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Posts posted by Bushranger

  1. Found this gem on Reddit about sums up this entire thread


    "I really don't understand why everyone is losing their **** about their server not being on the list yet. They said "server transfers start on tuesday" not "we're going to make sure everyone gets on the fatman an hour after maitenence and then we will send a designated Bioware employee to your home to fellate you until you are satisfied".

    Seriously guys, let's have a little patience. I read some of the replies on their dev thread about it and I lost a little faith in humanity this morning."

  2. I think the thing that strikes me most about the comparisons is that the classes are significantly different. They play differently. Ranged dps they all may be, but that's pretty much where the similarities end. I chose merc because I like that I have survivability (with heavy armor, heals, etc) that is tank-like, the ability to heal other people in a pinch, and dude, I get missles. I mean, that in itself....



    Do you play a Merc...I want you to tell me where Heavy Armor helps AT ALL and this so called Survivability you speak of...please explain how this works post 1.2

  3. As you can see it seems Bioware knows about the issue, but lets not fix it... We will just move your thread and ignore the entire Merc community...


    Bioware you are making it really hard to justify giving you my cash every month when you completely ignore a portion of you subscription base.


    Please give us some kind of response to our issue. All we want is to see you are "working" on it and not just ignoring an entire section of the SWTOR family. I don't think is too much to ask for loyal paying customers.

  4. First people QQ about TM spam and they nerfed it, so you got what you asked for. Now HSM hits harder and you all QQ about that. Should we just run around with a wet noodle blaster just to make you bads happy...L2P
  5. The devs really need to let us know what the reason is for waiting until less then 24 hours till patch to announce this. Is it you intention to dupe your loyal customers into dropping more cash then pulling the rug from under them. This is underhanded and to be honest an out right slap in the face to the PvP community. Bioware had an idea that this was going to happen but instead of being honest with the community they decided to lie to us and then toss out a sideways "Sorry please be patient with us". I'm am just truly stunned that Bioware would screw over its community in this way.


    So Bioware:


    1. What do you plan to do for all the people you screwed with this stunt?


    2. Why did you feel the need to lie to us all for months about this feature. That's just plain and simple shady as hell?


    I'm sure Bioware will continue to spit out mindless dribble on this subject but never the less figured I would try to get someone with a brain over there to help explain the lack of (for lack of a better word) respect you show to the people who keep you in a job.



  6. [The problem is you didn't give it a try, you went to Ilum, tried doing a mission that was bugged by chance, and figured it would be easier to just come on the forums to complain.


    There are way more end game gear paths for you to take so you can experience all the content. People will take you through HM's and reg ops in Centurion gear... ]



    K but why should I have to PvP when Im just interested in PvE, its not like MMO PvP takes skill or is even interesting otherwise I would be playing SC2 right now for that. I want PvE for story and more of an experience not a bunch of chickens running around with their heads chopped off.


    You shouldnt be forced down a certain path and right now I clearly am, either I PvP for the stupid PvP gear to get welfare runs through HM, or I simply do not progress my character.


    Good job Bioware.


    The amount of fail in this post is truly astonishing...If you can't gear yourself in normal/hard FP you are just a bunch of terrible. As for you crying about the 2 man heroic all I can think of is


    ITS TOO HARD!!!!!!! :confused::mad::(

  7. This is a new issue to me, and sorry if it has been reported all ready



    BUG: If I am killed while turning a node in CW or planting the bomb in VS I am unable to release to Med Center until the cast timer expires.


    Now granted its only 8 seconds but this can be a real pain. Can anyone else confirm that this happens to them, also is this intended (can't believe this is "working as intended")

  8. The OP might have the most mindless post I have EVER seen. If you can't compete in full Champ gear in WZ you are just plain BAD end of story. And to give Negative Stats to people who work to progress their toons is just STUPID. Whats next give people Columi gear for Nightmare Ops...Try to think before you post your mindless dribble...
  9. 1) 16-man HM is much harder than 8-man HM. Even the mob fights which are a cakewalk on 8-man are something you have to be somewhat careful about on 16-man.


