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Everything posted by Rotoroot

  1. 1.2 is a joke. A bad one. Oh well, at least there'll be free server transfers for the remaining players. I hate fan boys like you as much as you hate dissers\haters. 100s of pages of complaints about 1.2 from people who've tried it... Open your eyes.
  2. Also people who didnt play agent who wanted to play a healer with a lightsaber for pve or pvp. So subscription drop incoming.
  3. Bioware is clearly going the "taking things away" route, not giving things (or buffing) route. They aren't going to give sorcs some burst for pvp, or pve. But... I mean if you're just throwing out random what ifs, it would be great if Bioware gave sundaes every Sunday to all the players of SWTOR, with a cherry on top.
  4. The best way to counter this is to reroll as a marauder or cancel your subscription.
  5. I can tank, dps, and heal at the same time with my sorc all because of my godlike bubble. When I'm solo'ing Soa on nightmare mode, I always say to myself "I'm so glad I have my godlike bubble".
  6. I disagree, I think the population will drop by at least 50% within the first month of the release of 1.2 when people are underwhelmed by the additional content/features and overwhelmed by nerfs and balancing of the characters they enjoyed playing. New patches won't help because people will leave and not be happy and won't be willing to come back when there's a lot of other options out there (especially around 1.2 release). This is the problem, because bioware focused on nerfs/balancing instead of fixing bugs and adding content, they have shown their priorities. This is their first and possibly biggest patch ever and it is terrible. You think 1.3 will be great or 1.4? There will be more balancing and maybe one other mission added with multiple bugs left unfixed and problems from beta still obvious to anyone actually playing the game. That won't bring anyone back but they can keep banking on the star wars name keeping their subscribers. That worked out so well for SWG.
  7. Endgame in MMO's is not the same actually. The stories do suck, they are not very good, certainly no better then garbage on TV. In fact, you could find a million comic books with better stories then SWTOR. I haven't created the ultimate game because such thing doesn't exist; however, and I know youre a fanboy, but this game could have been made far better in nearly all aspects. My job isn't to make video games but if it was, I could do a better job and even now could do a better job simply by using common sense. Fail game is fail. Can't wait for 1.2 the population will drop easily by 50%.
  8. LOL you are in for quite a surprise in PVE post 1.2 and definitely notice when it happens.
  9. They don't believe it will happen and neither do the fanboys who love to say "Don't let the door hit you", won't be so fun when they are playing with only another couple thousand players. No one to show off their armor too and very little new people joining because of the bad PR. 1.2 is already making people quit and not buy the game, it's not even out yet. It's only going to get worse.
  10. Win. I guess people HM raiding for Rakata pre-1.2 are wasting their time entirely.
  11. I'd hire him over who they got now. 1. Can't make hair for avatars that looks any better then poop on a head. 2. Makes end game armor that looks like Gundam or some bastardized version of anime. I think thats from the warhammer devs they brought over who wanted to work on a fantasy game. 3. Endgame is repeating same missions over and over, but adding hps and damage to bosses. The story sucks in this game, they love to use it as a selling point but you do the same stories over and over again. On top of that, no one will be winning any emmys - the voice acting is subpar at best. 4. is about to balance/nerf instead of addressing core problems and bugs that have existed in game since beta. 5 Nerfing but adding only one more mission. 6. "Balancing" PVP and screwing over pve players in the process. PVP players up in arms because it balances nothing. As you can see Bioware should hire this guy. Hell, they should hire any bum standing out from on their sidewalk, as long as it isnt one who worked at Warhammer Online. This game won't be saved and will go same route as warhammer - wait and see it won't take long.
  12. The similarities (including management/patching/priorities) between this game and Warhammer Online are astounding. I expect SWTOR to see the same results. I do not blame people for calling this game dead now... It has a year tops before its down to three servers and that's being very generous. I expect population/subcriptions to cut in half within a month of 1.2 I'm calling it now. Let's wait and see and enjoy the show.
  13. My server, one of the busiest is dying. Fleet is less then 100 people when it used be full. At one point we had two instances of fleet. That will never happen again. Things will get even worse after 1.2 Just watch.
  14. Don't worry, you won't be the only one leaving.
  15. I love the "Don't let the door hit your butt on the way out" responses. I heard them in the following games: Asheron's Call 2 Matrix Online Warhammer Online DC Universe Online Star Wars Galaxies Vanguard APB Tabula Rasa Age of Conan Fallen Earth What else do all those games have in common? Enjoy your mediocre game that's destined for failure. I'm sure the game will be very fun when the total population is around 15k. Don't worry we won't get hit by the door and we won't look back either
  16. No. I won't be. This game is being ran exactly like Warhammer Online and is going to fail like it. The game is already hemorrhaging players and will be another example to MMORPG developers on what not to do.
  17. Space version of Warhammer Online, flaws and all.
  18. You should do the Ilum quests to unlock dailies there too. As far as I know you can solo every FP up to BP (for the most part). Colecoid may be possible to solo but haven't done it solo so I can't say for sure. Generally, you do need to complete the FPs in normal mode before you can do them in hard mode. There might be a couple you don't have to but I can't think of them offhand. You will not be able to solo any hardmode.
  19. This game is turning out to be a lot like Warhammer. Remember when they nerfed and balanced and fixed very few bugs and released very little new content? I do. I think SWTOR even has old Warhammer people working on it, doesn't it? I could be wrong but thought I heard that. You can never achieve balance in a MMORPG, ever. Good call doing it with your first major patch, instead of other things Bioware. I can't wait for 1.2, can you?
  20. It is funny I can't wait for 1.2 it will be fun to watch.
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