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Everything posted by Phailtaco

  1. So, as a player, about to leave town for a handful of days and doesn't want to just sit around doing nothing, could you guys suggest some fairly popular YouTubers (9,000+ Views on at least one video made in the last 3 weeks) . Preferably with content focusing on Knight/Warrior PvP. Thanks
  2. Firstly an introduction is in order, my name is Nathan and I've had the game roughly FOUR months now, and to this day I've never seen the character create screen... This is due to my computer being unable to connect to a stable patcher source. Every time I try a new and innovative idea, it fails. I don't trust torrented clients and would never use one but I am getting desperate. My question, why don't BioWare include a manual patching system? It seems however the voted upon "Worst Company in America" EA has ruined BioWare. KoTOR had all of its problems patched out so easily it was funny so why not do the same for SWTOR? Would a manual patcher be so hard to cook up, Blizzard does it and they do it well, why not take one of the most reliable ways to download the game and include it in yours, I am stuck and desperately need help so, "Help me BioWare, you are my only hope" -Nathan
  3. It doesn't seem to work for me It just stays at 29.66MB remaining
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