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10 Good
  1. Still nowhere near compared to assassin tanks, I get taunted on a regular basis from assassin tanks, on how much worse my protection and dmg combo is worse than theirs. This nerf to aoe taunt makes things even more annoying. The ninja nerf on single taunt was ok, since single threat generation was easier, so a buff for single threat generation seems like a complete waste. And does no one see the damage reduction this could have on immortal spec'd tanks, with the moving around talents to higher tiers, and more reduction of battle cry points, and increase with quake points; The hint there, is that they want us to spend useless points on a talent most don't use, just to go up a tier. Please make deafening defense a talent in the immortal tree, way to important for a immortal jugg, and useless of meaning to a dps spec'd jugg. PLEASE GIVE THE JUGGS LOVE, nerfing has always been a major killer in mmos, give a new talent or a give better dmg mitigation thats passive, and didn't rely on cd. Because i get really mad that a Marauder gets a can't kill me ability, and a stealth out with a 50% dmg reduction... while a tank jugg drops like a sack of turds, quicker than light armored healing players.
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