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Everything posted by z-monty

  1. No they cant. As fun to imagine as that would be, Operatives stick with their blaster rifles and Snipers get sniper rifles (obviously). Their offhand weapon is a knife, so no dual weilding for them
  2. Stick with it. I was having the same problems as you but once you get Surgical Probe from the healing tree you suddenly become a LOT better. Only costing one Tactical Advantage (which you now get 3 of) and being an instant cast helps you out so much more and adds something nice to toss in between Kolto Injection, as well as helps with the energy management. Once you get that off the tree, you should start doing a whole lot better.
  3. ^ This... And you get them at: 1st: Hutta 2nd: Alderaan 3rd: Taris 4th: Hoth (ranged DPS, btw) 5th: Belsavis Honestly, I love all the companions you get. The first one you get can take some getting used to and you're either going to love her or hate her, but don't let that bum you out. All the companions are pretty good no matter what class and tree you go, and each of them has a pretty cool backstory that gets fleshed out very well once your affection for them goes up.
  4. If someone is part of the same class there is a botton that the person helping you has to click in his Preferences to allow him to join your 'instance'. I had the same problem, trying to help someone but it kept bringing me into my own instance and, thus, not able to travel. Not sure where the button is under but it says something like 'allow travel into same class missions' or something like that. Once he clicks on that, there shouldn't be any problems.
  5. Don't listen to these people, IA's are actaully pretty good in PvP if you know how to use them right. I've got a healer Op and I'm loving him. Only level 45 so haven't reached any endgame stuff yet or lvl 50 brackets, but I doubt that will change my opinion very much. If you want to make an Op, I'd suggest going healing. They got a nice buff in 1.2 and brought them somewhat up to speed with the other healers in the game, and as long as you know how to play them well you can do very well in PvP. If you wanted to go DPS, you certainly need to think more about a strategy in terms of managing your energy and how many allies you are around. Snipers you want to hang back and pick people off with lower health. Both these classes are support, and it's important to remember that. The nice ability snipers have is that no one can jump to them, which can be great in places like Huttball where leaps and pushes are the name of the game. Basically do what you think would be more fun and you'll enjoy the IA all that much more. I personally like Op healing since you can be a pretty big annoyance if you play your cards right, but go with what feels right.
  6. Depends how you wanna play the game. I have a lvl 45 Op healer and I freaking love him, even after 1.2. Honestly, I think people need to calm the f**k down about 1.2 but that's for another thread. If you go Op, I'd suggest going healer simply because, once I get in deep a few levels and get your rotation set, I've had a blast with him. PvP and PvE can be done well, now that other healers have been brought down as well, but I haven't reached endgame stuff yet so I can't comment on that. Snipers are the range damage dealers and mostly just hang back to pick off people and let their companions take the beating. Their ability to crouch down and deploy cover makes them nice in PvP since people cant jump to them, which is really valuable. Honestly, both these classes are support classes since you'll never see an Op or Sniper in the middle of a warzone trying to tear through people, and if you do then that person is an idiot. Just depends if you want to be up close in the battle or off on the sidelines is all.
  7. I'm a healing Op so I can't say much on the dps aspect of things aside from what I've seen and heard, but if you are looking for a pure dps role then I'd say go with a sniper. As the guy above me said, the ability to avoid CC's and pulls as well as immune to players jumping to you can be a huge advantage in PvP. I think people are quicker to underestimate a sniper if they see one in a warzone and then fail to realize how much trouble they can cause until its too late. Like it's been said, both classes are for support so you mainly are there to pick off people with low health and just be an annoyance to everyone. The big difference is that Ops do the best in close combat and snipers are ranged (obviously), so it really depends on how you like to play. I personally love my Op and would recommend him anytime, but if you're looking for a pure dps in PvP, I'd say you're probably better off with a sniper.
  8. I must be in the minority here since I actually love my Op healer. Granted, I haven't leveled another healer on a different class yet so I can't really compare them except from what others have said, but I'm having a blast with my toon. Like the one guy said above me, playing an Op takes more finesse and thinking a few steps ahead of what you're doing as opposed to other classes that can spam buttons again and again. Your main job, when you aren't healing, is to really just be the guy moving around and be the annoyance in the room and supporting the dps or tank as much as you can with a few burst damage options of your own. If you're going to level the whole way through the game with a Jugg at your side, you really should have NO problem moving through the game at all, since you can dps when you have to and then pull back and focus on keeping her health up.
  9. I have a healing Operative right now and I'm really loving it. I personally think the story is one of the best in the game, though to be fair I'm only starting out on the SW story. In terms of PvP, it depends on your play style. If you like jumping into the thick of things and dealing out tons of damage, go Marauder. I have a Sentinel and that's basically all you do. Ops and Snipers, however, are much more support based. Since I'm a healer, I try to stay back and pick off guys with lower health while keeping my team's health up or, in the worst case, just run around and try to survive for as long as I can by drawing other players to me. It's generally considered that the Merc healing is better than the Op healing right now and for 1.2, but I personally like a bit of a challenge. You're going to be watching your energy bar and have to think things through instead of just hitting one button over and over again. The only time an Op healer does this is for Surgical Probe on a guy under 30% health since it costs no energy, is an instant cast, and regenerates your TA needed to use it. Bottom line, give the Op a shot and if you dont like it just scrap him. It takes some getting used to at first and early levels can be annoying but I find it all well worth it. Snipers and Ops are much more support based classes in PvP but they can still rack up some good numbers if you know how to play them correctly.
