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  1. xxsamarxx


    I truly believe that it would actually brings a lot of unsubscribers back. Why not implementing it ? I mean it is your choice to give it a shot or not. If you don't like them, don't run them. That's all Pvp is supposed to be competitive, and arena is imo the best way to test your skills. Enough of these baddies being carried in wz's or ranked wz's Saying no to arenas is like saying no for new ops... How would you feel playing always the same ops ? I wish they could add arena into the game, or at least create a death match wz 4v4 with 5 rounds.
  2. I hope Bioware will think again... I don't want to play WoW anymore, and I got bored of Gw2 Any suggestion ?
  3. Finally after a year and a half I can post on the forum ! I had fun playing to games tonight. Thanks Pink for trying to bring "balanced" ranked back ! I'll be keen on doing other matchs later during the week.
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