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Everything posted by Xelereth

  1. Cheerleading our people? We did speak against them, but not on the forums because calling people out is against the forum rules, so instead we called them out in a private chat where most top pvpers from ToFN are.
  2. Gomex, what makes you think that drama has the best team on the server...? And why are we the ones that have to reroll to a different server? If you now feel like you muricans have to prove yourselves, you are free to come to our server.
  3. Well seeing that Großmeister is a sage dps, we can only hope!
  4. Yeah, you can't actually elaborate because you dont know what you are talking about.
  5. Care to elaborate what you base this on?
  6. Yeah i get that, but what do you mean with Are you saying that drama are playing with op setups and that they dont know what they are doing? Or am i getting this wrong?
  7. Well i win 99% of my normal warzones on imp side.
  8. Enough time to adapt? It was more like he didnt understand basic tactics of a fight And i need to correct you: he held acceptable DPS ON A DUMMY*
  9. Whatever reason they have is ******** anyways. Theres no reason to remove content from a game thats still being used by their players.
  10. That would be a lot funnier than playing "the ground is lava" game all the time inbetween warzones.
  11. 4v4 ranked is gonna get so repetitive and boring after two weeks tops. While in 8v8 there was a lot of diversity between objecitve play and getting kills. Is deathmatch the only competitive pvp we will have in this game? i mean come on bioware, how can you not see the flaw in this..
  12. Who cares about overall damage? Its the dps that counts how effective you are..
  13. Although i think that the PvE side of nostrum left for friendlyfire, could be wrong though
  14. So we who actually play legit will get screwed over because someone else likes to exploit a bug?
  15. 2,219,766 Overall Damage. + I made doc mad, double win!
  16. Lets just say that Tman was kicked from FriendlyFire for a very important reason when doing raids
  17. Is it just me that feels like theres more guilds queueing now since impulse quit? I might not be because they left, but because more guilds took some time to get the new gear..
  18. when did 1935 become more than 1990.54?
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