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Posts posted by kharathos

  1. My prediction is we will see a new op or perhaps new daily planet for 65's sometime in 2017 and I will go one step further to predict KOTFE Season 1 will not finish in August but by the end of next year despite their desperate attempt to bribe subs into staying with nothing to do til August except old content.


    Chapter 10 has fallen behind a month. Still 6 other chapters that could share that fate and if it does happen again, that will easily push it out for all of 2016. :p

  2. Welcome back everyone to another episode of....




    A game where you at home get to figure out whether or not the OP is a troll, or whether they're serious as a 24 hour gaming marathon powered by nothing but delivered pizza, red bull, and doritos induced heart attack.


    What do we have today Bob?


    Bob: Funny you should ask that Jim today we have Slaughterhouse, great name.


    Jim: Is Slaughterhouse the name of a troll Bob?


    Bob: Well obviously I'd like to leave the real fun to all the players at home but I do feel Slaughterhouse has that great quality wherin it could be a troll, might be a lifetime fan of the lyrical stylings of Joe Budden, or could just be someone who think the name is cool.


    Jim: This doesn't seem like a Joe Budden fan to me Bob.


    Bob: Right you are sir, as a Joey fan would be slightly more introspective. Good news for our game however, is that both a troll and someone who thinks the name 'Slaughterhouse' is cool are equally likely and in fact completely capable of such a wild nonsensical ride of a post that has tantrum written all over it.


    Jim: True indeed Bob. So what should our contestants at home be looking for? Let's remind them now of a few our helpful hints when playing troll or serious.


    Bob: My pleasure Jim. Well, one of things we often look for in troll posts are certain phrases that might have originally been used in serious posts but are now almost strictly the playground of those who favor trolling.


    Jim: Were any such common phrases used in our post today?


    Bob: Funny you should ask that Jim. Some of our long time players might know that "Slap in the face" is a very commonly used troll phrase. Specifically here on the swtor forums. It's currently being used both as a way to agitate the masses but also is gaining traction being used ironically. Either way we were surely down the proverbial troll's rabbit hole as soon as that phrase hit.


    Jim: Sounds like you're ruining the game Bob. Are you saying this is a troll post?


    Bob: Not so fast Jim. Obviously there are some who still use the phrase 'slap in the face' as it was originally intended, to signify feeling disrespected, or challenged to a 15th century duel.


    Jim: Fantastic insight as always Bob. Let's give our players at home one more clue and then turn them loose.


    Bob: Well, another thing you want to study very closely when determining whether or not a post is troll or serious is that poster's history. In this case our subject Slaughterhouse appears to have a general level of agitation with the game for some time now, this certainly isn't a one off kind of thing.


    Jim: Does that mean anything specifically Bob?


    Bob: Of course not. While there are many trolls who show up out of nowhere and start from day 1 with the troll posts there are certainly also some who begin later in their career as a poster. Longevity is no longer an indicator of a troll. The other factor here of course is a dissatisfaction over time with the game, which may indicate this is a serious post, but there is always the dedicated troll to consider.


    Jim: The dedicated troll?


    Bob: Yes, that is someone who spends almost all of their forum time trolling, constantly seeming more and more upset via written word to stir up the masses while they themselves are simply taking a hot chocolate break from playing a game they dearly love.


    Jim: Fascinating. Anything else before we go Bob? We have about 2 minutes before we release this problem to the public.


    Bob: No.


    Well I guess that's 2 minutes of absolute nothing we have for you then folks. Enjoy that, and thanks for playing troll or serious.


    Please submit all your answers to whomever you want to, no one reads posts past the first page anyway as they're all simply responding to the OP. That's how troll's catch fish.


    For Bob, I'm Jim. Live your dreams people!


    RIGHT YOU ARE KENNY!!! Err I mean Jim!! :p

  3. Not read past the first post, really just could not be bothered with yet another thread like this.


    Will point out one thing though. You were never promised chapter 10 in January this is a lie that players are believing just because it's been said countless times by other players who are themselves lying.


