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10 Good
  1. Wow. Maybe i should have searched before i posted... Thanks!
  2. So i just reached lvl 50 with my Sith Marauder. It is awesome and immediately you feel the power that has been granted upon your promotion to a Darth. The world bows to your presence while you await orders from your ultimate master, the Sith Emperor. And of course a Dark lord of the sith can't walk around with petty fabrics to protect his heavenly skin and stone-carved muscles. You need thick armor made from the hardest of metals, augmented with the enigmatic dark side of the force. So you take your ship and fly to the imperial fleet. You then pick your free tionese gear. Awesome. Huge metal spaulders pauldrons and cybernetic boots and gloves. Your armor scream of terror and you are ready to enforce your will on the galaxy. But wait. Did you forget something? You are sith. And since you are sith you need the most important part of your outfit. The lovely hood. So on top of this huge metal chunk of armor you have this little hood. Because when you walk around like this huge metal colossus you have to preserve atleast a little bit of subtelty. Just why would you do something like this to us marauders. The juggernauts atleast have theit hood down on the back, not on their head. Yes, you can have your helmet on to hide the hood, but if you like me, have spent half an hour in the character customization, you don't wanna hide your head. So the option to hide the hood would be amazing, i don't know how the armor is created and if a piece of it can be removed just like that or if it has to be redesigned. But what i propose is not the option to remove the hood but display an invisible helmet. In the game there is a chestpiece that has no design but just leaves the torso bare. This one http://www.torhead.com/item/2Hrnrdx/covert-torso-energy-armor There are also headgear in the game that hides the hood instead of sitting under the hood. If you would combine these two you have your head bare without the hood. Problem solved(maybe).
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