  10. While this guy is mostly correct, the IA still has some cool options in the story that you can pick here and there that are pretty cool. Me, I went the darkside guy who's just in it for the killing and credits and I'm loving every bit of it. Like he said though, it doesn't really matter all too much what side you want to go with, so just pick the side you think you'll have the most fun with and enjoy, since the IA story is one of the best in the game
  11. I'm playing my Jugg right now and I keep noticing that every time I hit the assault attack (the very first attack you get) it only builds up one rage when it clearly says it's supposed to build up two. Is this a bug or something wrong with the game, or is there something else I'm not seeing or remembering?
  12. I've got a lvl 42 Op and I can say I'm really loving playing him out. The story is awesome in general and even going through PvE is fun. Maybe it's just me, but I enjoy being at a small disadvantage compared to other classes. Granted, I'm leveling as a healing spec so I can't really comment on the dps side of it, but even then I've got the perfect way to take out elites in the story. When you bring in stealth, it's so helpful when all you want to do is just skip past a few mobs that you really dont want to deal with, as well as being able to get the first shot in with elites and such. If you're looking for PvP purposes, then you're obviously going to be finding things harder. Mostly, your job will be to run around and be a distraction while you help pick off the guys with low health. If you were going healer, I have so much fun healing in PvP it's not even funny. Although I can't know for sure, I'm sure that opponents get pissed when they're about to beat down one of my teammates then I just come in and start spamming Surgical Probe on them to keep them alive far longer than they should have. Bottom line, give it a try and if you dont like it roll something else. If nothing else, try it simply because the story for an agent is probably the best in the game. Like I said, it will take more thought and time to learn a good rotation but once you get it you'll see that the Op is a lot better than people give it credit for.
  13. I'm sure there are plenty of threads about this but I'll be that guy and ask again. Rolled a Juggernaut and want to tank with him since I haven't tanked yet, but I have the confliction of whether to add strength to my moddable items or go endurance. I feel that a tank's role is mainly just to hold aggro so NPCs can beat on you while everyone else takes them out, so I feel like having more health in this regard would be more useful than damage, but I could be wrong. I'm talking mostly about PvE here, since I haven't really ever heard good things about Juggs tanking well in PvP. Any help would be great.
  14. Couldn't agree more with the guy above me. I honestly dont mind being the support of a group in PVP and it's really fun knowing that, if you weren't there, one or two people would have died but instead they took down whoever was attacking them. The nice people around here seem equally thankful. In fact, the most fun I have is when I have two or so people on me and I just keep spamming Surgical Probe on me again and again, they get so distracted on me that they fail to realize a few of my teammates behind them securing the turret or whatever.
  15. Let me say before I even post that this is my first MMO so I dont pretend to be an expert on this kinda stuff by any means. That being said, I made my first few characters a guy just because I'm a guy myself, but then decided to make two girls just to see how it went. Honestly I dont think it's weird or anything, it's just a different way of playing things. Also, I looked at future romance options for both and just through I could wing a female as well for both classes. Play however you want, I personally dont find it weird if I'm playing a girl character but that's just me... Although I understand what you're saying about the male consular voice, it is kinda weird to listen to, it just sounds almost fake or something.
  16. I noticed the same thing on my male Shadow, body type 2. It ran smooth at first on Tython but then started everytime I took out the practice saber, and continued on with the double-bladed saber. I thought it might have just been lag since my computer isn't amazing or anything but kinda glad to know I'm not the only one with this since, really, I cant look away from it and it bugs the crap out of me
  17. I've been wanting to try out at least one of each type of class on the Repub or Empire side (have a Sentinel, Op, Merc, Comm, and Sorc) but I so far haven't been able to bring myself to make a Consular. I've read a bunch of stuff on the forums and really haven't heard anything great about it. People say the story is bad and the commpanions are even worse, except maybe for Nadia for the guys. If I ever did this, I'd be a Shadow since I haven't tried that type of class yet and I dont want to do another SI just for the sake of making an Assassin. So, my point is, can someone convince me to give it a try? Are all the things I've read just trolls whinning all over the place? I really do want to give this class a try but I dont want to waste my time if it's not even really worth it in the end. Thanks
  18. Ok, I've been trying to figure this out for a bit and just figured, what the heck go on forums. I've been undert the impression that to get the better end of the game you should choose to go light/dark side for any character. However, I'm finding my BH character staying pretty neutral even with me spamming diplomacy for dark side points. So guess my question is, does going one way or the other really matter? I know that you can get better stuff through commendations that you need to be certain Dark/Light levels on, as well as relics and titles, but other than that is it really that important to pick one way?
  19. Ok I just did this and everything opened up. I cant believe there's something that supid, or how misleading that error message is. Still, thanks a lot for clearing that up for me guys. Can finally get back to playing this guy again
  20. So, what, I just need to go into my mission log and close out some of the quests I have there? The only ones on there are the heroics, flashpoints, and one space one and I just usually un-track them so they dont show up on the righthand part of the screen. Is that not enough or do I just need to get rid of them completely?
  21. Ok this has been kinda bugging me for a few days now. Just finished chapter 1 of the story quest (which means I'm at lvl 31 now) and for some reason I can't do any of the side missions that show up, including the companion talks from my ship. Normally this wouldn't be much of a big deal since it's only side missions but I kinda feel like I'm missing part of the game, ya know. Especially with the companions, since I always love talking with them. Whenever I click on a side mission, it just tells me I 'need to complete other missions first' or something like that, but I've looked back on all the planets and cant find or think of something I've missed, and as far as I know you dont need to do space missions to move forward with other side missions. Can anyone help me out at all? Do I just need to keep going with the story first and then everything will open up? For point of reference, I'm about to be shipped off to Taris if it helps. I know this all isn't probably a huge deal but it just makes me feel like I'm missing part of the game and it bugs me, especially since up until this point you're usually laden with a bunch of other side quests on top of your story quest.
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