    It was stated chapter 10 would be in January OR February. OK so it's at present time going to be February. So not seeing the lie here as it was said January OR FEBRUARY! .


    Yeah except you are wrong in this instance. It was never started by players that Chapter 10 would be released in Jan 2016. Bioware said it in their media releases as well as when they pimped KOTFE back at E3 in June. That is why a simple Google search reveals how many gaming news sites reported accordingly that upon release, chapters 1-9 would be available with the remaining Season 1 chapters being released per month starting in Jan 2016 with Chapter 10. :rolleyes:

  4. Seriously, did Bioware ever say Chapter 10 was going to be sooner than February? I heard "early 2016" and "coming soon". Both of those still apply...


    Google is your friend. Look how many Gaming news sites reported on KOTFE when it was announced and how many of them reported what Bioware said that upon release, the first 9 chapters would be available with the remaining chapters being released in 2016 beginning with Chapter 10 in Jan 2016. Hell even their Chapters page promoting KOTFE had those dates before it was updated with today's announcement.


    Just because you missed the announcement (Prior to today's new release update), fear not. Many across the Internet did not and reported it accordingly at the time!! :D

  5. Everyone is complaining about the rewards announced today. I will admit, there was nothing there worthy of the hype.


    At least it was better then the laughable hype and reveal for the "Choose your path" hypetrain lol.


    However, keep in mind they do NOT have to give anything. No one has "a right" to anything in this game and all the whining and complaining about "no new ops" or "story, story, story" is going to change it. Bioware is a business and their bottom line is to make money. Period. They will run things as they see fit. If you like it, great! Subscribe and help pay for the game and keep it going because at the end of the day, if the game doesn't make money, it goes away. That being said, if you don't like the game, do yourselves and all your fellow gamers a favor and leave. The constant threats of "I'm cancelling my sub" is getting old and makes you sound like a whiny brat crying you didn't get your participation trophy or that jilted Ex that is too obsessive and dense to know it's over.


    And what YOU need to keep in mind is that while they have a right to run this game as they see fit, they also need to satisfy their player base. Simple rule of business: No customers, no business. It is THAT SIMPLE. If you do not give the player base a reason to stay subbed, then you my angry little Bioware/SWTOR fanboi will be left with nothing when the game shuts down and your invitation for those not happy to leave is just stupid and short sighted as to be expected from a fanboi. Remember if people quit this game, you are left with nothing. And it is to be expected that a fanboi can only cry about the hate for SWTOR's direction and demand people who don't agree with you leave. Remember if people do leave, eventually you will have nothing.


    Sure we are still many subs away from that but clearly Bioware are concerned with how many subs are leaving hence trying to find yet ANOTHER reason to keep people subbed with this little bonus chapter for HK-55 (which will probably be only 10 mins long anyway but cost over $120 to get). Sadly I doubt this will help at all considering Bioware painted themselves into a corner by making all companions just cosmetic given any companion can fulfill the role of a tank, healer or dps. These new companions don't come with conversations as you increase their influence so having HK-55 is kinda pointless once you do the bonus chapter and get to have him on your team again.


    At any rate, Bioware owes you nothing. No one is forcing you to play SWTOR and nothing was promised to you. I'm sick of people posting on the forums that Bioware owes them everything and should give it out for free.


    And we are just as sick of the blinkered fanbois such as yourself who deny anything is wrong, that everything is perfect and cannot handle debate or feedback from the player base that keeps this game afloat without crying how we should all just leave if we don't like it. You compare us to a jilted ex? Well I guess you are more like the subjugated partner who thinks their life of blind obedience is normal. Unless you plan to keep this game afloat on your own, welcome to reality kid. You need the player base that is leaving. Might be an idea to perhaps stop demanding people who don't agree with you quit and try to help keep them if you love swtor/bioware so much. You are not helping Bioware whatsoever with your behavior.


    I leave you with the point of my post to you OP: No Customers, No business.

