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    Fox Lake, IL
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    Gaming, photography, R/C
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    IT Consultant
  1. yeah something like that. where you can bring your higher levels in to assist you.
  2. that is why i said maybe it would require you to retire your character. so.......................................................................................
  3. What if you could take a legacy level where your character becomes a force ghost companion for character? Maybe the ability would require you to retire your character or something since being a force ghost would make them not playable. it could be more of a buff companion than a healer, tank, or dps companion. improve hit, crit, and damage. maybe increase force pool too?
  4. well I figured the rating tool would make for a better sense of community. like on xbox live you can do a player review which effects your xbl reputation. I think something like that is needed either way. I just want something more detailed for picking people up for groups. Hell, just a little check box in your quest log to put you in an LFG when you are on the quest would be nice so you can see who is running these quests looking for a group to do them. I just think it is a stupid to think the only way to have a sense of community is to force people to use a chat channel.
  5. the /who does not give you that information. it just puts a little icon by their name if they are marked LFG. if you want to try to shoot my suggestion down, that is fine, but at least put some reasoning behind it before half reading my post and responding with something that barely makes any sense.
  6. I really would like to have a looking for group tool in the game. I find the way of doing it through chat to be a pain in the butt most of the time. I hate how other games have them and it just tosses people in and it is hit or miss if you are going to have a decent group or not. What I was thinking was maybe have a stat system for it. You can opt for just get tossed into a random group if you want, but while you are in the LFG queue you can be shown and be picked. I am just working this out in my head, but I think it is a good idea. Maybe too complex though. So, something like this: Show the group oriented things queued for and some stats for them. How many times it has been ran with completion rate. Number of times groups have been quit. maybe like a player review option so you can give them a star reputation rating. Then, I was thinking maybe give the ability to star a player if you like them. Maybe they are not someone you want to add to a friend list, but you would keep an eye out for them on running groups. I just think giving it the tool more information about players than just randomly tossing them together would be cool. It might make players feel more accountable for their performance to keep jerks and the types that just want to be carried from acting poorly. The idea sounded pretty good in my head, but probably needs a bit more thought to make something that would work. I figured I would toss that out there anyway.
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