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Posts posted by basketofseals

  1. Wow wasn't fun when i quit it five years ago, not really interested in SWTOR taking features from a game i haven't had an interest in even touching in that many years.


    Comparisons are valid with wow though, here's my own:

    SWTOR is fun, WoW isn't.


    Was it really the features that made you not have fun? Wasn't it more the content/design decisions?

  2. It actually has a lot to do with it.


    You're complaining that the game, which has just barely hit one month since the official release, doesn't have enough content. Since apparently you've experienced everything it has to offer. Which, at launch, had over a dozen different flashpoints for endgame, two raids...which have been improved upon since, 3 PvP warzones, and two dedicated world PvP zones.


    In comparison, since WoW is brought up so much, WoW launched with 3 endgame small-group instances, 2 raids, and next to non-existant world PvP. A typical expansion launches with 4-6 small-group instances, 1-2 battlegrounds, and 1-2 raids.



    The problem with your problem, is that you're expecting the content level of a 7 year old game, out of a 1 month old game.


    I apologize for speaking for the OP, but I don't think he's talking just about raids and other such content.


    I understand that WoW didn't have all these in release, but there's things like achievements, pets, and mounts to collect. There's factions to gain rep with, and rare recipes to find.


    The lack of gold sinks in SWTOR might contribute to this. There's not really any point of crafting for money since there's nothing to spend it on, and there isn't really anything great from crafting anyway so there's no incentive to get more recipes.


    I don't think it's unreasonable to have these since I believe RIFT has most if not all these things.

  3. There is no in game support for this game. Its part of the package, accept it until they figure it out or not. For the first few years wow didn't have in game support either. Offering something and providing it are not the same. This isn't an attack or anything, its just how it is.


    This is simply not true.


    Back in Vanilla WoW, I had tickets that were answered in twenty to thirty minutes all the time.


    Unfortunately now it takes just a bit less than a full day, but the quality is still there.

  4. I read a lot on these forums and often don't reply because I simply don't think my opinion matters that much and would just clutter the thread.


    However I feel strongly about this particular complaint.


    It seems people keep thinking in terms of "WOW vs SWtor" on all channels.


    First off.. WoW had 6 years to develop in general, where as SWtor is in it's early childhood. Comparisons are simply not fair nor realistic at this stage.


    As for the races question.


    The World of Warcraft is TOTALLY different from Star Wars.

    The whole world in WOW is based around the struggle between the Horde and the Alliance. The Line is as much a racial line as it is a faction line.


    In Star Wars these lines do not coincide. There is no single race that is devoted to only 1 faction. It would there for be totally out of place to reduce factions to different and limited races... That would simply not be 'Star Wars'


    Now to get back to the WOW comparison.

    In the 7 years of WOW devs there made choice after choice that actually REDUCED the faction / racial differences... main one being the granting of Shamans and Paladins to both sides...


    This is just a simple example of even Blizzard finding it hard to maintain such big differences between factions in relation to balance.


    No, you can not use this argument here. WoW at release had 8 playable races with different body models. Some drastically so.

  5. I am 50 pyro with full epic 2 pieces of set PVE gear and railshot heat leak spec, I must also tell that keeping heat at bay during tight enrage boss timers is very hard compared to other classes watching their bars.


    Please don't tell me I am doing it wrong, I play most of the time with heat under 20% but simply it can happen that 5x flame burst won't trigger the heat sink railshot and you just used rapid shots several times to avoid overheating and let them sink heat.


    It happens quite often that at the end of the fight you are overheated and all you can do is just spam rapid shots.


    You can keep the rotation only on flame burst railshot proc nad rocket punch, which also vents heat and ocassional rapid shots if you go above 35% heat. But whenever you start using thermal detonator or refresh incendary mssile the heat jumps immediately to uncontrollable levels gimping the dps output.


    While you are struggling with heat sometimes, do you feel your dps is really behind other classes?

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