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Posts posted by CaedLucin

  1. Seeing how a ton of threads are made every hour, I had to bump this up. Sorry about that.


    But anyway, I figured there is actually two different way at handling this, the first would be to make an "Appearance Tab", but that would definitely deemed the Adaptive gears redundant. So that is pretty much out of the question.


    The second would be what I've suggested on this thread.


    However, I would also love to hear out from more players in this community, if they're supportive of this idea and also their concerns if it were to be implemented. I would hope the developers could share their insights as well! :)

  2. I've just received an in-game transmission from one of BioWare's Protocol Droid (Live Agent Chat). And it seems they took interest in this idea. Not sure if they'll consider implementing the idea or not. We'll see. :)


    I do hope the developer would not mind an open discussion here with us about what may or may not work, regarding this idea. And also the solutions to it.


    Once again, thank you Protocol Droid T6-D5! :3

  3. The basic idea here is all about variety. We want more choices, not just gear sets you designed for us, but allow us more choices to mix and match the way we want it to.


    We want our own unique identities, we need our own unique identities. These days, fashion customization is very crucial in an MMORPG, especially Star Wars, BioWare.

  4. There will definitely be people running around in ALL SORTS of set up, regardless they implemented this suggestion or not. Heck you'll even find people running around naked if they choose to be silly.


    But MMORolePlayingGames SHOULD allow players to dress up however they want to, in order to EXPRESS THEMSELVES! I mean seriously, BioWare said they encourages people to look the way they want to without compromising on their armor rating and stuffs, but right now, this is NOT VERY encouraging really! It's like they promised one thing, but you realized it's actually a lesser version of it. :(

  5. For patch 1.3, I was REALLY looking forward to the implementation of adaptive gears. It's like the thought of being able to mix and match all sorts of gears to fit my toons, it's overwhelming especially for Role-players like myself.


    But now that patch 1.3 is here, I'm rather confused. I probably understand the need to still have Light/Medium/Heavy armor types, for non-customizable gears, but why are customizable orange gears non-adaptive? I seriously think that they're one and the same as "Social Gears" and that they should also be adaptive.


    You're still limiting fashion choices BioWare, despite encouraging the idea of wearing what you want and not jeopardizing the armor rating.


    Some might think this would cause problems like say, it wouldn't be right if a Scoundrel runs around in a trooper gear. Well then restrict certain gear fashion according to classes then!


    I don't know how many would agree with me on this, but this is my sincere opinion! Thanks! :)

  6. BioWare, I know this thread will get drowned quick at some point in time and probably no one will even notice it's existence. But I'm hoping that if it does reaches you please do heed my advice and that of many other players who felt the same as I do. It's not going to be detail specific but more like BioWare's take on this game and how it should be progressing.


    Knowing it's your virgin break into the MMORPG industry, there are many unknowns to what would work and what wouldn't, thus it is a very risky thing to stray from the norm. And a great many fearful decisions to be made.


    But please listen to this, and listen it well.


    Being TOO AFRAID and not dare to try new things out of the usual, when the current market is yearning very much for something new, something different, something sandboxy which allows free reign and flexibility, is already danger itself.


    Yes, this game is TOO LATE for a sandbox gameplay I believe. But please, do not be afraid to go creative, to try something out of the comfort zone. Having storyline truly is something different, something new for a change. But it doesn't even matter at the max level. People are only interested in the main quest, but even that can only get them through this far. You have to be truthful to yourself that even though we're allow to make some minor decisions in-game (i.e. to kill or not to kill), it's not enough to CHANGE THE COURSE of the game, gamers DO NOT HAVE the power to change the story of the game. Matrix Online does that really well, but they're doing it differently from the norm, they may have failed in a lot other aspects, but they win in terms of players being able to change the course of the story for all in-game/in-server.


    This game is a serious case of OVER MARKETING but without enough to back it up.


    Please do start filling it with contents ASAP, as it is right now, SWTOR is underdeveloped, seriously. I know it's a lot of work and you guys are probably working your asses off day and night to get us the best game you could, but the fact is, you don't have a whole lot of time before subbers start failling exponentally for other upcoming games, be it Single-Players or other MMOs. 2 such games would be GuildWars and Diablo 3.


