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Posts posted by Macabakur

  1. but what about the other bug, the one where i'm stuck in cover and can't move my camera. Anyone seen this besides me? that's the real, well.. honestly both kind of stink :p but for ops that's a killer if i have to move around to be able to keep my camera working..
  2. 2 things, first, it only seems to happen in voidstar but sometimes, (it's happened twice) my cover bar vanishes and i'm stuck in a kneeling position and none of my cover based skills work.


    2'nd thing, I noticed it yesterday, I forget where, but I really noticed it today twice, being stuck in cover, and not being able to move the camera. happened first, today in karagga's palace. I was on the right console, on the droid puzzle boss in cover and two or three times i had to physically move around to get my camera to move. second time it happened I was on the new daily in the black hole, doing the quest where you install listening devices, on top of a box i was stuck in cover unable to move my camera again.


    are these known bugs? for the kp thing, it was a pretty big deal, I was on call duty telling people which buttons to hit so not being able to move my camera to see what piece was where really was a detriment. the voidstar thing is huge too, i can't do damage if i'm not in cover, i'm a sharpshooter spec, so cover is everything for me. pretty please guys, fix these bugs, it's really screwing up my favorite class.

  3. It worked in WoW, they had/have I assume a 30 min Deserter lockout. It's effective, people don't quit because they're losing a match, people quit because every losing match they're in someone or multiple someone's quits, it's horrifyingly annoying when half the team up and leaves and youre sitting there 3 vs 8. There needs to be a penalty to stop this trend.
  4. implement a penalty for leaving warzones asap. my suggestion is a 30 min block on any warzone que's post the quit. There needs to be a penalty for the people who are quitting warzones. It ruins the peoples chances that aren't quitting , and it's just plain rude.
  5. That is correct. However, I'll repeat, the reduction in Grav Round damage was made to address how much damage Grav Round contributes to your total rotation - not to address how many times you press the Grav Round button. Players have run off with the idea that we're trying to eliminate Grav Round spamming, which is not the case. My goal has been to eliminate how effective Grav Round spamming is if it's all you do.


    An effective Gunnery rotation still utilizes Grav Round as both a "build up" ability and a "resource dump" ability. That hasn't changed, nor was it my goal to change that. What has changed is that competitive DPS now comes from utilizing all of your key rotational abilities instead of leaning so very heavily on just Grav Round. I hope that's more clear now.


    but what about us pre 40 commando's, did you guys even factor us in? i'm 38 now, so i almost have demo round, and i'm hoping that improves the numbers i'm seeing. I took a break from pvp from 33 till tonight. It was pre 1.2 when i was 33 and man, it was so fun. The skills I had were cool, they did neat stuff and they did really great damage, i'd use grav round 3-4 times, then the follow up to grav round the hard shot thing, can't think of the name, then maybe full auto and some normal shots and sometimes throw in a grenade, or cryo or knockback or what have you.


    When I was 33 i was averaging per warzone 170 k damage, in the 3 warzones i did tonight i never got over 80 k. that's a humongous drop in damage, and the classes i could kill before, marauder, well.. anyone. I got beaten 1 v 1 by everyone. i think i killed one sorcerer. but man, what a huge change this is for pre demolition round commando's.. did you guys think of this?

  6. i have a 38 commando, i'm upset because i just did two or three warzones and the rotations i used when i was 33 which net me 150-180 k damage per wz got me 65 k - 85 k, 100 k less that's a complete gimp of lower level commando's.. what commando is going to level up, if they like pvp when the dps is just awful.. it's not good. they gimped everything dps commandos did besides the curtain of fire thing. which is cool i guess.,. but i dont have demolition round.


    I'm mad, why should i have to quest to 40 to be able to do decent dps again? people aren't going to level dps commando because of this. and ***, thanks for buffing sentinels out the wazoo, theyre unkillable for me now. I was owning them before, this sucks.

  7. I think more than anything, what upsets people isn't that they aren't releasing the rated wz content, it's that they waited until like 12 hours before the patch was being implemented to tell us. I can definitely understand why people would be frustrated at dev's who don't seem to really care about what we care about.


    For me, i'm a tiny bit glad, I had just recently started pvp'ing on my 50 slinger and am valor 37 at the moment.. think i was valor 17 yesterday heh, so it gives me time to catch up. But, for all the people, and ya, there were people on my server who were looking to start groups for it on general like for the last week or so. for those people it's a huge disappointment and stab in the back that the dev's decided to keep us on the fishing hook so long and then just extract it right before it was supposed to be released.


    Pretty uncaring development, which makes me sad, i've always thought of bioware as gamer dev's and.. this isn't what a gamer would do.

