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Everything posted by TheSplizza

  1. Update: Running tomorrow night (delayed due to server downtime). Still missing some DPS. We will bring allies if we do not get 2 or 3 big DPS applicants that wish to try out, but our preference would definitely be to give some new people a look. Please apply at the site! Things are coming together. The 16m dream is real.
  2. Update: We will confirm tomorrow but as of now, all main healer positions are filled for 16m. Still accepting applicants as subs. Still needing big DPS (5k+) applications, with experience on all 10 HM fights. Thanks!
  3. You all seem to be taking this seriously when it was meant to be tongue in cheek. But I will say, I can't find one instance where Apocalypse looks like that in anything pre-dating this movie. You can't, because that isn't what he looks like. This is actually a horrible visual representation of what I would call the 2nd baddest villain in the marvel universe. I think Bryan Singer has his look very wrong, and he really does appear more like a SWTOR sith than a giant mutant. Yes, obviously SWTOR didn't invent this style of chest piece... but you can't deny the similarity. At least he's been played by a good actor.
  4. It looks like Apocalypse of X-Men fame has stolen some inquisitor armor for the next movie. http://cdn2-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/gallery/bts-x-men-apocalypse/oscar-issac-1373-ew.jpg
  5. Updates: We have run the last two nights, using a variety of subs and pugs. We will be running again tonight (Revan) and should have a full team. Over the course of the last two days, there has been a lot of interest and we thank you for taking a look at a guild that is shaking off the rust. Tonight brings back both of our main healers, which we have not had yet. Our DPS line-up for core 8m is pretty full, but with all the new applications and interest, it appears the 16m dream is close to reality. Here is what we need to convert to 16m: 3 DPS (5k please) 1 Healer Once these 4 slots have been filled, we will convert to 16m. Schedule: All groups run at 930PM PST We will run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Mains on Tuesdays and go from there. Committing to all nights not necessary.
  6. Just happy to be back. It wasn't fun watching all my friends leave for other games but I am hoping to give it another strong go and to remain optimistic Like I said, I missed the community and hope for nothing but good experiences going forward.
  7. Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. We are back as of this week. But 2 of our core won't be. So we are replacing them for now. We should be raiding by end of week or next week. But maybe we aren't welcome in your thread.
  8. Hello Everyone, I am happy to announce that Paramount is returning to SWTOR. We took a small hiatus but are slowly starting to trickle back in. We will be at full strength come expansion, but for now we are actively looking for and accepting new members. We are still deciding exactly what we are looking for and figuring out where we want to go. But here is what we know for sure: For Raiding: DPS - We have at least 1 or 2 slots to fill. (5k plus, please) Tanks - Full Healers - Full Days, times, number of teams, still to be worked out. Certainly would be after 8PM PST, no matter the day. For PVP: We are looking at getting more active in PVP for the summer. Anyone interested should shoot me an IM or message me in game. I will say this. I have come back with a fresh attitude and outlook, and I am definitely looking to fill the roster with people that are excited about the future of the game, even if the immediate news isn't what they were hoping for. Seems like some great story will be on the way and it would be nice to have some positive people to share that experience with. Of course we will continue to invest time into progression when that time comes, and we will hope to be an early clearing guild of whatever comes, but until then the goal is to enjoy the game and community, and strengthen relationships and reputation with other guilds. If interested, please apply at http://paramount-gaming.enjin.com I look forward to getting some raids in soon.
  9. Paramount (Just returned to the game) - 10/10, but on current team which is just starting to rebuild today, we only have 7 members. All are 10/10 but this team has not run together yet, and at least 2 of those 7 will continue hiatus for another month at least. Very excited to be back as I really missed the game / community. I will also be looking for other raid teams for myself to join if there are some HM guilds running after 8PM PST.