  6. If the stats of the gear were the problem, then just remove all the mods from them and sell the empty orange shells. In this day and age nobody bought that comms vendor gear for the stats but for the looks.


    QUIET YOU!!!!! That is too logical for Bioware to handle!! :D


    Besides those missing sets will be back. Just in a future cartel pack!! $$$$$$$$$$$$

  7. There may be some variants of these core armor sets which are no longer available, but we’ll adjust that over time and slowly re-add pieces.


    In other words, coming to a future cartel pack near you for us at Bioware to get more money from for stuff previously in the game which we took out so we could reskin and make money off once more just like past armor sets (Rakata etc).


    Taking a bite out of the people who can help with getting you back into the game, helping you restore missing items or characters, and addressing any billing issues, really isn’t a good use of your time, or theirs.


    Yes because heaven forbid we take time away from these giants of epic Customer Service who send incorrect templates time and time again or ignore the actual issue at hand logged in tickets to reply with something totally unrelated and claim that is a solution. One recent example is my account having gotten the Wolf of Rishi title before I moved servers and then losing it during the transfer only to be told by some muppet in CS that it could not be restored. But wait, my wife also had the same problem but IT'S A MIRACLE!!!! Her CS rep somehow did the impossible and gave her title back. But how is this possible Eric?? The muppet I got for my ticket said it was impossible. :rolleyes:


    As a general note, if you guys have feedback or questions about design decisions or development philosophy, come to the forums and raise it here. Going to Customer Support is not the correct place for that (and we will ask CS agents to direct you appropriately).


    Oh Eric you kill me. Are you STILL pretending to care about the community you so obviously despise? The only time we ever hear from you is on topics YOU choose to respond to. Plenty of threads created with probably 99% of them going unanswered or ignored by the Community team or hell anyone from Bioware ranging from questions about the game, the expansion, post expansion or issues being reported yet you and your glorious Customer service team keep telling us to post on the forums so we can be ignored????? Tell me again how you and Bioware still pretend to listen to your Customer base. Always gives me a good laugh when you do. After all you guys were so hopeless in dealing with the Customer service section of the forums, it had to go to EA to handle and take care of. This whole SWTOR forum is proof you don't so if you are so keen to delete things both in game and out, why not get rid of the proof that you don't care about your player base and delete this WHOLE forum!! Let's start over with the forums to go with 4.0!! :p

  8. As much as I love doing the seeker droid treasure hunting (Hence why I have 3 full dreadseed armors, 2 Star Forager, several stray bits of both, 2 full PMP Pleasure speeder parts and sourced almost my entire GSI reputation from GSI reputation drops from friend to legend in 2 weeks of seeker hunting), I seriously doubt we will ever see this returned to.


    Much like GSF (which I don't care for but to each their own), everything to do with the seeker droid/macrobinoculars was something they worked on at the time, they updated it for a bit but now have moved on to other things. Yes one dev mentioned how he would love to expand on it a long time ago but that is a personal wish against the direction the company is working towards with the game. IF WE ARE LUCKY, we may get a loot list update to incorporate level 11+ crafting material but yeah, what we have is all it will ever be!! :(

  9. So let's start the companion questions and hopefully see some answers by Eric with this one. As we saw and heard in the livestream and I quote:


    "It's absolutely true, we can totally confirm it.........In KOTFE, Lana Beniko does indeed become a full blown companion."


    But we also heard that we are keeping the original companions we had as part of our class but get specific companions during KOTFE.


    So can Eric/Bioware confirm that "full blown companion" in relation to Lana actually means only during the KOTFE story and we don't get her as a permanent companion (Like Treek/HK) outside of KOTFE or do we get to have her after it all? Considering my Dark Jedi romanced her in Forged Alliances/SOR, it would be awesome to have her permanently given their relationship etc, not just be with her in KOTFE.


    And I guess another follow on question would be do we get to keep any companion not native to our class companions after/outside of KOTFE besides the special companions like Niko/Treek/HK?

  10. Again, sorry, your wrong. I was having FPS issues. So you Lag theory wouldn't have helped me at all. And I fixed the problem guys.


    Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn but you are an ignorant fool. Firstly you and you alone OP were the one who created this thread with the title "Lag on SWTOR for no Reason.". Then you proceed to bang on about how you are getting LAG when playing SWTOR. Then others here try to explain if it is actually LAG you are getting, why it is caused which is not because of hardware.


    Then you realise YOU were in error and declare the issue was related to FPS and now want to say everyone on this thread was wrong when it was YOU who stated initially it was a lag issue and then you fixed it by realising the difference between lag and fps issues?


    Yeah ok, why don't you take a seat on the special bus and do so quietly til you learn how you were in the wrong and how next time, more investigation on your behalf would save everyone having to read yet another pointless thread. And before you once again stupidly say "sorry, your wrong", you might want to read the post by MillionsKNives 2 posts above me and commit it to memory yes?

  11. It's kind of interesting. The question was asked and answered in the first two posts with a couple more answers adding some detail. Now we're four pages into the facepalms and people proclaiming others are too stupid to read. And we've expanded it to other stupid questions such as "What's the best class/crew skill?" "Where are the mod stations?" and all manner of either completely unanswerable or painfully obvious questions. But if the question was answered on page one, why are we still here? Just to show off?




    Y'all are so smart it takes my breath away. And, to tell you the truth, I roll my eyes every time I see those questions, too.




    So think back to when you started and what mistakes you made, and the learning curve you followed, and maybe develop a little patience to the newcomer and keep your facepalms to yourself.


    Good god so you have reading issues too huh? Who ties your shoelaces in the morning?


    For example, when you use health packs, it says it "RESTORES" ## health. Why would you think it should be used before a fight? Or hell, why not use something as simple as logic hmm? You play a sage, when you finish missions, it gives you WILLPOWER gear. Well gee, I guess that is best for my class if that is the gear I am being rewarded with so I should focus on getting better WILLPOWER gear. And yet you have braincramps who walk around with gear not meant for their class. A little logic could have gone a long way there. Reading in game material also would have helped but we live in an age where people don't want to read, they want it all and they want it now.


    No, the problem is people like you who do not take the time to learn a new game and then want to insult those of us who took the time to read, research online (Dulfy/Google etc) and learn the game. After all if we are paying a monthly sub for this game, It makes total sense to learn the game we are investing in.


    I have been playing this game since Day one and I have NEVER had the issues you had nor needed to ask the utterly stupid and ignorant questions people post in general chat. And why? Not because I am a genius but because quite simply, I took the time to read something in game that practically tells you how to do the game ("THE CODEX") or in the case of end game gearing, looked up guides on what is best and read multiple sources on the matter or on the matter of finding things, I would explore the game and look for whatever it was I needed.


    So no, I am not going to feel bad for newbies or the utterly ignorant. I do not mind helping newbies. Lord knows I have helped many many people in game (To the point my wife who also plays the game says I should have a title called "Helper Helpington" - yeah bad joke) but where I draw the line is when these same people neither thank nor take said help without resorting to insults as the sad case that is the OP did. This thread would not have carried on in the manner it did if the OP had just kept his mouth closed after being told where it was. Someone posted the answer, he should have READ the link.


    Speaking of which, where is OP since he was smackdowned for his stupidity and ignorance? I would like to hear what he has to say now after he is finished eating that big ol' humble pie he was served with by this thread. :D

    Devs please: Does this game has official windows 10 support yet?


    This game does not even have official Windows 8 support let alone a comment from the devs about using Windows 8 for SWTOR so I hate to tell you but I doubt we will hear any official word from the devs on Windows 10. They probably don't have any machine to run Windows 10 as is and probably won't be upgrading any time soon like most people. Corporations and businesses rarely upgrade for some time when a new O.S. comes out. The Tech company I worked for, it was at least 4 or 5 years before the I.T. company made the decision to upgrade the companies computer system to Windows 7 from XP.


    In saying that, there have been reports from various players here and on reddit about using Windows 10 and SWTOR and no major issue has been found but take that with a grain of salt as always.