  8. I get the same 6 missions every time, i need the artifact frags more than anything atm but all i get every time is one mission for an abundant amount every single time. none of my other crew skills do this, what's up?
  9. I love my biochemist, just hoping 1.2 gives some much needed love to my armstech and synthweaver. they're kind of useless for me besides stuff for companions.. sadly. if the recipes from Op's were tradeable and boe, that'd help as my main isnt my synth. but he's 400/400/400 so i put the work in just not seeing too much payoff out of synth.. or arms for that matter. But, bio is cool.
  10. All the schematics for moddable gear Ive come across so far you get through underworld trading, I have had about 10 schematics proc so far for synthweaving/armormech, I've not seen any item drop or quest reward with "research available" on the RE tooltip so it looks like underworld trading will be where most the designs come from.


    The devs did say that the new end game items could be RE'd into an orange pattern so they must be different but every other item ive come across in game doesnt RE into any patterns, and the crafted items that do only RE up to purple as far as i can tell, with moddable patterns coming from the mission skills


    i was pondering today on scrapping synth for artifice, but i might not if underworld is where the patterns you're getting are coming from. up till now i've been really unimpressed by synthweaving, there's really nothing special about it besides a belt and a bracer i can get by doing hard mode Op's. But, i'll stick it out if the chance to get good new schematics, is there through underworld. as we speak i think i've gotten like, 3? patterns from underworld getting it to 400 and using it since.. i've used it a ton.

  11. Just got 400 arms tech on my 33 commando. I was curious how much the 50 purple guns would be on the gtn. Highest price I saw for a 50 purple was 50 k for a scattergun and another same price assault cannon. That sucks, hopefully in 1.2 things get better. Gonna stick with it till then and assess post patch. Going to switch if I don't see solid improvements.
  12. Adding on to this thread, as I too find my GS to be somewhat lacking. I have a lvl 28 GS and die a bit too often for my liking. Should I be using Corso or Bowdaar? What should my spec look like? Full GS or take the first tier talents in the other two trees for crit and cunning? And what should my rotation/priority be? Thanks in advance for any help, its appreciated.


    Hah compared to my sentinel my slinger aurona hardly ever died make sure you're at max range and if it's available use natural cover.

  13. I'm on jung ma, it's a great server. The biggest thing I think about Jung ma is you can do what you like. If you like to rp there's role play guilds if you like pvp Or pve those guilds are there, so you have the freedom to do what you want. Like me, I just recently started getting into pvp here with my commando after leveling two toons to 50, it's cool to be able to play how you want with the type of people you like.


    Highly encourage you to check it out and for Pete's sake roll republic :) because were awesome and we need more awesome people to enhance the general awesomeness we currently have :).

    Wish you luck, if you decide to check us out feel free to give me a whisper.

  14. if you do corellia and get the 50 stuff from there you're well on your way. 48 blues prolly the min for hardmodes unless you're getting carried by people with Columi sets.


    operations are basically the same as hardmode fp's for gear requirements, nothing crazy needed, hardmode though you should have your columi set or at least most of it.


    p.s. I would definetely run at least a few normal 47-50 stuff just to try and maybe get a couple things and give you an idea what to expect come the hard mode. I suggest D7 normal/false emperor normal and Battle of Ilum normal the last one if you don't mind killing alot of adds heh.. cuz there are.. tons heh. not as bad as kaon hard mode but still quite a few in the caverns section.

  15. Hi, so I have multiple 50's, two's multiple right? I havent really given pvp even a real try and I want to now, my guild wants to get a ranked team together and that sounds very fun. The question comes from trying my gunslinget in pvp and just being unhappy with it, so I've decided to try my sentinel who I haven't played in a bit. Now he's been watchmen since I first made him and I think it's time to try something new. I've heard a lot of stuff about how focus stinks but all that Just makes me want to try it more haha. So I guess I'm looking for assistance.. So can anyone help me? What do I need to know, what's the optimal rotation following my leap? If all of this is answered on the previous pages I apologize I'm really excited to try this, so if anyone's out there with wisdom on focus tree pvp I'd big time love to hear it. Thank you so much .


    Hey also, oh if that last paragraphs a bit long I appologize, but I have one more question, key bindings. Since WoW I've used the bars they gave me didn't realize until just recently I could remap them how I like. I've since started using shift and alt as modifiers to the 1- (my iPhone doesn't have this key the last one but ive heard stories and seen some stuff of more effective and easier and more intuitive systems, but I couldn't figure out how to apply them to me. I'm not noob been gaming since 1995 on MUDs and finally made the transition to graphical with WoW but still I really could use some help figuring out a system I can understand and feel comfortable with. So once again sorry for another long paragraph feh I feel like a nub oh we'll, is what it is. Any help with either or both of my issues/topics and you'll be my BFF forevah and Evah x 419



    oh, but ya, acceptyed also on here, why is combat/watchman better, ghael's watchman right now I was just thinking it'd be fun to switch it up, k k thanks, any thoughts, ideas or suggestions highly encouraged.

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