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Posts posted by YpaWinz

  1. As long as people who support rated PvP require that it come along with some kind of reward other than to see your name on a ladder, you'll find even more who are vehemently opposed to its existence. Arena PvP doesn't deserve anything special.


    As a Bloodfin native, I approve this message.

  2. As someone who is equally passionate about football and PvP, I find huttball to be pretty incredible, but I also find it pretty frustrating that we're not rewarded properly for scoring. There's no incentive at all for winning the game, shutting out your opponent, or really even scoring touchdowns.


    A couple guildmates and I will usually queue as a group. We'll just roll in and score 3-4 times within the first minute or two, and then spend the rest of the match farming kills/medals (unless some wreckless Tebow on our team decides to 6 cap.)


    This is probably going to be the way to do it until something changes.


    To append this - After thinking about it a bit, I kind of think that this is the way it should stay. If you think about how football works, there's no hardcap to scoring. You take the lead then control the clock. If you do this in huttball, you shift the focus from scoring to PvP where it should be. You're not only going to win the game, you're going to come away with kills, medals, xp, comms and the satisfaction of cleaning gallons of blood from your blade.

  3. While I don't take anything in the OP seriously, I will say that if you're going to propose that they reduce the # of touchdowns required to win at Huttball, there needs to be some better incentive in place to actually win the game quickly, otherwise it's better the way it is. Just score 3-4 times then farm kills/heals/medals for the duration.
  4. As someone who is equally passionate about football and PvP, I find huttball to be pretty incredible, but I also find it pretty frustrating that we're not rewarded properly for scoring. There's no incentive at all for winning the game, shutting out your opponent, or really even scoring touchdowns.


    A couple guildmates and I will usually queue as a group. We'll just roll in and score 3-4 times within the first minute or two, and then spend the rest of the match farming kills/medals (unless some wreckless Tebow on our team decides to 6 cap.)


    This is probably going to be the way to do it until something changes.

  5. Just out of curiosity, i know that shiv brings up tactical advantage... but are there any other skills that stack it?

    Im only lvl22 atm, but apart from shiv it seems to come randomly.


    If you spec into Incisive Action in the medic tree, you'll get a TA by casting Kolto Injection. Once you can get the Tactical Opportunity talent, Laceration will have a pretty good chance of putting up a TA too. Between those 2 and shiv, it should have a pretty solid amount of uptime.


    Hope that helps.


    Edit: I should add that Tactical Opportunity depends on the target being poisoned, so you'll want to have Corrosive Dart in your rotation if you don't already.

  6. The OP is incredibly wrong. I realize it's a matter of opinion, to an extent. However, as an informed and experienced MMO player, I can say hands down that quite the opposite is true. TOR is not the worst PvP MMO... it's the BEST.


    Sure, there could be more Warzones, and there will be. However, PvP isn't just about "sprinting and interrupting." If you think that, it's probably why you're losing so hard and were thus compelled to come cry about it here. There's just as much complexity to PvP in this game as in any other; that is to say that you will succeed if you know your class and what your role is, and perform to the specifications of that role and as a member of the team. If you think that you are supposed to simply run around and try to interrupt people, then of course you will fail.


    The reason I say that this is the best PvP MMO is because of one simple issue: class balance. In every game, no matter how creative or unique the PvP may be, there has always been a glaring issue of class imbalances, especially on launch. Rift is a great example of this. Many people were hyped about that game. Trion was ambitious and created an interesting "soul" system that allowed people to make really unique class combinations. However, the game was not balanced at all. The first major patch didn't fix the problem as a whole... it fixed certain aspects, but broke the game in other ways. This is something most MMOs struggle with over the years, and few developers ever actually get it right.


    But they got it right with TOR, and on the first try. There is not a single class that is really overpowered, and there is not a class that is really underpowered. There is nothing I would not want in my party because it's useless or broken, and there's nothing I can complain about with regards to class balance. It's all about the skill of the player. Nothing more, nothing less.


    So really... if you're complaining about PvP in this game, you can't be a very experienced MMO player, because if you were you would realize that the class balance in this game is completely on point, and there's something to be said for that. And if you've played MMOs before and you disagree, then guess what... you're bad.


    The PvP is smooth, balanced, and far more refined than in any MMO to date. If you can't realize it, then I feel sorry for you. I have done a lot of PvP so far in this game, and I have yet to have even a single moment where I thought... THAT WAS BS! For any reason. I've had moments where I thought... damn, that guy knows what he's doing. Much more frequently I've had moments where I thought... damn, that guy has no idea what he's doing.


    Logically, most people here are going to be in the second category of players.


    100% This. Plain and simple.


    To add, what bothers me about nearly every complaint post I've seen so far is that A) 95% of them are not constructive at all, and B)The game hasn't even launched yet.


    Give it time. Patience bros. Patience.

  7. I'm only @ 24 but so far Concealment Op plays very similar to rogue in WoW.


    You have:

    a sap (sleep dart)

    a kidney shot (debilitate)

    a vanish (cloaking screen),

    an evasion (evasion)

    a kick (distraction)

    a backstab (backstab),

    a sinister strike/hemo type ability (shiv),

    an eviscerate type finisher (laceration),

    a recuperate type finisher (stim boost, if talented w/ revitalizers)

    an ambush that, when talented, will be like cheapshot w/ damage (hidden strike)


    In addition to the standard rogue kit, we also have a fair number of ranged attacks, the aid of a cover mechanic, heals, a dispel, an aoe stun/blind, and so much more I'm sure I haven't even seen.


    It's like a rogue on steroids and you still have the option to respec to be a more effective healer, or a more effective mid-range/aoe fighter.

  8. Slicing is amazing for making money once you get into the tier 2 missions. I'm on the tier 5 missions right now and am netting 1.5-3k credits per mission. I'd recommend that no matter what crafting skill you take, at least until the economy is established and stable.


    Other than that, I went w/ Biochem and Bioanalysis for the stims/medpacks and whatnot. Seemed like the most universally useful of all of them, to me anyway.

  9. Depending on what's going on, I'll open with backstab (if the target is already CC'd) or debilitate (e.g cheap shot) and then Shiv (to get TA) and then from there it's basically just keeping cooldowns rolling. If I'm getting hit hard, I'll use a TA on Stim Boost, if not I'll use it on Laceration. If I get a bunch of dudes on me, I'll Flashbang and focus down the lowest one, then pop CS. Once I get the Tactical Opportunity talent, I'll probably use corrosive dart more until I get acid blade.
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