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Everything posted by Ccgv

  1. Is anyone experiencing them? For example, if I travel to a planet, a big explosion noise appears outta nowhere(I checked my hyperdrive:rolleyes:). And sometimes when I'm in a convo, my screen goes crazy and shakes like there's a tunnel coming down. The list goes on. Am I the only one experiencing this atm? Also, 2 companions show up when i talk to them...
  2. Do you like them? Are they to strong? Weak? Boring? Cool animations? Discuss anything about the class here, i'd like to see opinions
  3. Thanks a bunch =). Happy to know vanguards are great in raiding to. Definitely gonna start, appreciate the help
  4. Sorry If you think I'm trolling, but i'm still getting into the idea that vanguard is like a tanky dps. I know their dps is good for pvp, but I've never done pve, so I'm not sure what works there.
  5. Generally curious, if I was to raid as a vanguard dps, would it be possible to compete with a gunslinger, or even command? Or does vanguard not have a chance to compete with those dps, because of the class? I'm just curious because I want to be a very good dps in raiding, to the point where I'm usually on top charts, but I want to raid as the classes I enjoy, not the classes that are "op". In the end, can vanguard be top dps if he/she manages his rotation perfectly?
  6. I like my vanguard, but I'm not sure if dps van is a thing in raiding. Also my scoundrel scrapper. But what is a desired class for raiding? Or is it more so the players knowledge than someone wanting a "good" class? I use to pvp, but I've given up due to ranked feelings so iffy.
  7. Question, can I skip SoR without any story punishment? Like will something significant happen if I dont do this? I really dont want to run through them for the 7th time.. But would it be any different from a character that actually did SoR in kotfe? Thanks.
  8. So I wanted to report a player for spam, because he was annoying in a pvp match. However I reported him for harassment and I cannot close it. It only bothers me because I dont want to waste a support workers time for a error.
  9. But that means they would have to listen to players, and stop forcing cartel content down our throat!
  10. Title says it all, my rotation currently is Back blast-Shank shot-Vital shot-Bludgeon-Upper hands. Then I basically continue to use spells for some given situations, is this good or bad?
  11. I swear I recently saw something that said coins were going to be on 8/2, Is this true or am I going crazy?
  12. Damn that sucks. Guess I'm stuck here.
  13. I've already used a referal transfer a while ago. I dont think you can get another one. I used someones referal recently, so i could see if I want to sub. Am i wrong?
  14. Came back to the game a few days ago, and my main server jung ma is COMPLETELY dead. The only people on the pub fleet are bots, and i havent seen anyone on a planet while leveling. It sucks that because BW messed up, I have to pay a lot of $ to transfer because I literally cant do any content on my server. Is anything being done?
  15. I have slicing atm. But I'm not sure whats profitable anymore, I was away a year, so things may have changed. I'm not looking for crew skills to help my smuggler, but more so make a lot of credits. I'd be nice to level one up as i level my smuggler.
  16. Thanks a bunch, is the market really not worth it anymore unless you're very good?
  17. There's so much cool gear, and new items to buy since i've left. The issue is, I only have 100k. I had 6m but I gave it all to my guild because i told myself i wouldn't play again(lol) but the market has changed a lot, and i've lost my mojo to play the market, since I transferred to a big server(Harbringer, or however it's spelled) I was wondering if someone could give me an ideal of what sells well, and what markets to stick with. If you don't want to give any advice on the forums, feel free to mail Wolffé. Anyways, whats some advice ya'll can toss at me to play on a big server, that has a lot of competition. I sold some of my old cartel items, but people undercut WAAAAY to much. Someone undercut me by 300k, next guy 200k, and the item went down to 50k. I was thinking of taking slicing, but i'd really like to get into the market. The short of it, is that how do you play the GTN well on a big server? Thanks guys!
  18. I wish they'd do something. I'm a returning player, and my main server jung ma is COMPLETELY dead. The fleet has around 2-6 people on at most. I leveled a toon and i was 90% of the time the only one on the planet. I want to buy a sub, but its a waste if i have to pay so much money to transfer because the game messed up, not me.
  19. Thanks a bunch friend! This gives me a big reason to continue leveling smuggler(I know its silly, but romance and story have a big choice if i play a class or not.)
  20. Is there any hints as to she can be a perma romance? I'm debating if i romance risha, but she doesn't really fit my smuggler. But is lana a kiss and goodbye, or can it go further?
  21. Title says it all, which one is better overall in pvp?
  22. I really want to roll one, and the reason I ask this is because I plan on going into ranked later. Scoundrel was fun, but I don't think i like stealthing in swtor. Gunslinger looks very fun damage/burst wise, and i wouldn't mind going through the story again to level one. But I asked in general chat today, and most say slingers dps is good, but for ranked they're not viable at all. I'm curious, if a player mastered gunslinger, and became extremely good. Would gunslinger in ranked be viable? EVEN without a team? I ask this because, I don't think I can play a class that will be un-viable no matter how good you are. I played marauder a year back, I made it viable because I practically mastered it. I was wondering if it would be possible to do the same for slinger? TL:DR is slinger bad even if you're a very "good" one?
  23. I plan to pvp at endgame. As swtor is the only pvp I've ever enjoyed.
  24. I'll say this, I've played every imp to 60. I loved my BH merc to death, but I hate being on the empire.(Its silly but I like to "rp" as i play through the game.) I really enjoyed marauder, playing the underplayed class and always getting in the top with pvp. Can't say i liked anything else, Agent was fun because of its hard hitting number. Basically I'm trying to find a pub class to play, I'm playing vanguard currently. (54) but I feel like i'm lacking something with the class. I feel like my only good damage is grenades. I'm thinking of a sentinel because I enjoyed that style a lot, but how are they currently? Last I played a marauder we were known as the worst pvp class. If it helps, I enjoy a hard hitting class. tankyness doesn't really matter to me, since I played a marauder a little back. I also like a class thats hard, but I don't know if anything changed a lot. Thanks guys!
  25. I ran mine as administrator and it worked. I got the same exact issue a few days ago.
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