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Posts posted by Valhingen

  1. This is what I see:

    The Defenestrator to Jedi Covenant

    Sedyn Kyne to Jedi Covenant

    Keller's Void to Jedi Covenant

    Rwookrrorro to The Fatman

    Hedarr Soongh to The Fatman

    Cho Mai to The Fatman

    Fa'athra to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

    Perlemian Trade Route to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

    Darth Xedrix to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

    Sanctum of the Exalted to The Ebon Hawk

    Shien to The Ebon Hawk

    Kath Hound to The Ebon Hawk

    Zayne Carrick to Vanjervalis Chain

    Cassus Fett to Vanjervalis Chain

    Eye of Ashlanae to The Red Eclipse

    Ludo Kressh to The Red Eclipse

    Goluud Corridor to The Red Eclipse

    Senator Contispex to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

    The Kumumgah to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

    The Shadow Runner to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

    Kessel Run to Battle Meditation

    Ven Zallow to Jung Ma

    Ajunta Pall to Jung Ma

    The Courageous to Canderous Ordo

    Krayiss Obelisk to Canderous Ordo

    Whitebeam Run to Canderous Ordo

    Nadd's Sarcophagus to The Bastion

    The Crucible Pits to The Bastion

    Rakata Mind Prison to The Bastion

    Krath to The Harbinger

    Soresu to The Harbinger

    Empress Teta to The Harbinger

    Vrook Lamar to Begeren Colony

    Lord Ieldis to Begeren Colony

    Shaltin Tunnels to The Progenitor

    Trask Ulgo to The Progenitor

    Dol Grenn to Darth Nihilus

    Princess Galia to Darth Nihilus

    Mecrosa Order to Darth Nihilus

    Stereb Cities to The Jedi Tower

    Dreypa's Oubliette to The Jedi Tower

    Handmaidens of Atris to The Jedi Tower

    Gnawer's Roost to Jar'Kai Sword

    The Krath Enchanter to Jar'Kai Sword

    The Restoration Zone to Jar'Kai Sword

    Phateem Halls of Knowledge to Mantle of the Force

    Kissai Caste to Mantle of the Force

    Vodo-Siosk Baas to Mantle of the Force

  2. Like so many said before...yes, it was to be expected its going to be a small list of servers and thats alright.

    Personally I'm just rather annoyed that I have no clue if my server is going to be an origin server or a destination server and most important, when I would know...

  3. While we (wife and I) did not unsub since we started (13.12.), I also must say this patch adds little to our excitement. Yeah, lfg tool and transfers are badly needed but they don't improve the game much, they fix things that shouldnt be broken in the first place.

    Anyways...still sticking with swtor a little while longer (while having pre-orderd TSW and waiting for GW2). I hope TOR turns out right though eventually so I do not feel the need to unsub - sceptical for now.

  4. The (class) stories are pretty good and stuff.


    I agree that its disappointing that none of the converstation options really have any consequence worth mentioning. Also, I find they did bend the truth a bit prior to launch with their "its gonna be 8 games! 8 full stories like kotor 3+4+5+ etc"...its 2 full stories, republic and imperial...then there are 6 more shortstories coming along with 90% story you arlready know.

  5. Heya guys,

    I have recently created a guild and am looking to a guild bank, but how can I get the money it seems unfair that some people will contribute more for the same reward.

    How did you guys organise getting a guild bank and taking things from it?

    Thanks in advance


    Im only leading a tiny guild but I simply asked for donations and my goal was to always pay 50% total of all myself (since I usually have the most cash too)

  6. http://regret-gaming.net/forum/post/last/m/2216618/viewthread/2719903-pax-east-2012-info


    Q: Space combat is on rails currently. Will you expand the space combat features in the game?

    A: JO - were working on it. I tested it last week.




    April 4th - Which Star Wars fantasy excites you the most? Full 3D space battles, vehicle combat (AT-ATs), pod/speeder racing or capital ship battles.


    April 11th - No real front runner for the Star Wars fantasy features. All of the features are things we eventually want to get into #SW:TOR


    In addition to other mentions of big, BIG plans according to Damion Schubert as reported by Darth Hater.


    Ofcourse this won't be enough for people.


    See, thats the thing...they want to expand the space combat features currently in game (like how, more battles? other ship models?).

    Also, they "want" such features (3D combat) "eventually" to be in the game.


    Still does not read as "we are working on 3D combat" to me...with them being so dodgy about it, no wonder people are sceptical.

  7. This is the only quote I ever saw about this subject:


    (Daniel Erickson)

    "Oh my, there is so much," he told us. "We hit a bunch of the core Star Wars fantasies, but there’s so much stuff that’s still floating out there. We’re not ready to talk about it yet, but the next iteration of space is the single thing I’m most excited about in the entire future plan."


