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Posts posted by Hermagaddon

  1. The problem is that you aren't differentiating the cause and causality.


    A lot of people calling these class overpowered very easily equates to a lot of people who don't know any better playing that class. Thus causing a population swell.


    The damage data numbers don't support the theory that these classes are overpowered however, nor do the metrics.


    Statistically they are not overpowered.


    Thus it is much more likely that this is simply a matter of people wrongly believing that they are overpowered causing a pop swell and thus giving the illusion of them being overpowered.



    Then please explain this to me. A guildie of mine, always tops the charts with 500/600k+ damage. The guy has no freaking clue what the **** he is doing. Pops most of his cd's at the same time. And on our server the rep's know how important it is to keep mara's stunned and such.


    How is that possible?

  2. Uhm... You have no idea what you are talking about.


    Metrics aren't "How many people play X class" they cover how much damage/deaths/etc do classes have. At the moment, the damage the classes do is pretty much on par. Sorcerers are less than 5% behind Sentinels/Marauders and Sentinels/Marauders are supposed to be the highest damage by about *gasp* 5% according to BioWare.


    Wrong. The players that played in these matches did. But that does not mean that one or more of the classes isnt capeable of more.


    As i said before in this thread, What i am seeing is an average of 400 pitted against an average of 20. We do not know how many of both the 20 and the 400 can actually get the most out of their classes. For all we know 350 of those 400 are noobs that re-rolled to the class because they couldn't beat it. In which case they bring the average down.


    Then add the fact that we dont know how much time they actually spent fighting. And how much time defending a node, or walking towards it, Or whatever else.



    So in the end, these are some interesting statistics. But nothing more than. They cannot be used for anything but to show how many people in rwz's play on which class. And the fact that the 2 classes which alot of people are calling over powered are being played the most in rwz's only adds to the suspicion that they truly are overpowered.


    And i haven't even begun talking about the difference in survivability, mobility and how long the matches lasted.

  3. The funny thing in this story? They nerfed it so that the few assa's who properly wore TANK gear got hit the most. If that was their problem they should had reduced damage.


    And me for example, am not saying that a nerf wasnt in order. personally i think they should had buffed and nerfed the class. Sounds odd i know. But they should had slightly buffed survivavbility and nerfed the damage a bit more then the buff on on survivability. That buff they should had done on the tanking gear so that tankspecs with dps gear would not get to profit from it.


    But the way they nerfed us... They are pretty much forcing us to go into a hybrid build with dps gear. Which btw, I refuse to do.


    I wrote down dps instead of Tank in the first sentence, fixed now.

  4. Now add the kills/death ratio.


    All that you posted is damage, It doesnt shows wether they zerged to get it. Or actually were able to survive. The fact of the matter is, all those classes have a different survivability. That, and i am going to assume that with average you ment the average of ALL the players of that class.


    You put the average of 400 against 20. Forgive me, But that just doesnt seem all that accurate to me. The fact mara's/powertechs for instance have so many more people in rwz's makes it seem, to me. That to enter an rwz on one of the other classes, you need to be that much more better at your class to be allowed into a group.


    That, and this doesnt changes the fact that in normal warzones, Some of the classes are still doing alot more damage. I have been in pre-mades and in solo ques. Just in case someone will say that the opponents might have been undergeared, Sure thats possible. But then the other classes should have done that much more damage aswell.


    This is not a fact, just my oppinion. But to me it seems like you need to be great at you class to beat a "decent" player playing one of the "Op'ed" classes. Which in turn would mean that great against great results in a loss in that case ofcourse.


    I dont wish to shoot you down, and in all honesty i found this thread to be quite informative. But, there are just to much variables to proof wether or not they truly are over powered. Alot of people have re-rolled to one of the Op-classes, and suck at playing it. So sometimes you come across one that goes down like butter, and on other times one that will make you go down like butter. The fact that we do not know the skill of the people displayed above, means this could potentially be very very wrong.

  5. Did my assassin tank lose some survivability...YES, did i replace a few things and now get more kills and do more damage than before YES, so was not too bad.


    Now on the other hand.....My Jedi Knight tank that thought i played really well has taken a serious hit to his already low damage, he is now IMO, useless.



