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Posts posted by jellosandwich

  1. Why do you get the champion title at valor 30 and centurion title at 40?


    Or why is the champion gear better than centurion gear?


    I can't be the only one who wonders how things like this made it to the final version of the game.


    It's because you don't

  2. Any spec/strat to be able to beat a sentinel assuming equal gear/skill?

    This class has been owning my sorc lately, I am champion with almost full champion gear and still get owned by sents. My spec is 0-23-18




    This probably isn't what you want to hear, but if the Mara/Sent is halfway competent and Bleed(Annihilation) spec, you will not win.


    If they're Rage and/or Carnage spec, there are a few tips/tricks.


    1> Know which charge they're using on you. Only Force Charge includes the immobilize effect, whereas Obliterate does not. I always save my overload for the Force Charge, so that I can knock them away while I'm rooted.


    2> Save Force Slow for Obliterate charge. About 95% of the time when a sent/mara charges me, I'll knockback and they immediately obliterate right back to me. If you're paying attention, you can generally get a Force Slow on them in midair, and already be moving from where they land by the time they get there.


    3> Stun into WW. In a 1v1, they will ALWAYS use stun break on the first major stun.

    In order to basically reset the fight, you can Electrocute, let him stun break, and insta WW him for full duration while you heal up etc. One thing to keep in mind when doing this is that you shouldn't spend the 8 seconds running away, make sure you get yourself healed up and pre-shielded, as he'll charge you as soon as the ww wears off, so running doesn't help much anyhow.


    Feel free to PM me if you have any more specific questions or want to talk shop

  3. Had someone else in your ops used battle rez in the previous 5 minutes?


    When using battle rez, it applies a 5 minute debuff to the entire raid, so that you can't just chain battle rezzes to simplify a fight

  4. Here is the fact:


    You enjoy the game until about level 40 to 45. Then you force yourself to 50. Once at 50 you realize it is a shallow disaster of a game. This is how this game's life cycle is.


    No, YOU enjoyed the game until that point.


    Your experience doesn't hold true for everyone, chum. I've had a fantastic time at 50, and continue to do so on a daily basis, as do many others, apparently.


    @OP: Well-said, couldn't agree more

  5. I suspect some part of this issue was fixed, as many of the people I've talked to who were formerly having the problem aren't anymore.


    I personally haven't had any wins not count since the 1.1.1a patch, so as far as I was aware they fixed it.


    I think there's a smaller subset of people still having issues, or a more isolated edge case that's causing the problem, and thus fewer people experiencing/discussing it

  6. Any healers trying to 1v1 should re-evaluate whether or not healing is for them.


    What a helpful comment! You sound like you could give me some advice!


    When I'm out looking for Merc chests on Tatooine and get jumped, should I be re-evaluating whether healing is for me?


    When I get to Ilum and am headed down to Central and get jumped by a Shadow on the way, and have a nice 1v1, should I be re-evaluating whether healing is for me?

  7. I loved daoc but damn when I was playing some cc's lasted over 1 minute.








    Oh the days when a perfect mezz was an absolute roflstomp. Then again, people actually knew what an assist train was back then.


    I find it highly doubtful we'll ever see the likes of Emain again.

  8. anyone feel single target dmg is a little lacking?


    i lead every wz in dmg. literally, but lets be real thats a lot of death field and chain lightning inflation


    but vs other classes, 1v1 every ability hits rather weak.


    for a sorc, shock is a joke, our dots are weaker, chain lighting WITH wrath 20% dmg only break 4k with ALL cd's wz buff and on a fresh 50 light/medium armor wearer..




    i would trade the heavy aoe hero dmg for some decent hard hitting single target spells


    So you're specced into a hybrid spec that is pretty much entirely AOE-based, and you're complaining that your single target DPS is lacking?




    If you want more single target damage, perhaps AOE spec isn't the best choice?

  9. To the guy who said he just gains distance and dps's them down.... how do you manage this when their leap is on a short CD which also stuns you and they keep you snared?


    They can only have 3 seconds of uptime on you with a charge if it's talented to 12 sec CD - if it isn't, you can Overload every time they charge. With shield up you should have a decent buffer for the few seconds of pain.


    However, if they have 30 stacks of Fury up and aren't pants-on-head retarded, you're gonna be boned either way, since their cooldowns pretty much negate everything we can do to get away.

  10. Elites I can handle solo with Khem and his slightly better gear, now. I'm wondering if Khem is breaking my CC early with his AoE abilities, as some groups I attack in which I CC the elite have resulted in the elite breaking CC shortly after the fight starts. I'll have to look into that, too.


    Yep, Khem has two AOE abilities which need to be turned off when you're CCing in a pack. They are called Cleave and Consume Essence

  11. I think it boils down to about 90% gear and 10% practice.


    I was getting blown up quite quickly and unable to put out more than 200k healing in a match as little as a week ago.


    My gear is getting better (317 expertise - certainly still not perfect) and I find that now, combined with having a fair bit of practise, I'm able to hit the 300k healing medal on Huttball pretty much every round.


    Keep plugging away, get a few pieces from champ bags and you'll do great :)

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