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Everything posted by JMack

  1. Lose 1k off opener Gain ability to stunlock anyone More nerfs my way plz
  2. Outright removal of the Operative/Scoundrel spec.
  3. ...There is really something to be said on how Bioware has handled nerfs so far. Every single one of them has been a knee jerk reaction from QQ on the forums. Slicing, Biochem(Cybertechlolz) and now OP/Scoundrel. Slicing was nerfed into uselessness and OP/Scoundrel seem to be headed that way if the changes stay as they are. Is this what we can expect going into the future, Bioware? The vocal baddies deciding class balance.
  4. ... Why in the world would you be playing without your opener?
  5. In response to the OP, less constructive feedback and more QQ, it's the only thing that works around here.
  6. Operative has to be behind a target and in stealth to do maybe ~20% more than a Juggernaut/Guardian can do and I have never seen a 15k crit, that's just absurd.
  7. I just want to highlight this comment. If we nerf Operatives/Scoundrels, there is going to be nothing that keeps Sorc/Sages in check and there will be no reason for anyone not to be one. It's seems the masses have chose the Mage archetype to play (this seems to happen in every MMO), so it comes as no surprise that the QQing is going to be against their hard counter. I just hope Bioware doesn't appease the masses; it doesn't look good though with their recent nerfs to slicing and biochem.
  8. JMack

    Level 50 PvP Brackets

    in·def·i·nite/inˈdefənit/ Adjective: Lasting for an unknown length of time: "indefinite detention".
  9. We do not need these on an indefinite hold. Please add these ASAP, such a simple fix will improve the quality of life for so many people.
  10. What is the hard counter for Sages and SIs? I wonder if all the nerf Ops/Scoun posts have anything to do with half the pop being those two classes? Hmm... IA and Smug are already extremely underrepresented and the QQing will not stop until these two classes, which ARE the counter for SIs and Sages, are completely gutted.
  11. IA/Smug are the worst classes to level, have horrible animations (especially operative/scoundrel), are the least iconic of the classes in a game based around force users and even at the "power" they are now, have horrible representation (not basing it around OP's anecdotal evidence take a look at the numbers on different fan-sites). Nerfing any spec of these classes would be just stupid. There has to be a incentive for people to play IA/Smug. If anything they need a overhaul, just wait until rated BG's and Arena to see these one-trick-ponies fail miserably as they offer no utility.
  12. Bummer. This removal would have given Armor and Mod crafters a small niche before PvPers got the already easily attainable Centurion/Champ gear.
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