    2) Did 16-man last time with the guild since we didn't want to split groups, the first fight was much, much harder than it was on 8-man, took us a few wipes to get the mechanics right and finally down him, so we didn't have time to get to Gharj, but from what we noticed on the first fight, there's a key mechanic to this fight to guarantee you bring 2 tanks. The boss has a very strong attack that hits the second target on the aggro list. If that target happens to be the DPS, there's a decent chance he's going to be one-shotted. The problem with keeping this mechanic up is (a) at the start of the fight, (b) whenever the main tank gets knockbacked and has to get back to the boss. Also, the enrage timer is more demanding on the DPS than in 8-man, both due to the high HP of the boss and the fact that you're still likely to have a DPS down during this fight due to the "2nd aggro instakill" mechanic, unless your DPS are in (semi)full Rakata gear where they might survive the shot.



    This post is not totally correct. 16 HM is "harder" due to the number of people but in no way harder due to mechanics/boss health. The bosses have less health comparatively then 8 man (ex: 8m 240k hp so 16m should have 480k but has 440k to make up for the harder ops management) (not true values just an example)


    Now some info to help the above guild and the OP on the first boss. The 2ed on agro thing is an EASY fix in 16m HM. USE 2 TANKS Here is how this works


    1. Boss fight starts


    3. DPS starts and EVERYTIME its up roll your agro drop

    4. MT knock back OT TAUNTS

    5. MT runs back in and taunts back from OT

    6. Missile Barrage-snipers pop bubble sorcs drop aoe heal EVERYONE stands in it

    7. Rinse and Repeat

    8. Profit


    Hope this helps. If you do it this way your DPS wont eat the missile (cant for the life of me remember the name)

  10. So, on my sentinel I just got out of a voidstar against 3 mercenaries, 4 sorcerers, and an assassin. both teams were pugs, btw.



    As is pretty common, the entire other team is clumping up around the two central pillars, somewhat spread apart, but they're not really moving, just defending the door from that area.



    So here, I'm faced with a bit of a problem... what exactly should I be doing?


    I see the ranged on my team standing off, dpsing on the guys around the pillars, and the mercenaries and sorcerers around the pillar are freecasting on anyone that gets near the door so I can't really do anything objective-wise.



    I can jump in, and try to start dpsing them, and interrupting them. IF there was only one I think I could do this pretty easily, but as soon as I charge in I'm instantly stunned, or knocked back then stunned and blown up 100%-0 before the barrage of cc is over, so I assume I shouldn't be doing that.



    The other melee on my team are seemingly in the same situation I am.



    So I'm just wondering... what exactly am I supposed to do in this situation?


    Get BIG !!!

  11. You cant do anything to stop healers as mercenary with no interrupt...


    Every healer can outheal your damage and survive since you cant stop them.... Even non-specced healers can sometimes win fights simply because they hid behind los and pulled of a heal that could have been avoied with a bloody interrupt....


    The only thing we have is a bloody stun that is our main cc that is usually broken by the skill since they dont fear for any other big contrlling effect...


    We have a jetpack that requires close RANGE which means losing damage you could do and also even more time being eaten by slow dots. And a punch that has knockback but ONLY when specced










    You again...Last thread was nerf Mercs cuz TM is op...now you want an interupt...Do you even play this game or just cry on the forums

  12. So Warlocks dott'ing you and running away wasn't easy?


    LOL at watching you die.



    This is whats going to happen if they ever nerf TM. Pyro Mercs will just melt your face while we run around and laugh at you trying to kill us. Keep it up and you'll get what you asked for LOL

  13. title says it all. I keep seeing a lot of threads about sorcs but no one seems to mention the elephant in the room. Tracer missile can reduce you from full hp to dead in 7 seconds. No sorc can do that. No other ability can do that from any class.


    i vote we remove tracer missile entirely or put a 60 sec CD on it. One missile and then 60 sec cd.



    Wait what?!?!?!?!? I have never heard of anyone saying this...Elephant in the room you say where...

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