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Everything posted by Caely

  1. Great idea, but tbh would prefer if it were GUILD WIDE. It be brilliant to have a centralized area with a mail box, guild bank, etc. Also, just for those daft guild things (group pics!). It would be much easier to meet up with a guildie (for a trade, inspection, check-out the ridiculous outfit I'm sporting, etc.) instead of finding where or which server... just meet up at the guild ship (or whatever housing). I see great potential, just hope the technology and Bio-minds can create it! Cheers!
  2. So this was an interesting read. As a female gamer, have to be honest, the only time I thought a gender switch for titles was in order was on my Sith Inquisitor - I wanted to be "Lady" and not "Lord." As to the title Craftsman... I really don't mind. Artisan is okay but a tad weak sounding. I'd fervently protest "Craftswoman" (really??? rubbish like this gives "political correctness" a bad name). The most intelligent comment I saw was, if you don't like the title - don't use it! Life's too short to be defined by titles ladies.
  3. Thank you Urael - you response was exactly what I was looking for. Just needed some simply accessible information.
  4. Just finished The Gauntlet quests - using different companions through-out the story. It was so much fun! Hope there are more of these type of adventures for other classes. Thanks! P.S. Thought the Sage & Sorcerer end quests were a lot of fun too!
  5. Wouldn't it be simpler to take, say three low population servers and combine them? The transfers, though helpful, really would wreck the balance many players have with other toon crew skills - not to mention the very cool Legacy name option. This addresses the above concerns (I've seen this echoed on other threads), rewards consistent players and certainly would make things much simpler. At any given time I see only one or two servers at "standard." I hear rumors about server merges, but have seen nothing detailed. Anyone know if this is an option or the only solution is to transfer individual toons?
  6. So not sure where to post this, but just wanted to throw out there how much I enjoy playing SWTOR - of course it helps I'm a big Star Wars fan, but the different story lines are just brilliant. Thank you!
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