    I've spoken to a few other others in-game and many are saying that they'll probably quit the next month or two if it doesn't improve much.


    I didn't wait 3 years just to see SWTOR go down the drain, I even bought the Collector's to support you guys because I believed in the amazing quality of the products you guys presented to us thus far. I hope whoever's reading this will bring it up to the higher ups, or whoever's making the decision calls on this game.


    This is an advice from a sincere BioWare and Star Wars fan. Please do not let this go to false ears.



    Anyway, I have made two other suggestion posts that's already drowned deep within the sea of threads, one another some of the problem/issues I see that are killing the game, particularly the exploration aspects, and another suggestion is for Role-playing purposes for those who are interested.


    - RE: Some problems with SWTOR that may kill the game.

    - Allow companion to speak, yell or /me emote capability for role-playing purposes.

  7. I have no idea why there is gray trash in this game other then that they blindly copied wow.


    I don't know who game designer decided it is fun for gamer's to pick up useless stuff and sell it to a vendor. I think this is one things that underestimates us players.


    And continuing. I can't really see Darth Vader taking bits and pieces he can't use from a destroyed droid thinking: This'll make good money.


    Well I don't see Darth Vaderas a trader in the first place. If you don't like it, don't pick it up. Be a fussy picker then, it's simple.

  8. You guys do make valid points on the inter-dependence issue. I kind of agree and disagree, because you could definitely make another character with the skill set with which your other character depends on. But the problem would be if you're willing to spend time training the other character up?


    What I was referring to was for example crafting, gathering, things or skills which can make players much more powerful should be made hard to achieve not just because they're hard to grind for, but also because they can only be made through the work/crafts of multiple crafter/gatherer types.


    Anyway I also made a thread post on companions role-playing feature for those who are interested to contribute their ideas or comments. Link's below!



  9. So I as role-playing the other day with a couple others and there was this Jedi Knight who was role-playing himself conversing with his droid companion. He was basically doing this,


    Johanry: <T7-O1>: Toot-weep-beep-boop.

    Johanry: What is it my friend?

    Johanry: <T7-O1>: Weep-boot-beeeeppp!

    Johanry: Ohh you'd think so?





    Seeing this, it immediately strikes to me that the /me command is just not sufficient enough as a role-playing tool. what we need is a command for us to "Make our companions speak" as well. Maybe a /cme command for companion actions and /cs /cy for companion speak and yell respectively, or something along those lines.


    Yes I've thought about the fact that every class has basically the same companion, so if everyone is going to do a /cme /cs /cy on the same companion, it would look really weird like a spam or something, So I've thought why not allow us to give a pet name (nickname) to our companions, which can be displayed as an alternative name to other players.


    You might think, then how do we identify what companion other players are using? Well to be honest, in my opinion, I don't really care what companion other players uses nor its name for identification purposes as long as it does what's needed for the group.


    Unique names like Luke, Han solo, etc can and should be restricted I understand, but please do not make common companion names unique across the server. Allow different people to have the same common names for their companions. it would be good for role-playing purposes.

  10. You just compared a 7+ year old MMO Titan to a new less than 6 months old MMO... Sorry it wasn't perfect on release. Would you have rather had it release in the next five months than it did now?


    Give it time for patches/updates/ideas to generate.


    Seriously people.


    Also, this is the Forum you were looking for: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349


    Not General Discussion.


    Yes in fact, in my opinion, I would've much rather SWTOR release at a later date, compared to how it was released underdeveloped. Look at the keyword, UNDERDEVELOPED. I'm not talking about being polished and all,. Being buggy at release and all, I can understand. But being underdeveloped is a whole other issue to not be trifled with.


    I've already waited SWTOR for 3 years, what's another few months or a year if that could make the game so much more fun. The first impression counts, if a game failed at that, it will lose potential players and they MAY NEVER get back to the game again no matter how well it improved.

