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Everything posted by oritas

  1. kenne den buff und was ungefähr zu tun ist und würde als dd das ganze noch gern legen...problem ist nur das es wohl nur sehr wenige leute noch angehen und ich einfach keine random grp zsm bekomme. Irgendwelche Tipps?
  2. In the pvp area on Tatooine "Outlaw's Den" there was supposed to be a krayt dragon who, once it was killed, would drop a rare White Saber crystal. I dont know the reason this was caneled (around 2013) but its said the dev team changed or atleast their vision of the game. It was all set and finished and only had to be "activated" to be playable. Some say its just a rumour and way to trick people into going to the pvp area to be killed but i recently found the cave and inside there are skeletons and some droid parts like arms and legs doe there is no living creature inside. It can be found near the bottom right item seller (he's standing in front of a Big Rock wall and to the right there is a sort of tent..drive along the rock formation till u are able to drive up the rocks.. at some part and if you are about the same height as the tent u can look through the rock wall to your right if your drive close enough to it and see the inside of the cave doe its not official ofc...to me it reeeeeaaaaallly looks like the supposed place with all the skeletons and stuff and the only "see through" rock formation on the planet...so mby they dont need a new OP or Worldboss..just let this become some sort of secret worldboss like the Ancient one on Yavin or what ever...
  3. I found a weird cavelike room/area on Tatooine while looking for The Ancient Tome(item you need to get the yavin secret Boss) and read some old posts about a planned Krayt dragon on tatooine who was supposed to release around ~2013 in the PvP area. Apparently it was alrdy finished and it's Loot was a rare White Crystal (for saber/blaster)but was canceled for unkown reasons with the only theory being that the devs "vision" changed...and since The Mandalorian ( who had a Krayt dragon on tatooine) is quite the Topic atm will we be seeing it finally be added to the game?
  4. Wanted to buy the new marauder armor set and previewed it to see how my colour moduls would work with the pattern of it only to find out the helmet not only looks a bit like plastic ingame but the golden/brown colour stripe (as can be seen in the cartell market pictures) across its nose area doesn't exit ingame !? Will that be fixed or was it just a mistake or whats going on?
  5. I Love the new cybernetic armor set or to be more precise the armored shoulder so i'd like either more versions of these or a wrist armor piece which has these kind of cybernetic or armored arms/shoulder pieces. Mby they could be for either side (right and left arm/wrist/shoulder) like the Hooded and non Hooded chest pieces of the "Je'daii Warrior" armor so i can decide which arm (mby both?) i can armor up/replace by cybernetics?!
  6. I'd like a robot hand like anakin's to be added as armor and while i know there are cybernetik hands in the game...those are with like 3 big fingers or with a wrist armor shield that wouldn't fit my chars style :/ Arcann (while having a full robot arm+shoulder and a face mask) with the white redeemed armor has only his black robotic hand sticking out which looks pretty good imo.
  7. Malgus got a makeover and basically a new armor (set). His new appearance and the mention he`s "more cyborg than Human" makes me wonder how much cyborg he really is. I can`t find any entries on Wookipedia or w/e on this topic. From what i can tell his left arm (from below the elbow) is probably a robot arm with attachments to his upper left arm and a stitch or something like that above his left eye. I also know he got his breahting aid mask and Acina/Vowrawn did place some "bombs" somewhere inside his body (most likely his stomach).All these things do make him a cyborg yes...but i wouldn`t call him "more cyborg than Human"..I remember Darth Skotia from early on in the game and i think that he fits that description much better..so if any1 could tell me if i missed something and they turned Malgus into RoboDarth or w/e that would be great
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