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Posts posted by DartSuncho

  1. Certainly not the most original stronghold thread, but please, increase the X and Y offsets to 200! It looks simple to implement (a single number change) and it will solve several problems. First, it'll be like there are no hooks at all. Freedom of puting decos anywhere in the vicinity. No need for designers to worry about exact placings of hooks and so on. Second, finally, it will be posible to put decorations that are meant to stand against a wall against a wall. Cause these large hooks in the center of every passageway won't do... I remember there was a change from 10 to 20. Why this sacred number 20 I still dont understand.
  2. Lol, I knew that about twenty people play this expansion (i see their names), so it's pointless to raise any questions. Obviously you didn't get the point. Especially the guy with the LOT-of-reworking on his head. I'll make it simple for you. The boost speed is already there. I can only imagine what hard labour would be required to make the space key pressed all the time. Depletion of the boost engines is the one thing that makes no sense.


    There was something like acceleration in Rogue Squadron, but as far as i remember that game was a lot of fun; dont know why, but it looks like the speed (or the recharge time of engines) is an issue here. Or maybe it's the terrain. In Rogue Squadron there was always something to shoot at, because it was not PVP. But when you fly over huge, plain rocks with nothing to do but wait for the sweet boost it becomes tedious... Of course there always will be people who enjoy flight simulators, but their to people who play for fun ratio is indistinguishable from zero with unarmed eye.


    And fun means NOT wasting time to get from point A to point B. You can clearly see the right evolution in SWTOR. The game started copying WoW with the philosophy that your time must be wasted running on foot between doing fun stuff so you can spend your days (and hopefully your entire life) as a subscriber. The first mount was at 25 level and the speed buff at 14. Now it's different. Why? Because they understood that the old days are gone. There are other MMOs now which are very dynamic and fun.


    Again, in GSF you start from a remote location doing nothing but pressing space to reach the battle. After that you wait. Every battle is a competition and this one is about who is flying slowly until the right moment, so it much more closely resembles a race (when you keep your strength for the finish) than what i propose here. It's simply not fun, but dont worry, the devs will understand it someday. They learn and react, just not fast enough to save their buisness... And I'm not the only person with this issues on mind. I'm the only one here. The others tried it and just quit it. I've seen some of them.


    To mr sim: There is a lot of confusion in your head, but I cant help you with that. You can continue to read your mind and respond to it, but it adds nothing to reality.

  3. Okay, I know most of you guys actually enjoy Galactic Starfighter the way it is, but certainly it can become much better. I guess some of you (and hopefully the game designers and managers) have watched the Star Wars movies. The space battles were anything but slow. There was speed. A key concept that's missing here. When I fly my fastest ship on normal speed I feel like I'm driving a paraglider or something. How is this supposed to be epic and cool? You know, there is game named "the need for speed", by the same master company, if I'm not mistaken. Not that i play it, but the idea is that speed alone is sufficient to make a whole new game. I have no idea what drove the designers to make the renown Star Wars space battles the slowest thing in the universe, contrary to the official source. The speed is definitely possible to add, it's actually there, but restricted for some unknown purpose and against all action logic. So here are my suggestions:


    1. Make the boost speed normal speed. Put brakes if you must for fine maneuvers but let us enjoy the flying. You know, this moment when you pop up from what it looks to be a wormhole (when you should be on your carrier ship actually) and head for the action takes forever. It's a moment of prolonged agony and is quite exhausting. I mean literally. By the time you reach another ship your engines are depleted, and the chasing begins on slow cadence. That's, of course, if you're driving fast enough in the beginning to not fall asleep. On "normal" speed you have enough time to make a coffee. What kind of pointless, sadistic design is this?


    2. Please, put some option to remove all pollution from the screen, especially the center rings, or make it switchable by some key. That would be beautiful. The marker showing targeted enemy is fine but I see absolutely no need of all the circles that ruin the vision. They add nothing. Zero information. It's not even a cockpit view. Or put it somewhere else, away from the center, if possible.


    3. One minor change in the current situation. The shaking of the ship when boosting is ridiculous. It's not a steam locomotive after all. One can assume that putting more energy in some high tech space engine will only rise its temperature. What could be the cause for vibrations? I feel as if the shaking was put to remind the player that what otherwise would be called normal speed is actually something quite exclusive and has to be repaid with sleep mode of recharge.

  4. Like the now sparse server pop - hundreds of threads about wait times, they open more servers, guess what? Now pops are down and everyone is too spread out. This was entirely the fault of all the whiners.


    This can't be farther from the truth. Blaming gamers for misdeveloping and bad management is just blaming the victim. Bioware simply believed that their game is so great that the trend will be only in up direction... People are spread out because the servers can hold maximum of two thousand people instead of ten. Such server, if not having the maximum number of players, quickly begin to look underpopulated. And then it starts a chain reaction. And of course the zone limit - only 100 people in a single instance. One gets to wonder why all the people are not on a single server when they are separated by instancing, like in Guild Wars 1.


    The other major feature of the game is that the majority of investements have gone for recording of quest speech. Personal stories are good, but the rest of the quests are all the same and include some military conversation about targets, units and special forces. They are crap. There are no huge open spaces for people to wander, gather/grind and accidentally meet someone else for party or pvp or anything. Dynamic events obviously are off the schedule for Bioware. There are planets completely off reach for the opposite faction and almost all of them have empire and republic territories situated at the same coordinates which is absurd and ruins all the illusion of a consistent world. You simply cannot attack any base, because it is beyond the event horizon. In essence, this game is a massive single player game. Once you eat all the content you're done.

  5. Now BioWare is working on a server transfer solution - and could really use our help to expedite it becoming a reality. They are ramping up live character transfers (copies) to the Public Test Servers as a test bed for in-game server transfers. THEY NEED TESTERS!


    Where exactly did you see anyone talking about server transfers? No such thing at all. Read carefully and don't give people false hope. The copying of your characters to the test servers will be implemented simply to make the testing more appealing to anyone.

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