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10 Good
  1. "I looked at that. Honestly, what it truly shows is that server population is fairly stable....some up a tiny bit, some down a tiny bit here and there. People whining about it as dropping from the sky DOOM DOOM DOOM are full of nonsense ideas stuffed into their heads by reading the forums or as a result of their frustration for not being able to group up instantaneously for a FP or HM they want to do. All it takes is 5 minutes on this forum to recognize that the people complaining like this want things NAO NAO NAO NAO NAO!!!!!....and not only does that go for bug fixes or things like customizable UI or combat logs, but it also goes for their play style: more than 10 minutes looking for a group and their minds immediately start looking for rationalizations..."oh, server pop is a disaster and shrinking!!!!....we need an LFG auto-grouping tool or the game is going to fail cuz that will fix everything even though the real reason I can't find a group is because it just happens that nobody wants to do that particular dungeon right tis second the way I do!!!!" This! Guys, just enjoy the game or quit, but stop whining. It amazes me the how people can go crazy over things that they cant even measure.
  2. Some may think the timing for this post couldnt be worse after what happen to the Ilum PVP valor farming/exploting thing, but i truly believe this game is GREAT, though it still has a long way to go. Only recently started playing 10 days ago and im loving it. Used to play WOW and Guild wars for some time, and SWTOR for me is really inmersive, fun to play with, fun to lvl and im pretty positive endgame will be pretty good when i hit lvl50, and getting better as time goes by. Gaming is all about fun and MMO are about having fun with other people. Community here seems nice and i full support BW for what they have done with this game, and what they keep doing. 1 month into the game and we have more content, bugs been fixed ASAP and good feedback from them in the forums. You have my sub BW and im sure there are many like me out there. Cheers!
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