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Everything posted by NamikazeNaruto

  1. If you're node guarding consider this. In DPS gear you have a much better chance of winning 1v1s, but it is rare that the enemy sends only one person to try to take a node. With tank gear you can stall the enemy for even longer, and in ranked is sometimes the difference between losing your node or not. I know some people will say that you can stall for awhile using stealth/sap tactics, but in ranked the enemy sometimes sends 4 at one time to your node while they have 1 person use AoE slows on your team the entire way. With this many people, you would have to engage into combat to prevent them all from capping and hold your own for awhile(Especially Novare Coast.) The purpose of node guarding is to stall the enemy for as long as possible, tank gear helps you survive longer to stall the enemy for as long as possible. It is best to have both gear sets in ranked, but if I wanted to DPS I'd wear DPS gear. If I wanted to tank I'd wear tank gear, personally.
  2. It's not free damage, there is a force cost to cast it. I wouldn't use it at all unless the enemy is stunned and has no type of cleanse up and also has no CC break. It is a very situational ability. If the enemy is not stunned, he is going to interrupt you, or worse, he will wait until your hard cast has 0.1 seconds left on it and then use his force shroud to block your damage, or instantly cleanse off the damage. Also CC breaks on Low Slash can happen as well, and you may have missed your chance to get your maul off before they break CC and turn around.
  3. You realize the Shadow representative is a PvE player, right? So we have one Shadow rep that is a PvEr, and their mirror on the Assassin rep is a PvP player. You realize those two are most likely going to be in contact with each other to discuss things, right? So we basically have one PvE rep and one PvP rep for Assassin/Shadow. I don't see how there can be complaints about how things turned out. In this way, this class will get the best of both worlds.
  4. The reason I haven't used the 2 piece PvE set bonus is because I definitely do not believe it is worth the expertise drop. Expertise is needed above all else. That being said I wish they'd change the 4 piece PvP tank bonus to something more defensive.
  5. After giving this a run for a while, we at <Watchmen> have decided to distance ourselves from this list and apt for a removal. Primary reason being is that although this may have been a good idea, the execution itself is not being properly handled. In example, it makes absolutely no sense for us to drop lower when our win ratio has increased dramatically since last quarter. In addition, it's becoming exhausting to constantly screenshot every win or loss when the management of this event is not in an entirety of neutrality. Problem with this aspect is it creates an automatic bias which disallows any absolute certainty of fairness. This is why leaderboards are automatic processes that aren't handled by human hands: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/pvp/arena/bloodlust/3v3 There are some teams on that list that don't even queue anymore or lost more overall, yet they maintained their position or moved higher? (What?) Due to this unsystematic order, we find no use in this project and will no longer support it. Good Luck.
  6. The thing about the pull is, the push does the same thing, gets an enemy away from your teammate, and it does it better. The reason was already stated in that pulling someone away from your teammate often requires you to be out of the range of your guard proximity, hence increasing the damage your guarded target takes. Meanwhile push also gets someone far away from your guarded target, without you having to leave your guarded target's side. Oil Slick is better than Freezing Force by itself, but the fact that Guardians can spam this anytime and Vanguards have a cooldown on theirs is what makes Freezing Force better in the end. Also Guardians have more CC to peel off of their teammates, and 2 abilities that help their allies take less damage. If that alone wasn't enough, having at least one Guardian in your group who can switch to tank spec with tank gear is a requirement just for Huttball alone in Ranked Warzones. Basically the defining thing here is that Guardian has more abilities that help the team survive, rather than just their own survival.
  7. After playing all 3 tank classes I will state my experience of main tanking with each. Assassin/Shadow - Usually when I tank with this class I would die before my guarded target because the damage sins take is so spiky and unpredictable. Their unshielded mitigation is very low compared to the other 2 tanks. They are the most mobile and take the most skill to survive with. They are the best node guarders. Vanguard/Powertech - When I tanked with this class it was night and day from my Assassin/Shadow. I could survive with this guy all day. I pretty much never died before the people I would be guarding. I could literally stall a group of 6 people for 60-90 seconds before I died. I feel they have the best individual survivability and are good at slowing enemies between choke points, but not the best. They are slightly worse node guarders than Assassins, because they need Shoulder Cannon for that, which goes on cooldown for 90 seconds. Guardian/Juggernaut - This is the best class for main tanking, because this class has the most CCs and tools to help their allies with. They have a third taunt. AoE taunt, normal single target taunt, and Intercede which gives the target that intercede to 30% increased damage reduction for 6 seconds. With the proper set bonus, it also heals the guardian every time they use it. For 8-9% HP I believe? As far as defensive cooldowns they have Saber Reflect, Saber Ward, Enure, Warding Call. Defensive procs include Blade Barrier, Blade Barricade, Guardian Slash, Guardianship, Shield Specialization. Where this tank class really shines though, and what makes it the best tank class is their CCs. They have Hilt Strike(4 second single target stun), Force Stasis(Single target 4 second stun), Awe(AoE 8 second Mezz) 2 Leap Roots, Force Push, and an AoE Slow that they can spam anytime. They have more tools to peel for allies than anybody else, and they actually have a couple of tools to protect their allies with as well. Intercede's 6 second 30% damage reduction on a single ally, and Guardianship absorbing a moderate amount of damage for ALL allies within range. This is and the fact they are a necessity in huttball make this tank class still the best class to bring in RWZ for main tanking.
