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  1. I am going to try and avoid spoilers here Is anyone else having trouble with the mission "Power Play" I just can't beat it... even the regular mobs are killing me, it's a level 41 mission and I am lvl 45. I play a Marauder, almost maxed out the left "bleed" tree (can't recall the name) and I haven't had issues with missions, until now It seems every other mob kills me. specifically the other sith apprentices or aspirants. The mid-bosses just rock me hard... Has anyone else had trouble with this mission? Is there any good strategies. Note: I have tried using Quinn, Vette and Jaeasa as companions, is there a better one to help me?
  2. Is there anyway to leave a guild you have joined? I joined a guild my friends played in, but many of them have stopped playing SWTOR or are not on much, so I was hoping to find a more committed guild.
  3. I have not finished any storylines yet, but have gotten far in SW. Its an okay storyline, though I feel like an errand boy the whole time. Playing DS you get to do some sadistically fun things! BH seems alright, just got off the starter planet IS is the most fun, and I am still in act 1. It's just keeps you in and you want to know what happens next! I should probably play a republic character at some point...
  4. Another tip: some crafting players will make gear for free, but have the "buyer" provide the materials. This saves you credits and time searching for what you need, and most players will "tip" you in appreciation, or trade you something you could use/sell.
  5. I make all my Synthweaving money off of orange and purple gear I make. I lucked out, I am lvl 34 and my Synth skill is around 320 and I have roughly 8 different orange schematics and 2 purple. The orange I either got as drops, or my crew returned with from missions (sorry, can't recall any of the missions, I was usually to busy giggling as I got my orange to care) Purple schematics are very rare, but there is a way of trying to get them. Keep making and reverse engineering your gear. there is a low chance (about 20%) that you will get a blue, better version of what you made. There is an even lower chance of getting a purple (I don't know if reverse engineering blue equipment increases this or not). Anyways, when you finally get good equipment you can make, make a few and start selling them on the GTN. First, look up similar items (or exactly the same item) to see what others are selling them for, then set the price a bit lower for a better chance of selling them. Synthweaving is an expensive buy in, but it starts to make money once you have the better schematics and lots of built up materials. Hope this helps!
  6. Well now I just feel like an idiot... Thanks, good to hear it was just a problem that got fixed
  7. Every now and then when running around, I notice the icon next to my companion saying that they want to talk to me in private, or on my ship. So I go to my ship, and then they don't want to talk anymore. There is no mission Icon like usual, and they don't say anything when I click them. This happens either when I go to my ship right away, or sometimes I will finish a mission first. Doesn't matter, they wont say anything when I get there. Is this a glitch? Or is there a time limit on getting to talk to them? Whats going on?
  8. Let me start by saying: I am fairly new to MMO's, I have never really played one where I get past level 10, this is the first time I have enjoyed the game and plan on making plenty of characters and really putting some time in. I am only really pointing all that out because I may just not understad how all the back end stuff works I understand the need for patches and what they do for the game. My issue is, why do all the servers go down at once? They go down, then I hop on the forums to see every other post is a complaint about the servers going down and threats to cancel their accounts over it (childish if you ask me). I don't exactly enjoy it either, but I understand the need. I should really get more reading done anyways. But back to my point: Why not have different servers go down at different times for the patches? that way, at the very least, I could have s different character on another server I can play while my main server gets fixed up. This just seems like an obvious solution to me, so am I just stupid and not understand how these things work? Is there anything preventing BW from doing this? Again, love the game, great job!
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