  12. Agreed. It would be nice to have her return in the future.

    She's not one of the NPCs that could be killed off, right? (Or did I simply miss the option somewhere?)

    Which would make her eligible for a return. :p


    Well technically she does return in the Imp Agent 5 min mission in SOR. But if you are hoping for her to recognize you two had a date during this mission, you are out of luck.

  13. Seriously?!?!?!?!?! You are seriously mad that Bioware decided not to release a bugged patch and it effected Bounty Hunter Week???? Even though, like they did with the Gree Event and the Conquest Bug, they will probably have 2 weeks back to back to make up for it???? Seriously???


    Yes seriously White Knight, Your Gods have even said as much:


    This does have an affect on some other things as well:


    Bountry Contract Week is delayed until Game Update 3.3 goes live, and will only run until next Tuesday.



    This game, is by and far one of the greater MMOs out here. Anyone who complains, I'm sorry, go find another game. The majority of the player base is far more relieved to know they aren't screwing us over with a bugged patch then missing an (awesome) Bounty Hunter week, which we will probably get in the future.


    Yes yes, the ever quick reply from the White Knight "Go find another game". Heaven forbid those of us who have been with this game from the start or even those who came late want to play a quality game and see a good return on the money we fork out and put into this game that lets people like you be the White Knight.


    If you can make a better game, be my guest. In the meantime, appreciate the fact that the people who actually code and work on the game and make it playable and available to us, should be thanked for their work. Not criticized constantly. So, Bioware. Thank you. Haters, go find a different game. This one is obviously too good for you.


    They are thanked for their work White Knight. Our subs and money that goes into this game is their thanks by keeping them in a job and putting food on the table. And for those dollars we put into this game, we want to see a quality product in return. But if you don't care what you are given, please please PLEASE tell me where you live and i will find some worthless crap to sell you and charge you for it!! Easy money to make it seems off you. :D


    And lastly those of us who have opinions or complaints contrary to you are not haters. Far from it. We are just not blind zealots like you and can see the sun shines in the sky, not from Bioware's rear like you believe. :D

  14. Hey folks!


    We are running into some issues with Game Update 3.3, and so we are going to be delaying tonight's scheduled maintenance. It is still our goal to get out Game Update 3.3 as soon as possible. I will pass on more updates tomorrow. Again, there will be no maintenance tonight which will delay the launch of Game Update 3.3.


    This does have an affect on some other things as well:

    • Bountry Contract Week is delayed until Game Update 3.3 goes live, and will only run until next Tuesday.
    • The Outer Rim Explorer's pack will still go live tomorrow.
    • The next Conquest will start on time, tomorrow.


    Thank you for your understanding!




    So some questions arise from this:


    1) When has "Issues" or bugs EVER stopped you from releasing broken patches and content? Remember SOR? Released half broken without even an eye flutter from you. Fixed slowly with some stuff still not working/broken. Or previous patches that broke things in the game. Has the Quality Control team come back from their lunch break after a few years?


    2) Why can you not show the same determination and effort in releasing patches on time as you do your %$@#%@#% Cartel packs? Yeah different team blah blah blah to the laughable Bioware Zealot White Knights but my point still stands. You are sure as hell making sure cartel packs are out on time come hell or high water. Why not 3.3?


    3) Assuming they did come back from their years long lunch break or that you even have one, How the hell did no one in your Quality Control team not realize that this patch had issues until just hours before it went live?? Is your Quality Control team just an empty office most (if not all) hours with the trololololol guy posted on the closed office door?


    4) Not that I care but you have the Bounty week stuff automated so it is turned on every month without patches sometimes. Why the change now? I see your precious Cartel packs are going live no problem. What's the problem with switching Bounty Week on instead of short changing your player base (AGAIN and it is becoming tiring your attitude) by reducing the amount of days those who want to do it (not me) have to do it for the week?


