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Posts posted by HBCentaurion

  1. How much do you guys parse (or DPS in an average single target boss fight) as a PT ShieldTech with tanking gear?


    I've been checking the leaderboards at Parsley and the highest parse is at 3.7k DPS. I'm inclined to call BS on that (the person probably was in DPS-gear and not in tanking gear).


    In Ravagers / TOS HM I average around 1.4-1.9k DPS on boss fights in 192 gear. Any idea on what kind of DPS I should be aiming at?

  2. I really don't see the issue with SM Underlurker. Mechanics are simple as they can be.


    1. Kill adds asap when they spawn
    2. Stay out of red aoe on the ground
    3. Hide behind a rock
    4. Stand in the correct spot during cross


    That's it. Rinse and repeat.


    The main issue in PUGs are the players that don't know what their left / right arm is. Almost all of the wipes are due to people standing in red aoe and / or running to the wrong side during the cross. It's not complicated. Maybe instead of complaining and demanding a nerf - people should learn to do simple things (ie not standing and differentiating between their left / right arm). Is that too much to ask?

  3. I agree, go for power for all 3 specs, but power has nothing to do with keeping you alive. Not sure where you heard that. The increase in power for tank spec will just add dps, which will increase threat generation. Power definitely for the dps specs, but for the tank spec its not so essential, personal preference comes into it, 82 power or 82 endurance (820 HP) take your pick. Personally I feel that the Jugg suffers a little initially with getting and holding aggro, so I go for power, at no point in any fight do I feel the loss of 820 HP is damaging.


    Power also increases the shield of your Force Scream.

  4. But keeping everyone else form gearing up their mains just that you can gear up your alt(s) is more logic?


    Again, we are talking about situations where one of the toons present needs that exact item because he has, so far, not everything geared up to 186 gear. Where is the logic in not letting someone who is participating and really does need the item to get it just so you can gear up some alt? You want to gear up your alt? Play it - or use your "everything on 186" in groups where everyone else is also "everything on 186". But when there is someone in your group who is not fully geared, that one has the right to get the stuff before ou picking for your alt(s).


    But how do you know that character is his Main - especially in PUGs? Of course, guild runs are different and I'll pass on loot so a guildie can gear up his main.


    Bottom line is that there is no difference (except for making things more difficult) between showing up in a raid with a 156 character and needing on everything or a 186 character needing for an alt . You are still needing on loot.

  5. I won't deny that there aren't any hacks out there - it is. But people seriously need to L2P before accusing someone of hacks.


    I've been accused of hacks when:

    • I capped the first door on VS shortly after the start of the round. Explanation? Predation + 2x operative roll.
    • A sorc couldn't CC me (Whirlwind). Explanation? Entrench.
    • [The best one] When I killed a 24k HP sorc in a couple of seconds on my operative.

  6. So it is OK for you guys that I rock up in an operation in purple 156, doing crap DPS / eHPS - possibly leading to wipes and need on everything that drops, rather than coming on my BiS 186 main that does thrice the DPS / eHPS (leading to a much more smoother run) and Need tokens for my alt that I want to gear up?


    I don't understand that logic.

  7. Right now getting all the datacrons grant +40 to each stat outside of endurance and presence which are +50. Given that your average character in full 180 comm gear should be somewhere in the ballpark of 3200-3600 main stat and endurance, datacron bonuses only make up 1-1.5% your total stat pool. Seems like an insignificant amount but that's because it is suppose to be. It is optional thus there is no end game content whether it is operations or PVP which requires one to get datacrons in order to perform well. At least I haven't seen any HM/NiM operations or PVP pre-mades booting people just because they didn't get their datacrons.


    This is a truth with modifications. I agree that for the average character, the boost from datacrons doesn't really matter. But if you are doing progression at gear level, everything counts. That 1% can make the difference. Trust me, a wipe when the boss is at 5k HP really sucks (hello styrak back in the old days). On my main raiding character I've gathered all the datacrons for primary, secondary and tertiary stats (juggernaut; strength / endurance / willpower).

  8. What we have here is a failure to communicate.


    I think you guys are talking past each other, and that you need to differentiate between:

    1. Loot from Flashpoints
    2. Loot (tokens) from Operations


    With regards to (1), I agree that you only Need for the character you are on and Greed for companion / alts.


    For (2), I agree with Ktap. In an HM / NiM Operation I would rather have a BiS character that needs for alt then to have that undergeared alt in the raid. I don't know what server you guys are on, but on TRE the norm for HM / NiM PUGs is one token piece each (bracers / belts / implants are an exemption) independent on how geared the character you are on is.



