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Posts posted by kharathos

  1. Since Shiro wants proper Japanese pronunciation, you should add the proper Japanese honorific and add 'chan' at the end. :p Show your respect by using 'She-roh-chan'!! (disclaimer : use at your own risk, not responsible for what will happen to you afterward)


    I see what you did there!! :D

  2. Okay, so basically as the title says, this is about how to pronounce "Shiro" properly if I'm in voice or anything.

    Too many times have I heard people say it as "Shy-ro" *cough* Terra Australus people *cough* =P


    It is in fact, pronounced like "She-ro" 'cause it is a Japanese word =P

    If needed, you can always ask me to pronounce it for you ;)


    EDIT: it should be in fact "She-loh" in Japanese but I'm making it easier for you ;)


    Well I know it's not me your talking about, I pronounce it correctly all the time which you actually commented on I remember first time we TS'ed.


    As for the pronunciation of Shiro, I thought the correct way to pronounce it is actually "Shee-Roh" (The way I pronounce it) which translates to the color white?


    And yes my fellow Terra Australis brothers and sisters do have problems pronouncing words correctly. Hell look how they pronounce Syndell. They pronounce it "Sin-Dill" rather then "Sin-dell".


    Or pronounce Aethyta as "A-tia" or "A-thia" rather then Ah-thee-ta".


    But then I am just as bad as I pronounce Xibonn as Xi-bon where the rest of the team pronounce it as X-cibon. I have yet to hear which way is the correct way. :p

  3. Me again? <.< >.> I'm not even that good....

    I miss the good old days of anonymity.... (._.)


    Shiro, seriously your still carrying on with the I'm not that good schtick?? You need a new gimmick me thinks. :p


    As for Anonymity, not going to happen. Not with the lvl 50 PVP population as small as it is given our server's population and the player base keen on PVP compared to those keen for PVE and then consider that from that small number of Lvl50 PVP players as it is, players of quality like those on my list and others not mentioned tend to stand out because they are constantly playing every night and they consistently perform well.


    You see them in PVP, you know even if they were not listed in this or any other thread that you have to nail them quick and fast or to quote Russel Peters father comedy skit: "Somebody's gonna get a hurt real bad". Name recognition comes with it's blessings and curses and a forum thread doesn't make too much of a difference really.


    Just ask Boil or Zargor! You see them, you roll your eyes and shake your head because of their continual failure. :)


    Keiga, to answer your question, you are both. When your on a team like everyone else on that list I wrote, you along with the others are all players where you will never ever think "What a waste of a slot". You see these people and think F Yeah!!!!!! Because they add to the team, not detract.


    Now how about we keep the flow going and have other people list players they enjoy pvping with?

  4. Well I will list a few people who I enjoy playing PVP (Mostly Pub players as that is where I play most) with cause they are either beasts in PVP or just make PVP a great time and these are in no particular order:





















    Lycaon (Or however you spell it)


    And there is this awesome Inquisitor who's name escapes me cause I haven't seen them on in a while but he/she was mad dps.

  5. I've been a long time player of this server and don't have the heart to leave it, yet I want something a little different now. So I want to know would people be interested in having a RP guild?


    Might actually help if you explain what you want your RP guild to actually do in Dalborra which is not a RP server so anyone who isn't familiar with RP can then respond accordingly to you.

  6. Oh yeah? Have you met Boil? The guy is so good that he leaves every warzone after about 5 minutes of ultra annihilation to give the opposing team a chance at victory. Such a humble individual.


    Boil is so awesome at PVP, he constantly critiques everyone on their ability so that maybe one day we can all aspire to his level of skill and quitting but he also graciously lets everyone's end game scores beat his. Yes this even includes healers beating him in damage. No one is left out. Hell his such a swell guy that even players coming into the game late are allowed to beat him.


    As for Zargor, I will assume that as much sarcasm was written in my previous paragraph also lives in your comment thinking Zargor is great at pvp. He isn't. Stay alive more then 5 seconds if he has no one helping him to kill you, he will give up and look for an easier target.


    And if you want to list PVPers of worth, there is a thread open already:



  7. Back on topic - Gimp has been expanding its ranks.

    But I noticed MVP seems to have splintered?


    You notice right. I know a few from MVP who have quit mostly because other players who they used to PVP with have walked away from the game or the Guild itself.


    Nor am I seeing MVP much in pub pvp anymore either. Makes me wonder how many peeps are left in the guild.

  8. I was once berated with paraphraphs of whispers from a DPS Sage who disliked that I received more votes than he did, despite "clearly beating me" (beating someone on your own team, you wonder? Confused me, too.)


    If he beat you in dmg, kills and medals and he feels he did a hell of a lot of work more then you and you go and get medals for no visible reason, I can see his point. I seen healers do over 400K healing but get no mvp votes (Beside my vote) despite the clear fact said healers helped keep the team alive clearly with a score like that. I know the lazy path is just to vote for the person who got the most medals in the game or fellow guild members but when I vote, I usually vote for healers who either helped keep me alive (Important as a melee warrior) , healers who clearly kept the team alive as a whole or players who did the best kills by far of anyone in the team. As we all know, its easy to get medals when defending so for me, someone who does epic healing or killing are the people to vote for. These are the players who let you stealthers do what you got to do and makes it easier for us melee warrior class to finish what they started.


