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Everything posted by egyptianblue

  1. I am having this issue as well, in strongholds as well as the open world.
  2. I would love to see an underwater stronghold!
  3. What happens with companion gifts in 4.0? Will we still be able to use them to gain influence with our new companions?
  4. I was really upset that my female Imperial agent's little romance with Aristocra Saganu never went anywhere. They clearly had strong feelings for each other (at least, in my story they did), but they never even got to say goodbye to each other after the Hoth quests finished. My agent is also Chiss, so they were perfect for each other. I guess it wouldn't be practical for him to just abandon everything and travel around with my agent, but it still would have been nice to have him as my romanceable companion. Or, if nothing else, I would at least have loved to have an option at the end of the game to go back to Hoth to be with him. I don't know if Bioware has plans to continue any of the class stories or add new companions (if they do, let me know!), but if so, I would love to see more of him!
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