  8. Watchmen Games for Saturday July 20, 2013. Watchmen vs Slackers/Dunning Kreuger Effect mixed team 4-0. http://i.imgur.com/e8kAjDS.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hWOQeQu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/BfkoSUI.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9xXytEV.jpg
  9. If you're so concerned about it counting under alts, then make an alt guild so that the losses count on the alt guild's name. LD50 did this on JC, their alt guild was called Midicholorian Dose Fifty. Everyone who is concerned about alt losses counting on their main guild's name should do the same thing. I see, I'll fix that.
  10. I meant Casual sorry, confused it since u both have 6 letter guild names that begin with C . I fixed it.
  11. Accumulated wins from about a week ago to tonight.. July 19, 2013. 2-0 I Am Legend http://i.imgur.com/mezuE8d.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GoawR2B.jpg 1-0 Infinite Darkness http://i.imgur.com/uzkvX1j.jpg 1-0 Lnfinite Darkness/Casual mixed team http://i.imgur.com/XxheysB.jpg Wins from July 18 and earlier. 1-0 S-Key http://i.imgur.com/cBeXjck.jpg 1-0 Republic of Taw http://i.imgur.com/yioNQYo.jpg
  12. You don't even use anything but seismic grenades and.... You don't even lift.
  13. Lol@ this, you think an ability that has a 5% chance to not do what it is intended to do is working properly. Yeah, ok. Tell that to any team who loses their node in ranked Civil because their Assassin got sapped through Force Shroud with the 5% chance. Tell that to any team in ranked huttball who had an assassin who got hit with stun grenades 6 times in middle through their shroud during the ball spawn(happened to me, probably caused our loss in the match.) Sniper has 0% chance to have any of this bullcrap happen to them through their Entrench, so why the hell do we have a 5% chance to get BSed?
  14. same night that I got hit with 6 grenades through resilience I also sapped an assassin through his shroud, and my shock did damage to an assassin through his shroud. Working as intended.
  15. Tried to get the ball in middle in huttball in a ranked match tonight. Grenade hit me 6 times in the middle, I had Force Shroud up every time. Are grenades a physical stun or something? Ended up losing the match 6-4 probably would've had a much better chance if 6 grenades didn't hit me through force shroud in the middle. Their sniper had a 0% chance to get hit by these grenades in hunker down, so why do I have to deal with this? This luck factor can also allow a sin to be CC capped on. Gamebreaking.
  16. Not streaming atm, I figured any guild that beat us last night would post their victory screenshots. I forgot to screenshot one of our wins against Hex, but we also lost 3 times against PKers, all in ancient hypergates :\.
  17. Watchmen Games July 16, 2013 Watchmen vs Hostile Takeover 1:0 http://i.imgur.com/5JaVWSg.jpg This was the screenshot from the Ubique game he spoke of earlier. Watchmen vs Ubique 1:0 http://i.imgur.com/tttOZHY.jpg
  18. I believe one of those losses our sorc got stuck in an invisible wall and d/ced from the game a short time into it, but meh, whatever. He couldn't use abilities, and once he got killed he couldn't revive either, hence how it turned into a 7v8.
  19. You would be 0-0 against us, because we had a disconnect against 8 of your people the first time we played you, and you had a disconnect the next time we faced you.
  20. I personally witnessed the huttball scoring bug and invisible capping bug a couple weeks back. Also about 25% of the ranked warzones I've played recently we've had someone disconnect from our team due to one of the above reasons, which is really frustrating. What is even more frustrating is that my FPS has dropped quite a bit since I started this game at launch. So much so that I don't even try to play DPS anymore, as my FPS has frequently been between 10 and 20, and at about 5 FPS in Voidstar. I suppose this one frustrates me the most on a personal level. I've played games with better graphics in which I have 60 FPS, so why in this game alone do I have this problem? As for plans to fix it, I don't have much faith in Bioware to accomplish these things. Bugs took awhile to fix before they went f2p. Now with f2p these bug fixes will take even longer. Also, they seem to care more about PvE bugs than PvP ones, so...
  21. All the 27 Enhancements are bought from a vendor in the bounty hunter/imperial agent section of the combat wing. All the 28 Enhancements are bought from a vendor in the inquisitor/warrior section of the combat wing.
  22. Or perhaps it's BECAUSE we're her guildmates and play with her quite frequently that we truly know she is an exceptional player. Regardless your opinion of her skill level is just that, opinion. You also missed the entire point of what this post was about. It was to vote for who you wanted to be the Assassin representative. If you did not think that her skill level was high enough to warrant a nomination from you, then guess what? You could have simply said you nominated someone else for the position without trying to slander one of the nominees. Stop trying to push your negativity into a thread that was meant to be purely positive, please. Also, this is my one and only reply to you because I want this thread to remain positive, I'm not going to derail it with flaming.
  23. Three shadows came to my mind for my nominations. However... EatenbyDistance(Wakalord) already quit I believe? So I would vote like this... I nominate Kitru for PvE Rep I nominate Xinika for PvP Rep.
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