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Everything posted by OeSan

  1. buried so fast.... Oh, and i consider Op as a melee class, not true gun class.
  2. My highest lvl is a 31 sentinal, and ive yet to pvp besides getting ganked the occasional time by a few 50's. my server pop is bad so warzone queues are useless. I was curious what gun class is the absolute best in pvp, and why? Thanks kindly. spec also, would be helpful.
  3. Well, IDK about everyone else's server but mines a wasteland.
  4. Maybe I am just lvling too fast? I would be really saddened to see such a great game die.
  5. should I just reroll zerg? I mean empire?
  6. So, you guessed it, I play republic side. I like the Sith more but wanted to help with balancing the population and my server Rwwwokrorororororororro (or something like that) has 5-8 ppl per zone even in high end game play. It's pathetic, bothering and makes the game feel like a bad console game instead of a sick mmo. I am completely disenfranchised now and sad that I invested 30 lvls into this game. Are most servers like this, seeing this as the way swtor started, after BW spending all that cash is kinda sad. I really respec BW as a company, but my server is damn LONELY.
  7. Thanks, this helped, I do feel like im doing a lot more damage in the time that my burn damages DoT.
  8. Useful, intelligent, and lacking any *******ery. Thanks.
  9. ok, now that I've respecced im confused, what would my rotation be at lvl 25. HALP!
  10. Thanks, still a lot unanswered though. I can figure out my rotations on my own, my worry is that at 25, if i try watchman, i'll have no burst. And also, does anyone ever go focus?
  11. I am currently reading that watchman is amazing, DoTs and heals and decent aoe damage but not as much single target burst as combat. Im 24.5 (YAY SPEEDER INCOMMING) and have been using the sentinal to mostly good success except some 1v1 vr champion bosses. I like the feel of having strong burst and fear doing slow dot damage but want your opinions on watchman. Is it realy that much better, or just better vr big bosses thanks to the heals? Is the burst damage that much lower that I will hate fighting lower lvl and easier enemies and only enjoy it for the ease of which i can gfight bosses? Thoughts? And what really is the advantage of the focus tree? Just curious. Last q, howwould YOU spend your talents on a sent at lvl 25 for optimal leveling, and why? Thanks kindly.
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