  10. Hello Everyone, I wanted to take a moment and update the status of Paramount. While we are not calling it a day, and the guild is not closing it's doors, we are taking a summer hiatus while awaiting expansion / new content. I may have made a lot of jokes about the content situation, and some salty hash tags, but at the end of the day, this is our favorite game. We could not be more excited about the coming expansion release. I can confirm now that at least 6 of our "main" progression players will be returning, along with 2 of our "main" alternates, once the new content comes out. We are more than happy to take a look at applications for the remaining spots (we will be looking for DPS unless others decide to return as well) but will not be accepting applications or holding tryouts until we get closer to release. We thank everyone for their continued interest and for the applications that continue to come in even though our activity is currently at a stand still. Most of us are missing the in-game community already, and look forward to getting back into the swing of things. Paramount mumble will be removing the mumble password and will serve as an open home to SWTOR friends looking to check in until we make our return. The server can be easily accessed via our website. In the meantime, it's summer, so get out there and enjoy it, and to be positive, let's focus on and be thankful that new content is only coming once the weather has turned!
  11. Also, FYI, Paramount will be competing for world first story completion in KOTFE. #roffles
  12. Still taking new apps. We have received and accepted many new apps in the last week, and still looking for more. BIG DPS please. We have been teaming with other guilds, mostly imp side, to take care of missing achievements that people may want. 16m HM's have been completed but we will continue to work with allied guilds to continue running these (mainly on weekends, Friday nights). 8m on Tuesdays again, with another potential group on Wednesdays. #outtahashtags
  13. But criticizing it isn't negative... It's not like im waging a flame war on BW, there are far worse posts. Most of these have been light hearted and silly. But lets make the player the villain... the one who tries to keep things active, keeps paying a subscription, etc. Pretty sad.
  14. I enjoy the game. I don't enjoy them not giving us our money's worth. When you love a product but want changes made, do you just shut up and keep it to yourself? Or do you vocalize your frustration to try to motivate change?
  15. #aguildreborn We've been accepting new members and need more of all roles. Biggest need is still a 5k DPS or two. Apply. Our activity is picking up again. No idea why. The content offerings are pathetic. GIVE. US. MORE. RAIDS. IT. IS. WHAT. WE. PAY. FOR. #salt #salty #rippedoff But really, apply.
  16. #UPDATES We actually raided last night! We've had a lot of new apps and some good folks that xferred over from POT5 are running with us now. So I am now seriously looking for some good apps. All roles but particularly need some talented DPS to join us. apply at the site.
  17. I wouldn't call it progression in infancy. I would call it nogression. #nogression #regression I get your point about people sticking with their guilds that they farmed with. But most of those guilds are dead. I am trying to pick up the remaining pieces that didn't quit the game but now have no group because the rest of them left. Doesn't seem like many of those pieces remain. And sadly, my group (what's left) is not a teaching group. They give an 90 minutes at most to farm all the content in the game so they can hurry back to WoW. #theyhavenopatienceforteaching
  18. #bump #hashtagit Out of curiosity... Is there anyone browsing these forums that is full clear of current content, and looking for a new team because their old team got bored of farming 7 month old content? Or is it just people looking to get first clear on 7 month old content?
  19. #newdaynewhashtag We have decided to run 16m now and then. However, in order to assure all spots are filled with quality players, we will all be dual boxing.
  20. This is true. RP FTW 4L #kenjiRP4ever #myhashtagsbringallthescrubstotheyard #myreferencesarefresh #fml
  21. #bump Hello. We are still a thing. And still need people. You should continue playing this game. Why? #becausereasons
  22. #salt #and #vinegar #wewantmorecontent We are also open to working with other likeminded guilds for late night runs. 930 PM PST or later.
  23. We are now raiding Thursdays at 930 PM PST. We care far less now about 16m since I pugged 16m Revan HM and got my OWN cheevo taken care of. Always looking for good peeps to join us. Only raiding 1 day per week because #somuchcontent #worldbosskeepingussuperbusy #wecantkeepup But really though - games that are over a decade old should not be stealing every good player from a game that is 3.5 years old. #embarrassing #nocontentmakesyssaneasaltyboy #nowthatyssanegot16mkillwillweeverseehimagain? #wasajuggisnowamage
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