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Everything posted by ollepolle

  1. BW should really give us an ETA. Rumors(or is it facts?) say that it may not be available to companions that you have already progressed on, and if so, I want to know if I should progress on them or not. Furthermore, I don't think its fair at all to only make new companions with SGR options. That would give us who wants it, much less freedom of choice. I know, I know, in real life no one can just pick a partner by pointing at them, but games are made to delight and entertain, not to hinder or bother, right? The best option imo would be to make all companions and npc's available for SGR I would appreciate if BW worked on this ASAP. Just like how some things irritate some people, the lack of SGR in the game is currently making me unable to really enjoy the game, with all the vague information about the implementation.
  2. Without referring to any previous post, please ask yourselves this: Would a (evil)character following immoral standards(Dark side) choose to reveal a politican with plans of, intentionally or not, bringing chaos to their system? -Only because it goes against their form of government(Democracy)? Would doing something like that, make sense in real life for a criminal/otherwise mean person? Would a character following good moral standards(Light side) choose to overlook a politican having his evil plan fulfilled, just because ruling is what politicans are for? Do they think something like: "Well, he was elected by the people after all... It's the right thing to do! Politicans chosen by the people won't do bad things! Never happens, nope. :)" The Senator wants to form an alliance with the sith(for who knows what reason), who are unquestionably malicious. How can it strengthen your connection to the Dark side to stop him? That choice would even hinder the Sith from getting influence within the Republic! Please make my subtly biassed questions invalid!
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