  11. What I WOULD SUGGEST, is to not pop up the Legacy Name creation window so randomly after finishing Chapter 1 of the game. Instead, send a "New Mail" to the player stating that they can now create their legacy name by registering it with an NPC of sorts. And DO STATE in the mail that the Legacy name is actually referring to FAMILY NAME (Surname), because I do see some people having the legacy name the same as their first name all because they did not know what it is (Thinking it meant registering the first name as some kind of legacy awesome ****) and ended up screwing their only chance at it since they cannot change their legacy name.


    It's irritating to have to force people to register their Legacy name straight after chapter one, and if you don't, the window would keep popping up afterwards whenever you change zone, do stuffs or whatever.

  12. Well I wouldn't suggest just having a standard speed for all speeders, it's gonna be boring. because you can almost never have the chance at chasing someone down let's say you have lower speed than your opponent.


    What I would suggest is allowing players to modify and upgrade different parts of their speeder(s). Modify the maneuvering factor, the acceleration, the burst, the brake, the top speed, etc.


    As for the keys, once the player is on a speeder, his normal movement keys should also be switched to vehicle movement keys.


    That way, the only way hindering a chase down, is your skill at it.

  13. I'm going to guess this is your first MMO. All of them have weapons restrictions based on class.


    Well you see, that is the problem with game designers/developers these days having mentality like yours. They DO NOT DARE deviate away from the norms. And I bet the reason why they want to have class restriction is not because of an actual valid reason like those you guys have stated above, but more of like they're lazy to cater to ALL SORTS of animations and for EASIER class indentification purposes.


    Come on, let's be realistic, in an actual real fight, do you identify you opponent's capabilites by the thing they wear and wield? The fight is all raw and the only way you'll find out about their proficiency is during or after a fight. Besides, if BioWare wants to go for an easier class identification purposes, they could cater a unique sense of dress code for different classes, it's all in the art designing department.

  14. I totally agree with this right here, you should check out my idea on how to help with this.




    Lemme know what you think. Thanks!


    I do agree with you on many points. This is really a major issue with the game that needs ironing out. I do not like the idea of having a major playhouse where everyone come together like one big family. it's a major cluster-fug.


    One example of placing major NPCs in different planets would be like, let's talk about Class Trainers. We could have Lv10-30 Jedi Class Trainer placed at say the Republic Fleet. Lv1-15 and Lv40-50 Jedi Trainer(s) placed at Tython Jedi Temple. Meaning to say, we can place NPCs that sells different level of usages across different planets/places. It's just a rough example. This may encourage players to go around doing stuffs where they normally would not.


    BioWare should encourage mini-games like say, Jedi above level 30 could give "lessons" to NPC/Player Jedi learners by engaging in a scripted but open ended debate or Force sparring and gain commendations/republic points/valour points/whatever which can be exchanged for stuffs/etc. Smugglers can actually do smuggling missions for some casual achievements. All players can play Pazaak games, etc, in Cantinas and which can also increase their social points slightly after every game (Must have a cap daily) of course. MMORPGs should not ALWAYS be too focused on PVP/PVE, many MMOs did that, it's high time for something new.


    I may be a little far fetched in some ideas, but I like to think wild.


    Anyway I like some of the discussions made in this link below:



    Especially the post made by Tal-N on page 1. :)

  15. gameplay itself may not improve, the feeling of the game might.


    But there are so many plantes, some with more then 1 sun (Tat, for example). Would affect the day/night cycle. Some planets may have a faster day/night cycle then others. If it was just 1 planet, then ye, should be there, but now, too many things to take into account to make the planets feel more real.


    I do agree. However, as of now, SWTOR just look like as dead as dead can be. Nothing in-game looks interactive at all. Much has to be done to improve both the functions and feel to the game. MMORPGs cannot do without either.

  16. It would create a lot of stress on the server if people were to play offline and then sync-in with the server on their character progression. Imagine all that data being fed in at the same time from everyone else. It would lag the entire server. Moreover, this might cause unfair gameplay should any player intentionally abuses the system.


    Creative idea yes, but not feasible.

