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Posts posted by xxpcwizardxx

  1. Hey folks,


    I wanted to give you an update on Paid Character Transfers since I know you have been curious about it with the delay of 2.2. Unfortunately, we have come across some bugs that are present with Character Transfers, specifically around Achievements. We definitely want to insure that we are providing the best service possible when you pay to transfer your character.


    Know that unlike Game Update 2.2, fixing this is a bit more involved and so Paid Character Transfers will no longer be launching with 2.2. This is entirely subject to change as we work through it, but the next likely launch target is 2.2.1. I apologize for the delay on this, I know many of you were looking forward to transferring your characters this week. We will get it out as soon as we can!




    was this bug in the APAC Transfers to NA severs and if so are the characters affected?

  2. I wanted to ask what might happen if we transfer our characters, then want them back where they came from, do we need to wait for another free transfer or has a price been decided?



    They giving u this transfer so they can get every1 off it and shut it down and remove it for good. So there be no where to go back too and if u dont choose they do a force tranfer to ur player sttyle west coast realm


    So ita a 1 time thing for each apac character but paiid tranfers will soon follow i hope since they can do it

  3. i know i said this before but i thought i bring it up in the bug report section since my orginal post wasn't moved but here are some of the issues i ve notice with the creation screen that hasn't been fixed yet


    1. when you ve entered the character creation screen after the faction video there appears to be no sound.

    WORKAROUND: if you exit the creation screen and go back into again the sound has returns


    Note: i ve heard this issues from others as well so if a CS wants to test this on their end and if they got it to add it known issues


    2. if you take too long creating your character it will boot you for inactivity even tho you would customizing your new toon.



  4. Also you guys are severely exaggerating the ping issue. Back in WoW we had an Aussie guildy on our EAST COAST server and he never complained about any lag and his performance was never influenced by lag.


    +1 i played wow for years on 300 ms latency and there was no lag what so ever and with swtor on the west coast server i get a stable 182 ms and i can't see any lag what so ever, it runs as smoothly as apac server so latency isn't an issue with me


    and to that troll who called me an idiot, its easy to mock some1 without given a reason for it and i know what latency is buddy


    latency is the time measured to get between a source and its destination in sending and receiving packets.


    i would just pointing out that you won't be able to tell the difference with <= 200 ms and there are as i said other types of lag in this game 1 is graphics, as people have notice bioware haven''t optimize this game correctly and with some graphic profile settings set you can make it better and your performance should improve


    i know how u people think you think that 200 ms is bigger number 20 ms and that it 10th of sec more than it was before but your not going to be able to notice that 10th of sec so no beggy and for those who want to know if there latency is good for west coast check my rating system and find your latency by making a toon in the realm u wish to go in


    i m not going to say anymore on latency as many people in this forum are un educated and start flame wars when they are in the wrong to begin with

  5. Hey folks,


    I know we have been a bit quiet about our plans for your consolidations and although I don’t have any concrete details yet today, I wanted to pass on what I know. Our current plan is that next week we will start to give you details surrounding your free transfers off of the APAC servers. Specifically, we want to try to give you an exact date of when those transfers will start. We are still working through some issues with transfers so this could still change but that is our plan as it stands right now.


    To be specific as I can be without setting anything in stone, our goal is to have you folks able to start transferring before 2.2 goes live. Again I need to reiterate, this is still subject to change as we lock things down.




    I am one for a APAC super server but i know thats not going to happen because reason for this merger isn't about the APAC Consolidation at all they just trying to save some cash


    but Eric ty for speaking up and not leaving us in the dark even tho you can't say anything for certain


    now to all you fuzz posts complaining about latency here are rating on how your experience will be depend on your latency


    150-250 ms - Excellent - you won't be able to tell the difference between 200 ms and 20 ms


    250-400 ms - Very Good - you may notice that some things like opening window i.e mail message takes 1-2 secs longer to appear or when two players go for item one will be a sec faster than the other but still good quality


    under 500ms - Good - you find high populated areas like the fleet to be laggy but plants,fp,ops to be good game experience


    over 500 ms - Ok - be similar to under 500 ms but more laggy with less ppl in one spot


    1000 ms - you may need to use latency reducing software to get to ok/good quality


    another type of lag that is in this game is graphical lag which can be reduce to none with the right profile for the game and your graphic card which i use and it has made world of difference even on the apac server, the conversation load instantly. i can post a guide on what i ve learned with custom profile settings for this game


    Thanks Eric!


    Now would also be a great time to layout whats going to happen with things like Guild Banks and even guilds themselves during transfers?


    And I know the community has a ton of other questions.


    this has already been answered b4, the guild information and bank will stay intact so your guild won't be affected by the transfer as long as you all choose the same server of course :)

  6. can you explain the sliences about the APAC Merger thread? is it because of the stability of the NA server are in atm?

    you can post in the main thread itself


    thanks eric

  7. I think it be a good idea to allow people to choose the voice of there character in the character creation from all the different class voices of republic and empire


    then maybe more voices to choose from in future


    if BW person could comment on this that be great

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