    EDIT: Are you guys serious that you would prefer an undergeared alt in oriconion gear for an operation rather than a BiS 186 geared main that needs for the said alt? :confused::confused:

  9. My two cents.


    Your first priority in node guarding is to CALL OUT and STAYING ALIVE. Too many times have I seen a defender not calling out and trying to solo the attacker and failing miserably at both. If you are new to PVP, don't engage in a 1vs1 - try to CC them and call out for help.


    When I'm guarding with my sniper I use Entrench whenever it's available and Shield Probe whenever it's available while Entrench is on CD. The idea is to survive their initial burst when they open up on you from stealth. It's fun to watch assassins trying to Spike / CC you from stealth while you are entrenched. Some tips as a sniper node guarding:

    - Place your back against a wall.

    - OS on the node on CD.

    - Flurry of Bolts (or whatever the instant AOE attack is called) in most likely approach areas (behind you).

    - Stay far away from the node so they can't CC you and cap in the duration of the CC.

    - Do not guard if your CC-breaker is on CD.

    - Don't use your CC-breaker unless you have full resolve (or they are to cap if you don't).

  10. For solo play and FP - MM is probably the best spec as it's very easy to target swap and burn down mobs. Lethality has 3 GCD set up time before you do any damage, and target switching can be a hassle. Lethality does more damage than MM overall. I haven't tested out Engineering at all, so I don't know about that.


    For Operations:

    Single target fights = Lethality (i.e. Nefra)

    A lot of target switching = MM (i.e. Brontes)

  11. Yeah, go with skill augments.


    The PVP gear for snipers isn't that good. I've gone for 2 different set bonuses:

    1st bonus: Extra range on Takedown

    2nd bonus: 15 % bonus on Shield Probe


    Come to think of it, you could probably go with the PVE bonus as well. With Arkanian gear, I think you should get around 2010 expertise.

  12. Objectives are for regs. There are no objectives in solo ranked other than do more damage/healing/protection than your opponent.


    There's not fluff, there aren't excuses. You have to be able to put out strong numbers to compete.


    You can talk all day about how valuable you are to your team, if you want. None of that means anything in solo ranked. The players who do more damage, win more arenas.


    If you want to do objective based pvp, then do objective based pvp and feel good about your 12 medals.


    If you want to do ranked and succeed, make as big of an impact on regs as you possibly can focusing on damage/healing/protection and see how you stack up. If you're still not coming out near the top, queuing for ranked is only going to put you up against players who are even better.


    So in ranked there is no smart play? No reason to CC / peel / hard switch / focusing on the correct target etc? So I should just tab-dot everyone, preventing any CCs, and just focus on doing the most damage? And while I'm at it, maybe I should focus the tank that's getting healed to rack up my damage numbers?

  13. Numbers are literally, yes as in literally, a direct representation of how good you are. Don't fool yourself by thinking otherwise


    So a lethality operative / sniper or a madness sorc / assassin that keeps tab-dotting everything in sight and gets 1 mill + damage is a better player than the DPS that burns down / controls the healer(s) and ends up with 600k damage?

  14. You ehps required seems insanely high when I consider that I (and many others) have solo healed grobthok nim and did not break 5k ehps (in fact one time was only about 3700 ehps).

    Other fights as well dont seem right, Draxus I have never seen two healers combine for 5.2k ehps (with any group comp) in fact the most I have ever seen was 4.9k (2.7 and 2.2) pre-nerf (although perhaps that is because if you as a healer spend some time dps'ng which I always did on that fight, the overall damage is reduced significantly due to cleaner/faster pushes aka less lightning adds).


    "5449 Effective heals/second across the entire raid" is 2.7k eHPS (5449 / 2 = 2724) per healer, so the numbers do seem correct. I have seen higher number in NiM pre-nerf - it all depends on how derpy your group feels (standing in lava, stacking up for aoe, affliction going out etc).

  15. It varies a lot - raid parses are a two edged sword; some will have insane DPS and you'll think that they are good DPS when in fact they are just tab-dotting everything in sight. We've had really smooth kills of Draxus NiM where the DPS ranged from 2.4k-2.8k, and countless wipes when the DPS ranged between 2.9k-3.4k. It's all about killing the correct target at the correct time. Another example are madness assassins that do 4.5k+ on Grob'tok where they focus on adds.


    Bestia is all about burning down the monsters asap - but 3k DPS is around the norm (we've killed it with dps ranging from 2.6k-3.1k).

  16. This is the Lethality build I run with in PVP:



    I don't take Marksmanship and put 2 points in Ballistic Dampers instead (3x30% damage reduction is pretty decent in PVP). Besides I don't see the need for Accuracy in PVP as Lethality as most of your hardhitters are internal. Lethality can do pretty decent damage provided you have time to set it up:

    Cull -> Explosive Probe -> Target Acquired -> Takedown -> SoS -> Cull -> Takedown

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