  17. Yes it's a wall-of-text, but please bear with me BioWare and whoever's reading it. My english ain't terrific and it's just my honest and sincere opinion. Many things may be repeated issues already stated by other players but I would like to state my point of view about them. I hope you guys can read this with an open mind. :)


    As much as I love BioWare games, the Star Wars franchise and MMORPGs in general, there are a few major problems with SWTOR right now that basically and instantly kills the hype of the game in terms of content, exploration and the social aspect of the game. And I'm sure you realized, many are leaving the game just like how they bailed out on WarHammer Online.


    1. TOO MANY THINGS can be done on the Fleet alone.

    Yes you heard me right, and it's killing the exploration aspect of the game. If the current state is still going to be the case for future expansions, you can be sure that no matter how many gazillion planets maybe created in the future expansions, not a single one would be as populated like the Fleet. Therefore it would becoming pointless and boring due to the fact that the only thing I see which are "actually alive", are the fidgeting NPCs. What's the point of creating so many worlds when the content you do is ONLY ENCOURAGES people to get over and done with the respective planet's quests, without even utilize it for other usages/socializing purposes.


    BioWare, you need to stop following the current standard MMO formulas and stop making instanced battleground your priority in terms of PVP. Whoever that started this should be given props to, but whoever that followed it religiously without control afterwards should be shotgunned. j.k.


    What I meant was, people need to BE ENCOURAGED to going around planets for activities, camping for kills (PVP/PVE), farming stuffs, exploration, Role-playing, etc. You need to give them a purpose and proper incentives doing so by allowing some things to go sandboxy in order for civilization to thrive. That's what makes Star Wars... well... Star Warsy. It's the community, NOT THE instanced world, NOT THE "make your life easy" by placing all activities in one area thing, nor the somewhat linear storyline (Though it was both good and a great edition to help ease the tormenting questing period many other MMOs have) that is SUPPOSED to seemed to make the game look like the player have the capability to change the world for the better or worse.


    You have to make people actually ENJOY going to planets to do all sorts of activities(PVP/PVE/RP/non-combat lame stuffs/mindless but enjoyable stuffs), Enjoying the beautiful scenery whilst questing(or whatever stated above) or even chill out for the heck of it.



    2. Space is Dead

    I'm sure you heard about this MANY TIMES and what is the root causes. So I'm not gonna elaborate much on it except that people are getting sick of space missions, I did a lot of it, but it became a painful grind and I drag doing it. (Well I actually stopped doing it altogether)



    3. Too much travelling cinematics/load times.

    I would hate the WarHammer formula of having to see the load screens/cinematic when travelling from one area to the next, or worse, some elevator work by loading the next level as well. This CERTAINLY BREAKS THE IMMERSION. Take some cue off WoW or even better FFXI, they have better, if not, REALLY GREAT travelling experiences for players (at least for me). I actually felt a true sense of exploration when I played FFXI. Truly enjoyed that part of the experience and going from town to town as ACTUALLY FUN because of it.



    4. Customization options for ALL things possible.

    Whether it's cosmetic purposes for characters, companions, Ship (You got a hell lot of work to improve here), character creation, Speeder upgrades (Not just same model of different color or speed upgrades, I meant literally able to modify the different parts of a speeder), etc etc, you need to realize people WANTS and need to be different. It would help in many ways, not only to look cool and unique, but may help out in the role-playing aspect of the game many fold.


    What you really need is an "Appearance/Wardrobe Tab" that mimic the current character tab, with a difference, whatever gears placed in there would only change the cosmetic appearances of a character and not it's stats. That should be the same for companions (the current customization for companions should be made to only change their face/racial appearance) and ship customization. See the advantage? It not only allows full up social customization for gamers to have fun with, it also improves Role-playability.


    Let's say I am a level 50, but I want to role-play a Luke Skywalker type of hero, He is REAL STRONG (because he is fully geared), but he "APPEARED" to wear gears that made him look like a farm boy of sorts. Thus he can APPEAR TO LOOK WEAK, but is actually a really strong level 50 character. ;)


    Oh and last but not least, please allow us to HIDE individual companion's headgear/handgears as we like. There should be a "Checkbox" of sorts on each companion's headgear/handgear gear slot to show/hide or show that specific equipment.


