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10 Good
  1. I'm a casual player. I play with a group of real life friends and we all have jobs and families and this game is a mere escapist diversion for us. We do not raid and we're not in a guild. As far as patch 1.2 goes, on the whole we like the legacy system. WZ Pvp has however gotten more frustrating. Dont get me wrong. I am a capitalist. The hard core gamers deserve better gear because they spend the time to earn it. That's how life works. I dont mind my MMO mimicing life. Further, I don't mind getting less commendations on the whole post 1.2 because it's plain to see that the rewards have gotten easier to obtain as well. Further, its much easier to medal now over the course of a war zone even if outmatched. I am momumentally frustrated however by the deserters causing me to que into lopsided and losing matches that are near their end so that I have no meaningful chance to earn any medals (or therefore commendations) before its over. As a casual player, I que solo. Pre 1.2, desertion did not really seem a big problem. Now half the matches I draw, I'm drawing into the losing side of a match near its end. As a pug player I'm used to being on the losing team but its ridiculous to not even have hope of success when you arrive. Thus, not only are my rewards gimped for being on the losing side, they are likely zero because i won't have the time to get to three medals. In matches that I join from the beginning I typically get 8 to 10 medals and am maxed out. When on a winning team this typically gives me 90 to 100 commendations. Even in a losing effort, however this typically results in 30+ commendations and I feel adequately rewarded for my efforts. Last night I was thrown into three losing, short handed, matches near the end and I couldnt earn a single commendation. I stopped queing. My suggested fixes follow. Give a bonus (perhaps ten commendations) to someone who arrives as a reinforcement and sees the match through to the end. Penalize the intentional deserters. Perhaps a loss of valor and no ability to que back in for an hour would do the trick? Thanks for reading and to the developers thanks for the fun. I've especially enjoyed rakghoul plague and the open world cross faction interaction its created.
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