    The moment i read "replaced a few things" i knew enough. As said earlier in the thread. Tank spec with dps gear hardly feels it. Tank spec with tank gear, Which obviously is meant to go together is hurting quite a bit.


    As for the jedi knight. Lol. Go and try out the new smash centered spec i heard about. Then lets see if you will still come in here claiming to have lost damage.

  6. Not sure which level alderaan is for. Try to stick to the planet closest to your level if you are having trouble. If you know how to play the class you could go for mobs 2-3 levels higher then you. If not. Stick to your own level.


    Also, You can just send in Khem by having him attack a mob with one of his skill. From what i can remember, I have only been doing pvp for the past weeks. But from what i can remember your companion goes into stealth with you. So you both would take aggro. Ideally you should let him get two hits in before you yourself join in. But it should be possible after one hit aswell.

  7. My guardian is turning into my main the more I play him he does everything and He hits pretty hard. I know you can't judge till you are completely geared but I like what he is beoming!


    A guildie of mine plays as a jug. All i hear when he goes into pvp these days is "Power smash, Power smash, Ha got another one. Power smash." So yea... From what i understood they buffed power smash quite a bit.

  8. Hello All,


    I am very new to MMO's, so please forgive any noob statements or requests.


    I have a level 30 Assassin that I stopped playing several months ago. I have now come back to him to see how the changes have affected the play. I spent about 2 hours playing and die all the time. It seems I have completely forgotten how to effectively play the character. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find a guide that will explain the mechanics, strategy, rotation, and build for him. All I want is to be shown how I should play him to best level in PVE ONLY.


    Currently I am spec'd in the Madness tree. I have orange gear and use Khem as my companion. I have kept Khem geared well along the way. I am biochem and use the appropriate stims and adrenals for the class.


    Thank you for assistance.


    I haven´t played Dps on my assa so i cannot tell you about the rotations.


    However, Seeing as you are dps specced. You already said that you use Khem which is a good thing. Do you send Khem into battle before you go into battle yourself so that Khem takes the aggro properly? Or do you just rush into battle hoping he will steal aggro from you?


    If option 2 is the one you are doing, Try option 1.

  9. The funny thing in this story? They nerfed it so that the few assa's who properly wore dps gear got hit the most. If that was their problem they should had reduced damage.


    And me for example, am not saying that a nerf wasnt in order. personally i think they should had buffed and nerfed the class. Sounds odd i know. But they should had slightly buffed survivavbility and nerfed the damage a bit more then the buff on on survivability. That buff they should had done on the tanking gear so that tankspecs with dps gear would not get to profit from it.


    But the way they nerfed us... They are pretty much forcing us to go into a hybrid build with dps gear. Which btw, I refuse to do.

  10. Why don't you go explore the other trees of your class thoroughly and see how awesome they really can be instead of complaining. I like my Shieldtech wayyyy better then Sin taking anyway.


    Why should we be forced to go Dps? I am in Darkness because i like tank classes. I went for the assasin because the developers said that every Tank class in the game is ment to be a Main tank, That and due to the assasin using force attacks like lightning and shock.


    So tell me, Why should i go Dps when i want to Tank?

  11. I really have no clue what they are thinking keeping the classes like this.


    I do about 100k damage in a non-huttball match, Less if i stand guard and people dont attack the turret i am at. But anyway. I push out 100k a bit more if i am constantly attacking (Which i know, a tank shouldnt lol.) where as i see multiple mara's sent's and from time to time even sage's push out 500k+ damage.


    Now the sage is quite squishy okay. But the mara/sent's have more bloody defense oriented skills then we do. While we are tanks. Self healing? They have it aswell. Stealth? They do aswell. The way i see it. If you do 5 times less damage, you should be able to take on 5 times as much damage. But we aren't even close to that. Yet in the last Q and A they pretty much said that we are where they want us to be.


    And they still wonder why so many people leave the game.

  12. Im a non augmented full BM Tank gear 31/0/10 user.


    In all honesty, The survivability is way to low if you look at the low amount of damage you push out. But i can still hold my own in most 1 vs 1's. The only thing that i can advice you is to learn the rotation of other classes if you havent already. A stun and def skill on the right place can be the difference between a win or a loss.


