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10 Good
  1. So what your saying is... "They work for me. They must not be broken?" Rofl. Just because they work for you doesn't mean they work for him or anyone else for that matter. GJ Though on pointing that out. I'm glad that some of us have working games.
  2. Found a fix. At least for me I found if I don't run window and go full screen, that most of the time it will work. Which is ruffly about 75% of the time.
  3. The Wz's are broken atm. No telling when they will be fixed. Tell then... "Under Construction"
  4. lol... This has got to be the most annoying **** ever! Not winning games. Not getting credit for the ones I do. Getting stunned in place for entire matches. Getting kicked out of Wz's for not being allowed to leave the spawn zone. /stuck ctrl-u, esc, relog...etc. the **** don't work. Why should I think different. The rest of this game is chocked full of errors, glitches and bugs. Why should PvP be any different? So to the Nay-sayers... A. Not paying for a broken game. Un-subing. Cya-round. Or not idc. B. Not coming up with a solution as it is not my job. I pay. They fix. This is how it works. C. Not writing and or testing the **** either. Wanna guess why? D. They said they fixed it. They clearly didn't. Truth is in the pudding and the cake is a lie. E. Wrote 2 separate tickets on said situation. That brings my ticket count to a total of 6. 1 was answered with a hand full of redundant suggestions. Why redundant you ask? Well lets just say that when I tell you that /stuck did not work. Don't tell me to fix it by typing /stuck. Come on people. Really? Oh and the rest where closed. No response. No nothing. So consider your self lucky if these snoots even addressed you at all. lol if Bio doesn't get this **** together, "Beware the ides of March." Do they care? No! They are here to take our money and die like the rest of the games of old that failed to launch a game from "complete testing" to launch with out ever fixing anything. This game will be dead before the sun sets. Those who care to argue. Do so with your self, while they gladly take your money and give you nothing in return. In regards to you addressing me in post: I will look into your reply to my post as I diligently do nothing to address you in return.
  5. OK so I had a question regarding Alderaan Civil War PvP. I play Imp on Warriors of the Shadow Server and I seem to be having this problem while in Alderaan Civil War. The match always starts out just fine, but when I die I run into a whole series of problems and all of them end up in me getting kicked from the Wz. Problem 1: Upon return to the Imp re-spawn zone, the speeder bikes that are there to take you back to the field are gone and do not re-spawn. (Ctrl-U not only does not work, it seems to make the problem worse. I.e. Creating more lag, freezing, or my personal favorite just refusing to give me back my UI until I re-log.) Problem 2: Same as Problem 1. Accept in this case, they do re-spawn and are either un-usable (as in the hand icon doesn't glow and you can't click it) or you can click it, but it does absolutely nothing. Problem 3: I die and can not rez or return to the Imp re-spawn zone. This has only happened once, as where all the rest of the time, Problem 1 or Problem 2 will occur the other 99.9% of the time in this Wz. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there any way to fix this? I have submitted two tickets on issues I have come across and all I get is try /stuck. lol Like this is the life blood behind all the problems with SWTOR. "Oh yeah /stuck will fix it." No...it wont! Any ideas?
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