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Everything posted by Durazel

  1. I dont blame you for beeing mad, but since i have told people serveral times that i was just testing it and aint gona do ranked agin i dont see why people are still angry and that guy was probly not a multiboxer then, for example if you multibox the other character will copy your main character, and there is no scripts involved, as far as commands goes, its just a short tearm i use the keybind on like for example get my team to follow me which is alt+f for me and to target my target i use alt+a and then since i use the same class all other characters just cast the same abitlitys when i use them normaly i just solo flash points like black talon and also i am doing some hc missions
  2. Let me guess you are one of those people who are sitting in General chat complaining about bad people in solo que ? So lets say, i have a full team of 4 people, we que and we lose over and over and over, dose this mean we should be banned ? no it dosent, and if i go out in the world and gank you. do you have fun ? no you dont, do i have fun ? yes. there will always be people that dont like what you do, you can't expect to have fun and get everything that you want and point at. i am sorry mate but thats not how the world works. you are not on top of the world and everyone should not kneel to you. i can play ranked if i want to since i am paying for the game just as you. but as i have stated earlier i probly wont be queing anymore anyways, as it dident work out and it was pretty boring am i a bad player ? yes i am, but i play games and have fun, i am not trying to be a ``hard core elite player`` like you. playing games is about haveing fun mate. also as i said earlier sorry if i uppset you mate
  3. i qued ranked cuz i want to test it out for fun. unfair advantage ? i got 20 loses in a row so i would hardly call it an advantage at all i started doing it just to test it out, and then i thought to my self, heck il just do the mission for 20wins/loses, its a nice sum of credits I am a solo player, i dont like to play with people, this is the reason that i am multiboxing in all the games that i play, i can still enjoy most of the content, and have fun doing it and you should not call it bots as they are controled by me, its called a box mate
  4. The reason you multibox, is just for fun to be fair! i can't give you another explination. And as far as how multiboxing works its a long story, but you can basicly say that you play the game pretty much as everyone ells, but you have 4 accounts, you have your main window ``game`` that you play on, and everything you do is copyed to the other windows. but its not just to play like normal, for example my boxes are on follow, and if i engage in a fight they lose follow, which means i got a set keybind so all of them starts following me agin, but any time i use a skill they stop agin. the reason its harder in this game is cuz we do not have addons for example. so you can't use things like strobe ``Auto follow`` and if you want to click something lets say like an elevator or an keypad, you have to tab over to every character and click it. as far as Flash points goes, you can't do flash points, its not manageable unless u do the really easy once. so as i said Multiboxing is for fun, i have been multiboxing for the past 9 years in diffrent games. Ooh yeah... if you want to know more and want to see some propper videos, the tool i am useing for Multiboxing is isboxer.
  5. Made you guys a little video, not the best quality due to a pretty bad connection but i hope you can read what i wrote sorry that i uppset you guys! <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNLvKJv3vQA
  6. Ps. probly wont be queing agin cuz it appearently dident work to well but wanted my 20 win/loses, also had a few guys whisper me earlier today, that was abit uppset
  7. Hello, i am Didodad the Mutliboxer you met, if you would like to know the reason that i was doing rated pvp, it was to to test out how well a mutlibox would do in pvp in this game, and also wanted to get my hands on the crafting boxes, it was just for fun, i am really confused to why all this hate is around Multiboxing is allowed in this game. i used to multibox over in world of warcraft / Lineage 2 and there have always been people complaining, i am sorry if this troubbels you, but i am paying for the game to have fun just as you, and got just as much right to do everything in the game as you do //Dido
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