    Against multiple opponents though, you dont stand a chance anymore. Unless they are badly geared/really dont know how to play their class. Its a shame, But the class just really doesnt feel like a tank anymore.

  13. It all depends on your build.


    I am still going with a 31/0/10, Not sure wether i want to loose the survivability i have still left with going 23/01/17 with dps gear. I have always played with tank gear and probably still will.


    One of the things that changed is that my shields pop up more. I will probably respec to 31/01/09.


    Anyway as for rotation.


    I still focus on my "healing" rotation. Shock/wither/shock/force lightning (with recklessness if not on CD). With a few trash's in there in an attamept to get the more crit buff thingy. With that 01, in either of the specs that has 1 point in the second tree for the Maul ability you use Maul everytime it pops up.


    Lacerate depends on which warzone i am in, I only really use it to defend at doors and turrets and such. Apart from that you use your shields where need be, ofcourse. You can use relics anymore so no need to worry about that. Force speed seems logical just like the pull if you spec 31 in the first tree. Mass mind control and shield seem logical aswell.


    The only thing that really changes for me is that i now use Force cloak alot more then i did pre 1.3. And not even to run away. I just pop it up, keep attacking. Which will only result into people not targeting you anymore. It tends to take a few seconds for some people to notice they aren't targeting anyone anymore which means a few seconds of less damage. And ofcourse if you are in a one on one and your opponent used a shield or whatever its also handy to force cloak and attampt to stay hidden until his ability runs out.

  14. Sith Assassins should never been so good at tanking in the first place, in fact they were even better at tanking that Sith Warriors. That's just not right.


    And why should we not had been? It has always been said that every Tank spec in the game was ment to be a MAIN tank spec. So in that case every Tank class should be just as good at Tanking as the others. As for the fact of a Tankassin being better at tanking then a jug. A bit yes, but if you look at both a decent Tankassin and a decent Jug then the difference wasnt THAT big.

  15. In all honesty, I think we pretty much are where we need to be now, pretty much as in that they took away just a slight bit to much.


    I found the nerf to be a little bit to much, I mean they say we are slightly overpowered in PVE and they take away half of our "normal" healing AND about 1/7th of our armor. That seems a bit more then slightly to me.


    For me at the moment there are only 2 problems. One, gear. I use tank gear and BM has way to much accuracy for my taste. I have to be honest and say that i havent looked at a full set of WH gear yet.


    The other problem is un balanced classed. Take for example the marauder/sentinel. Which everyone seems to be complaining about yet they still havent changed it. As dps they have better defensive skills then a tankassin. They have the 99% which seems to be against everything and we have the 50% against melee and ranged. Which gives them alot of survivability. They have a self/party heal which im not entirely sure how it works to be honest. A speedbuff skill AND god knows why but they also have a stealth... Not a long one, but still.


    Then you have troopers/powertechs which seem to be able to survive even with 4 people on them. So far every Jug i have talked to says that the "nerf" they got feels more like a buff.


    Then as for classed that in my eyes needed a buff in 1.2. Not sure how it is in 1.3 i havent been online much. The gunslinger/sniper/dps assa all seemed to weak in my eyes. That, or all i encountered were bad one's.

  16. You know what's funny...


    The Dps assa that has been underpowered (Less damage and survivability then other dps'es) STILL has not been touched. I haven't logged in for quite as bit, I was a bit unhappy with the way things worked and thought i would check back in a month or two to see if it would change. This nerf... just shows me that it perhaps will be fine to come back in a year or two. Maybe then they get the picture.


    And i i would just like to point out how many people QQ'ed about the assa on the forums, You cannot tell me that it has nothing do to with this nerf. Not only did we got nerfed heavily. It seems like the jugg got a small buff. So why on earth take an assa tank with you now?


    They could had easily changed this nerf to the things that are overpowered. They could had made it so that you only get 80% (Just calling a rough number) of the dps skill tree benefits while in Tank stance. That would had helped with the OP hybrids. As for Tank specs wearing Dps gear, there's ways to fix that aswell.



    Its a shame, I was enjoying the storyline in this game. But they just mess so many things up...

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