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Posts posted by Cruxe

  1. Yes, they are actually, the difference is in the animations, which some people complain about but are actually not a problem, they just fool the eye. Damage occurs before rocks hit as an example. I have played an assassin, shadow, sorc, and sage during beta in attempts to decided on which one and which side, they are the same...


    AoE stun of Imp Operative, 60 sec recharge. AoE stun of Rep Scoundrel, 90 sec recharge. That's not an animation difference.

  2. Every class on empire side has an EXACT MIRROR CLASS, to the damage number and cast time.. Please be more informed before posting something as ridiculous as this... I personally play a 50 Shadow and am probably on a 98-99% win percentage... and I'm lvl 60 valor .. GG


    You're wrong. Read posts before you. Skills are mirrored, cast/recharge times are not.

  3. The duel + Force jump trick will work for getting through the door in Alderaan.


    On Corellia you can have a sage Rescue you as you fall from the edge of the dock.


    That's how I got my Jedi Guardian buddy those 2 datacrons.


    Also, I don't think you can get all the codex entries for datacrons since some are Empire only. Could be wrong about that, never looked myself.

  4. Good thread, I agree completely. Just some additions.


    A mailbox/AH in our ships would help alot. Maybe BW could offer upgrades for ships using daily space mission commendations. Something like a buyable recall to your ship would be much appreciated as well.


    Turning off companion interaction would be amazing, it's annoying when every time I go to my ship I hear from the protocol droid. Honestly, it makes me dread going anywhere, it's that annoying.

  5. What does it say that space combat is my favorite part of the game so far? Seriously, if they had just made a game around their space combat I would've been more than happy to pay the $50 for it. I just wish there were multiplayer space battles, or guild ones. That would make it even better.
  6. actually as I understand it, armor tech makes armor for soldier types and synthweaveing makes armor for force users.


    that said my jugger ought uses artifaceing. being able to make my own light saber mods has been useful


    Whoops. I don't know why I was thinking Juggernaut was a Trooper build.

  7. Armortech/Scavenging/Underworld Trading is the standard for making heavy armor.


    Biochem/Bioanalysis/Diplomacy is an option as well, since they can make reusable stims that you have to have Biochem skill to use. They also make stat/armor augment stims. And, at least in my experience, Biochem is much more profitable than armortech.

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