    And finally, this ladies and gentlemen is why I refuse to buy a ticket to the Bioware hype train for KOTFE. It isn't like Bioware's quality control or story telling will become a thing of beauty once more just because they release an expansion with a flashy cgi trailer. Let us never forget how crap their last story arcs were (Revan/Ziost). The guys who wrote the original epic class stories are long gone. And quality control, SWTOR still doesn't know they have been on lunch all these years. They probably hang out with the Customer Service team hence all the template replies from them with 90% of them being always on the wrong topic or issue. :p

  15. Okay, I call Bull on not just this thread, but also the Facts From THIS SITE and other sites like Dulfy.com and and a slew of others that got that "so called leaked info on KOTFE" says that there is New Class stories.


    The Devs that were being talked to weren't in charge of the Storylines.


    http://www.swtor.com/fallen-empire/features This and all the other info about the Upcoming stuff in KOTFE.


    Unless Eric Musco or some1 other like Tat say so.


    Do you sell Tin foil hats? I wouldn't mind giving one to my dog. He keeps looking at this blade of grass like it's talking to him. :p

  16. Bioware long ago said there would be no more class stories ever again. Why do people not just accept this is the new paradigm of SWTOR and what we are going to get is more ROTHC/SOR/Ziost style story telling? So how is this a revelation that the next expansion won't be class based? I am just happy that the companions play more of a part in things this time around.
  17. Meanwhile you still have many players long gone from the game still sitting on names that Subbed players could be using. Case in point, several names I have on my current server are taken on Harbs where the people who have them are only Level 1 (Yes level 1) and have been for many many months. Seems kinda bull you know what that they get to keep these names despite being just level 1 while here I am, multiple level 60's, subbed since the beginning of this game, never having cancelled my sub and I am taking a backseat to these long gone players.


    Hell even WOW is dealing with dormant accounts holding onto names (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/15910697/release-the-names-character-name-reclamation-coming-6-18-2015) so why doesn't SWTOR given it has been quite some time since the last clean out?? I get the whole argument of "Oh they may come back" blah blah blah but the operative word there is MAY. Meanwhile existing players have to play second fiddle to someone who may or may not come back? I think not. Show some love to those who have been loyal to the game all this time. :confused:

  18. When we APAC players play in our prime time the Harb server status is always Light. When I play in the NA prime time Harb is either Light or Standard.


    I believe Harbinger is designed to carry greater player populations so if all us APAC player congregated on that server then I believe it would be a good thing. Besides greater numbers don't affect my game, it appears to be something else. I have no issues on the fleet with 100+ players yet I go to Hoth and the game stutters even tho there is only 20 people on the planet.


    You are probably right. I remember when the APAC servers were still alive that Harbs used to have issues before the APAC players were moved there when the APAC servers shut down. Still there is quite a few APAC players on B.C. I know are looking to move and while you make a fair point of our prime time and theirs, think of the weekend when it is a free for all.


    Also take into account how this game's performance has suffered since 3.0. Not a pretty combo to say the least.

  19. So in light of the 90 cartel coins to transfer offer, it is safe to say that many APAC players not on Harbs sitting on the population wastelands of B.C. and Bastion will look to move to the most populated server not only in the game but where most APAC players congregate to take advantage of the far better pops etc.


    However while I do not pretend to understand why the East Coast has two PVE servers to the West's one (I assume more Americans live on the East??), given how Harbs has issues from time to time with load and these transfers will probably put it under an even bigger load then it may be able to handle, perhaps Bioware could look at making a new PVE server on the west and in turn, mark it as suitable for APAC players to boot? East coast servers are no good for APAC players given the latency vs. the West so I put that in there before anyone suggests APAC move to an East coast. And of course European is right out.


    I mean it is a clever move from a business/$$$$ standpoint of Bioware to save themselves time on amalgamating dead servers in the future (with whatever few people are left there by then) by enticing people to move now and make lots of money in the process. But Harbs is notorious for it's stability issues so maybe the west coast could do with two PVE servers sharing the load? After all, you still have quite a sizable chunk of APAC players still playing. :jawa_smile:

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