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Posts posted by huntersmercy

  1. Thank you all for your responses. Know I don't know if it's done here but my long time main character Master Logan-gyre Jedi Knight Vigilance Guardian is looking for a guild that doesn't mind taking on a new level 65 who is slowly making his way thru the chapters (1st time doing them) to eventually do KoTFE chapters and maybe tactical Flash points and Operations eventually. Sorry I'm playing on The Harbinger :D probably a piece of Info that's needed.
  2. I have a question about companions when I stopped playing my main a year ago I was just starting the makeb story line and had my companions at max affection now that I'm back and see all the changes to companions and the introduction of newer ones in the later chapters I was wondering if I should max my affections levels again with my companions before I go any further? (Still on Makeb story stuff with my old main character).
  3. Before I stopped playing a year ago I was running a tactics vanguard and was likeing it my dps seemed to be fine doing pve stuff now that i'm back he is seeming lackluster he is lvl 49 and still doing balmorra class story. any one got a guide to best stat/gear priorities, what skillfull, master, and heroic utilities I should be taking heavy solo pve questing is what I'm doing right now and if I didn't have my companion on heals all the time I'd sure be dead tons of time any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You

  4. this has nothing to do with planet order I just didn't want to start a new thread I'm playing Imp Agent and started dromund kaas at level 24 I redid the hutta heroics and did the new to imp fleet stuff (i.e. crew skill and stuff) I don't think I went and did black talon but when I get to kaas theres no missions I can find for kaas's story missions there was just my imp story, Sport Hunting in kaas city, and Testing Grounds at the unfinished colossus. em I missing something I know xp and there fore levels are gotten insanely fast now but I just did a jedi shadow and there was only a few coruscant mission i'm assuming not in the game anymore that were there when I was playing a year ago but there was still that planets story arc. So were do I find Dromund Kaas's giver for the planets story arc?
  5. I've not played Imp agent yet but have done a smuggler gunslinger before so I don't really want to do the same basic build I did with my gunslinger for my imp agent so I was thinking either a concealment or lethality operative I just need to see what utility points to take for both advance classes and a quick basic routine for there power rotation ?

    If that isn't to much of a tall order and TY in advance for replying to my request if you do


  6. I'm not new I've played before but was over a year ago with so much change I feel like a new player. My question is with the changes to the roles to the companions were they can be switched to Tank, Damage, or Heal is all the companions going to be the same in that or are the ones that used to be healers going to be better at it then the ones that used to be damager's? like is Elara Dorne who was a healer better at it then Aric Jorgan who was a damager?
  7. I'm wanting to get back into playing my trooper vanguard I was running him in pve mostly solo and did group flash points he was going dps but I don't know now which is the better dps the tactics or plasmatech if any one can tell me the game play for the two of them? and maybe post a link to a tactics dps build with stats and attack rotations, and the same thing for plasmatech. I'm trying to decide which advance class I want, my vanguard to be able to survive the pve stuff but help dish the damage when I do group content. Thank You All who may post here ;), Oh my tropper is lvl 34 and also which cell should be equipped when playing tactics and plasmatech?
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