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Posts posted by Numeanor

  1. Ok after second day of playing swtor I have leveled to level 16. It seems I'm not so much powerful as before 1-10 level and I'm starting to struggle if I have 2 or more mobs with silver star. I play bounty hunter so I'm wondering if there is any catch or this game gets harder and harder more I level up?
  2. First of all, first impression of the game is very very good. I like it very much! I like questing, I like that game has some story and you progress through that story with your character and improving it bit by bit. I like companion system so I don't need to go outside and search for resources but they do job instead of me. I haven't tried PVP yet, but I don't think I will, because I don't like PvP at all in any game. I like group quests - they are fun, but it's not fun looking around for people to help you - make some automatic system to find people.


    Tho all that I must say I was disappointed today with that maintenance. Seriously from 8am to 6pm in my country? Basically you have taken away one full game day form my game time!!! I have seen on other MMO's that maintenance takes from 1am to about 8-10am, but not midday and for so long!!! Please I want one more day of game time for free now!!! :mad:

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