    5. No grind on quest? But what about the rest?

    Yeah yeah, the storyline and stuffs that lets us the players choose how and what we want to become is all great and dandy. And it does minimizes the grindy feel to questing compared to many other MMOs. But what about the PVP and getting geared aspect?


    Well I'm not saying grinding is bad and all, it does makes one feel AWESOME that we're actually working hard to achieve being the greatest badazz and all. But to be honest, though the grinding in this game is somewhat torturous (which is great and supposed to be like that), but at the same time it's ALL TOO EASY for EVERYONE to achieve.


    To achieve something great, it's not just the grinding element that makes it all worthwhile, there is also the element of surprise and mystery which will improve the whole experience and make achievements that much more amazing! Like say when you finally attained a power or crafted a gear, or finally got a gear that LOOKED/FEELS DIFFERENT from everybody else.


    Everything in this game is just too achievable and all too expectable, all you need is to have the exact recipe leaked out. Things has to be made mysterious and random to get players to want to find out more and keep coming back for it. It has to have that meaning to why you're doing it? For what meaningful purpose? Be it to obtain something only a rare few can ever have or just another means to an end. It shouldn't be achievable just through just pure grinding alone. Mystery and randomness are the two other essential ingredients here. Nothing's fun when the cat's already out of the bag, don't you agree?



    6. Dailies, Weeklies, HM, NM

    Firstly, one of the thing that really kills a game is when there are not enough contents and the developers tries to come up with these game modes to stall the players, preventing them from advancing too fast into the game and completing all it has to offer at that point in time.


    This is a problem with many PVP/PVE centric only MMOs. I mean, I love challenges, I REALLY love the competitiveness and all, but if this is something that I have to do over and over, I would most likely to puke on the storyline, dungeons, PVP sooner or later from over-dosage.


    Secondly, players SHOULD NOT be forced to do tasks like daily/weekly/etc in order to advance. I feel that advancement should be something that can be achieved through multiple ways which like I stated earlier on, in mysterious ways possible. And not some sort of linear formulated way (dailies, weeklies, raids, PVP), making them the only solution to becoming more powerful. Try to think creative, and not follow the footsteps of your predecessors. The greatness for those formulas, came, conquered, but is now OUTDATED and people are getting sick of it (That is why they've quit most other MMOs to join SWTOR, HOPING to find a new light).



    7. Social Interactions/Interfaces improvements

    Why make an MMO when the available tools does not ENCOURAGES communication/socialization between players? I'm sure you're already improving on this aspect for the upcoming patches and all, but I just have to state it to put the idea across. And PLEASE, DO take the advice of Role-players, because they have one of the best... if not the most excellent advice in this area of expertise. They know what is needed to make social/communication the best it can be. Trust them on that!


    An example would be the link below:



    Well I could go on further with what the problems are, but I'll let them RPers do the talking.



    8. Everyone is JUST TOO INDEPENDENT

    Almost EVERYTHING HERE can be done independently, whether it's crafting, PVPing, PVE questing, etc. Someone on the forums made a point not too long ago about SWG being inter-dependent. I personally have not played SWG at all, but I really liked the idea of everyone depending on someone else IN ORDER TO advance through the game.


    Having it this way, would REALLY ENCOURAGE socialization, having to hook people up to do stuffs either for others or yourself. Yes this game aims to make people feel REALLY POWERFUL (Like real, since I have to pound many NPC 15 minutes with my lightsaber and a full group), independent and Heroic, but that should ONLY be in the case of combat. Everything else should be team effort with other players.


    Let's take crafting for example, you DID NOT FIXED the problem by saying people who doesn't have Cybernatics have to depend on people who do, for custom-built speeders. That's not being inter-dependent, that's being dependent on someone else just because you do not have ALL 3 complimenting crew skill set to get you what you want, and it can be easily fix by having a completely different skill sets.


    Ultimately, my main point is to make everyone SOCIALIZE by being dependent on others for their needs.



    To close this, I would say there are a truckload of work to be improved on (IMO), but too little time. Please take heed and fast before another game picks up your remaining subbing players BioWare, I really do not wish to see SWTOR fall badly, especially not after waiting patiently 3 years for this game. Good luck! :)

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