    As for beating someone on your team, what's to be confused about? Competition within a team to do the best is healthy and never hurts anyone but the enemy!! :D


    ...what the hell is this thread about, anyway?


    Lol you comment but don't read the thread first? OP brought up an opinion where he believed there were too many small guilds and thinks that these small guilds make it hard for people to do ranked when there seems to be only 4 big guilds doing ranked and if your not in these guilds, this makes it harder for anyone else to do so.


    Fact is yes there are LOTS of small guilds but as I said before. there are people who form guilds as a group of mates and don't care for certain aspects of the game but to play with one another. And if OP wants to do ranked, it's not that hard to get into a ranked group usually as there are normally ranked PUG groups forming often enough to catch one of them. :cool:

  9. Some guilds and players in particular (Not singling them out) on Dalborra have sticks up their asses and an over inflated sense of importance and worth. That is why they look down on you for asking to join a guild. These same people forget what it was like starting out in SWTOR. Some people it seems on Dalborra think you should be invited rather then ask to join. These people plain and simply need to get the *** out of SWTOR and let the community thrive which is being hampered by these S.O.B.'s.


    I remember Fleet general chat once upon a time would be flooded with guilds looking to recruit. Not so much now. Maybe the GM's are over it or the guilds expect people to come to them. I don't know.


    And yes, I agree with TSgt_Chen. There are some GM's who are borderline useless and Guilds who promise much and deliver next to nothing. I could name two but I don't want to to make this thread a Guild hate list.


    Suffice to say, it all comes down to what you want out of your guild as you would know. Once you know, look here:



  10. That's not true! I mean... I got in MVP and I'm not exactly... good...


    Lol joining MVP is nothing special whatsoever. There are plenty (and I mean PLENTY) of crap pvpers in MVP who seemingly think they are special because they are in MVP and wear it like a badge of honor. These players firstly get smashed in one on one fights without other people helping to kill their target and secondly, these people are riding the coat tails and efforts of people like Steelclaw (1,000 blessings upon her :)) who are legitimately awesome pvpers. The percentage of great pvpers in mvp is a lot smaller then you think.


    But I digress, back on topic, you will find that a lot of these so called "Small Guilds" are just a bunch of friends who form a guild together and play together. And more power to these people. I don't think Dalborra needs to be populated by mega guilds. A lot of guilds do their own thing and I am fine with that. And yeah I too have been invited by these guilds I have never heard or seen before. Some just outright invite me without asking me which I hate.


    Bottom line: Yes there are plenty of small guilds on Dalborra, some are private. Others are trying to grow. All guilds have to start small at some point remember. :cool:

  11. I have a different interpretation on many of these characters. While Blizz is a happy, innocent and almost childlike character, I think there is something lurking just beneath the surface.


    Some people like it, others.....well.....not so much.




    And that's what makes your comic and this game great. Everyone can have an idea of how the companions are. I seen some people portray Vette as a bumbling bimbo whereas in my mind and Warrior playthrough, she is an irrespressible Twi'Lek who while not agreeing with my Sith Pure blood's Dark Side decisions, still loves him for everything else he is besides a Evil Darth!! Yes I am a romantic hahahahaha. Oh and personally, I love your idea of Blizz. :D


    Quick Idea for you that I pointed out to my fiancee a few weeks ago when it occurred to me. I have a consular who is Dark Side and because she is a Twi'Lek, when she is maxed out on Dark Side, her once dark blue skin is now almost albino and yet no one, not the Jedi Council, not other jedi's I meet in the story think anything of the glowing red eyes, visible veins and corruption on my skin which I always found odd. Do these people not remember how this fresh faced Twi'lek looked when she was a mere Padawan before becoming aligned to the Dark side but still being a Jedi?


    My humerous thought (Of course you will come up with funnier ideas :p) was the Jedi Council asking her (After she reports back on a mission complete) if she is feeling under the weather despite it being clear she is attuned to the Dark Side and my Twi'Lek saying of course nothing is wrong, why do you ask and then there is a shot of her dark side evil face lol. See what I mean with my fav screen shot of her. How the hell does no one in the Jedi Temple mistake her for a Sith let alone not ask her about her Dark side??: :D




    Hell, I'd even consider commissioning you for it along with a kick *** pic of her but I'm sure your swamped so when your free, hit me up with a message to discuss getting a portrait of her done and discuss terms!! :0

  12. First let me say a lot of the pics here are great but the best thing about it all is that after 61 pages of seeing every screen shot in this thread, I breathed a sigh of relief to see none looked like my toons!! :D


    So without further adue, here are my 3 fav toons out of the 8 I have. I actually have a ton of screen shots but chose shots that didn't give away anything major in the respective story for the class so my posts are spoiler free!! :D


    First and foremost, my first toon ever, my dearly beloved Chiss Sniper "Slaanesha":






    Love this shot of her in the middle of opening a can of epic Whoopass!!





