagued by constant infighting because of the nature of sith. Darth Bane realized this and established the rule of two to ensure that the Sith philosophy is compatible with their goals
  5. Star wars cannon has yet to fill the gap between The demise of the post-hyperspace Sith Empire, and Darth Ruin's sith empire
  6. Do abilities have an ability scaling coeffecient? Let's say I have 300 Tech power how much damage does this add to let's say Stick grenade? I assume the formula goes something like 300 * Ratio + Base damage of Grenade Is there a list I can find for these ratios?
  7. So as you all know Battle Focus increases the critical strike chance of all your abilities by 25% and it lasts for 15 seconds does crit RNG coding affect assault plastique and stick grenade when they are thrown at the target, or when they explode? For example I have 30% crit chance before activating Battle focus. I throw sticky grenade, Then I activate Battle Focus. Does the grenade have a 55% chance ot 30% chance to crit? this knowledge could allow a lot of vanguards to optimize their damage output against a single target boss by making the most use out of 15 seconds.
  8. I am not talking about "you should use them" I mean, that Bioware should make the assault commando tree be the burst tree using assault rifles. It's thematic and allows for more gameplay options
  9. Title It seems more thematic to carry a lighter weapon and be a demolitions expert, than lugging around a heavy minigun and throwing explosives Just a suggestion, I want to be able to use blaster rifles in 30m range because I have lugging around heavy cannons. Vanguard has to fight at 10m range, but I don't really have any other options
  10. would explain why 3,000 years later, the apocalypse doesn't happen would also give some ironic insight for the death star huehue
  11. believe it or not, some of us actually buy video games for gameplay and a star wars story experience not for a waifu/husbando simulator If I imagined myself as my character I am roleplaying, I would never romance Dorne or Grell. I don't want that kind of personality in a relationship. I don't have a single romance playthrough on my characters, and I really enjoyed the platonic, friendship and sometimes rivalry, it allows them to stay in character more and remain consistent with my own character's personality. Not everything is about bad fanfic romance, go read a novel if you want that
  12. From the end of this war until 1 thousand years later when Darth Bane roflstomps the Sith and establishes the rule of 2 what happened in between? what happened to the sith empire? Can someone show me a timeline
  13. I've always wanted to be an end-game vanguard because I preferred the mobility and play style I saw on the trailers I assumed that the two "Advanced" classes were simply talent trees like in WoW. I chose commando because I assumed it would be the most efficient at grinding and leveling, and it was But then I hit 47 and decided to "Respec", and then that was when I finally realized that you could not switch advanced classes. so, kind of stuck here. I'd really hate to replay the entire story all over again and lose my progress. Any news on if we can respec advanced classes?
  14. Star Wars Expanded universe Lolore is always changing wouldn't be suprised if they retconned it so palpatine was cryogenically frozen from the old republic era
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