    EDIT: So..."the next iteration of space" = full 3D combat? A bit of a stretch.

  8. I also don't see how they ever said "yes, we are working on 3D space battles" or even guild capital ships (beside of saying they know we want it and that at one point it was on the wall of crazy).


    From the very start I really hoped for something like X-Wing and similar, still would love to see it...so far, I don't see much hints about it at all. Would not be surprised if "guild capital ships" are introduced as some form of housing (just think guildhall in other games) and "significant" could just mean to choose new models, colors etc for the battles we have right now....not what I want but still...

  9. lol


    lol to those think that this will be an expansion back. They are just content updates. When you see the REAL expansion we will probably all be like


    OMG That is FREAKING AWESOME! gimme gimme gimme mind = blown!


    Don't worry...it's just a content update :)


    I truely hope you are right.

  10. Game just gets better and better


    Seriously...I don't know how people can complain now.


    More content is coming, more things for Legacy are coming, new abilities, new planet, ANOTHER operation, another flashpoint, FREE server transfers, mega servers AND increased level cap WITH a new companion that is hk series droids...




    Seriously? Alright...speaking for myself, I think because it feels this game needs something cool, big and new - now Im not claiming to know what that would be (3d space battles, 3rd faction..look in suggestions forum) but adding more of the same is...nice but no game change so to speak.


    Then there are those who complained about lack of content...you will never satisfy them by adding single WZ's and OP's every that many months. Again, personally I find the amount of content alright now already. Like I said before...any new content is welcome, choice is always a good thing (even another space mission though I find that a waste of resources but ok). I fully understand though how many are not all too excited.

  11. Well, F2P to 15 is alright..its a bit like an extended trial, probably to get new ppl hooked..cant blame them and not a bad idea (will make starter planets feel more lifelike too I suppose)

    Cathar...I know my wife will love it, she complaint right from the start that she couldnt roll a cat lady lol. Personally, from before the game went live, always hoped for the stranger stuff..not the re-colored humans.


    New companion, neat..new wz, op etc....yeah, I take it all no problem - more content is never a "bad" thing..just that I think I'm not the only one who hoped for something "significant", you know? *sigh*

  12. I feel like I missed something vital...I remember the quote including the words "significant" and "space combat" but in no way did this translate to "they will add free-flight 3d space combat" to me.

    Sure..I would love it but I don't see how it went from that infamous quote to "they will do it".

  13. With all the doom and gloom on most sites out there for months, with people leaving in way too big numbers...I do hope it is something huge. Personally I'm a bit pessimistic and have a hard time keeping up faith with them but yeah...still holding out, hoping for the best.
  14. Well, you'd need 8 to get all 8 stories and the general flavor of each advanced class. Granted, the Republic and Imperial advanced classes aren't exactly the same, but the roles they fill are the same. You don't need to have a Gunslinger, Scoundrel, Sniper and Operative to feel you're getting everything the game has to offer.


    Also, they did announce from the beginning that the Legacy perks applied to both factions on the same server, even though Legacy hadn't been implemented at that time. We all knew something was coming, even though we didn't know the specifics.


    So, I agree with having more character slots, but not that Bioware owes it to us. Not at this point in the game.


    That being said, with the species unlocks, it would have been nice if some kind of species change (paid or not) would have been implemented, as that's something that people who did create 8 characters in the same legacy can't take advantage of. And once the game adds additional classes, I think they should add 2 character slots per base class added, so you could get the two stories and the flavor for each advanced class.


    As it is now, I think paid, or Legacy-based, character slot unlocks (up to 16) would be reasonable, but not that they're owed to us.


    I don't claim I read every possible info there was pre-release but considered myself somewhat well-informed. On 13.12. I had no idea about legacy and that there could be an advantage to have imps and reps on same server. In fact, we discussed it within our small guild, whether there is ANY reason to have them on same server...so all of us rolled reps elsewhere, just in case we want all 8 slots per side.

  15. The uncertainty of what is happening (if anything) beyond 1.3s utility features is adding to the exodus. For other games you kind of know what to expect. There is usually a dev journal talking about plans and when those will happen approximately for major features and content.


    The lack of information makes every announcement a crux point, and results in everything from speculation, to worry, to apathy.


    The NDA treatment isn't cute any more.


    This exactly. I'm struggling myself to keep up faith with this game and for all I know (due to lack of information), there isn't anything major in the pipeline. Sure, LFG is needed (was expected at launch), a new flashpoint or operation is nice, crafting stuff etc...I just don't think that these things or lack of them is the main reason people left or will come back.

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