    My Sith Pureblood Warrior "Rompe":




    More Dark Side corrupted:




    Obligatory action shot: :D




    And for extra fun, I actually decided to do a proper twisted legacy where my Warrior had a son but oh how he was a disappointment as his son became a Jedi, not a sith like his old man!! :D So I had them look similar enough to show they are clearly father and son but not identical. Here is Bulveye who I have only just recently started with and play every now and then:





    And my favourite, my Dark Side Jedi Consular "Aethyta" in what is easily my favourite screen shot of any I have taken of all my toons:



  13. Good grief, choking on the elitism of some posts in here.


    Just because you don't believe something happened nor did it happen to you.....Newsflash!!! It doesn't mean it doesn't happen!! Take for example Clown Shoes LenrocNewDawn who immediately claims NogueiraA is lying about his Marauder being stunned continously for 16 seconds!! That's funny LenrocNewDawn, were you there were you mate?? No you say?? Can you prove that the Smuggler player in question didn't attack in this fashion?? No again? Then Shut the hell up unless you can prove what NogueiraA said happened to him actually didn't. I accept what he claims, what is so stuck up where the sun doesn't shine on you that you can't?


    As for my so called crap pile as the oooooooooh so wise Kweassa says, assumption is the mother of you know what's and you prove it with your up yourself better then thou response. It's no wonder the community in SWTOR is a joke when it is populated with people like you but hey, I respect your opinion even if you don't respect mine. Funny that huh?


    The major problem seems to be people do not understand resolve even now ten months into the game.



    Do not use your CC break on the first stun. Crazy I know, except when you eat a full duration stun and come out, chances are they will try to stun you again. Now your Resolve is White Barred. Use your CC break and proceed to be unstoppable.


    Its that easy.


    Heaven forbid!! You instantly assume anyone who complains doesn't know what they are talking about. The elitism is strong in this one!!! I have been attacked by everyone's favourite coward class The Imp Agent in between a CC cool down, Stun knifed me, stabbed with normal knife attack, flashbanged me, waited a few seconds, attacked me with knife, some other attack, manage some offense but then stun knifed again and rinse repeat til death. All done before my CC reset!!


    I have seen various other instances where the resolve bar should have stopped me being stunned but alas it did not. And to all those who want to sit on top of their Ego mountains, just because you haven't had it happen to you nor seen it, again, don't be quick to get all haughty and jump on those that do mention instances of it. Now back to the discussion and oh, got my surfboard ready to ride the waves of stuck up player outrage about my post who will tell me I don't know this, what I said is false blah blah blah!!! :D

  14. I play as a marauder and I can say: resolve is broken.

    I was against a Gunslinger and Scoundrel today in Civil War.


    1 - Gunslinger kicked my balls -> 4secs stun -> ok, resolve is at 60%.

    2 - Almost finishing 4 secs stun, flash bang (resolve still 60%).

    3 - almost finishing flash bang(8 secs), Scoundrel kicked my balls(more 4 secs and resolve still 60%).

    4 - I have no cc breaker, 16 secs controlled.


    This is NOT fun.


    I personally would love to see PVP penalise players who rely on Stuns to do anything in PVP.


    Like if you use more then a certain amount of stuns in a certain time frame or match, you are docked Commendations which would force players to either play with skill or get out and leave PVP to the players who want to play it as a form of skill. Then the reliance on Resolve and whether it works or not would not be an issue as much. But sadly EAWare wants to keep the game going with the Stun Wars mentality and then scratch their b@lls wondering why people either don't bother with PVP or the game anymore.

  15. Just think, if the resolve system worked properly, PVP Players (Like those who play Operatives because they know they suck at PVP) and Stun their way to victories would be left high and dry and their lack of PVP skills would be on display for all to see.


    PVP is filled with pvpers who stun to win because they have no skill to do anything else (Interesting how easy these same people are to kill when they have used their stun on someone else and you use nothing but attacks to kill them and they have nothing else to work with because of their lack of skills) or pvpers who go after Low End pvpers and think themselves Gods of War for it.


    I always have respect for players who when going one on one, hell even two on one, may use a single CC on you for one of their long cast time attacks but then resume hitting you with other attacks and kill you without the use of multiple CC's. Zero respect for the ******* of PVP who do nothing but chain stun you until you die. I try not to use CC and still manage anything over 30-40 kills a match simply by using my attacks intelligently!! I especially enjoy seeing the scoreboard reflect my dmg/kill/medals being higher then a player on the opposite team who stunned their way to their kills.


    The fact is whether Resolve works or not, PVP is a simple matter of who has the best gear and who can string together a series of stuns. These are the two most critical elements of PVP. It barely ever comes down to skill or who can chain together a beautiful series of attacks or strategy that doesn't rely on CC'ing til the cows come home. Nope, if you got stuns (and rely on them to kill) and at lvl 50, have war hero, you got PVP done and dusted. Then people wonder why Lvl 50 PVP doesnt have as many pops like when we all used to pre lvl 50 pvp.


    And it will be even worse when many subbed players join the F2P lineup. :(

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