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Posts posted by Mistress_Ivi

  1. I'm still not entirely sure about the point of the lockout system or how it works besides keeping people from repeating the same op in a given week, so these might be terrible ideas, but I figure it's worth throwing out there.


    1. Group finder starts from the beginning, right? So have an "intro" boss you have to kill before you can branch out to pick each of them, then continue as mentioned previously. There would obviously be flaws here, but it would make some parts easier.


    2. This might be a bit harder to manage, but have "tokens" each choice-boss drops (maybe 2 drop per boss) that are unique and don't stack, but each boss drops a different one. So you can therefore choose which bosses to kill, and the first two people to loot any given boss (who don't already have a token) get that boss' token.

    Then, come the preparation for the final boss fight, tokens are "traded in" for boss mechanics (2 identical tokens - 4 in 16-man - removes the corresponding mechanic) and whoever had the token gets it replaced with a "depleted" version that just prevents them from picking up another token until the server resets. (There would also be a normal lockout on the first and last bosses, and a "hub" lockout once any four were killed, that's just one lockout from all the bosses)

    That way, also, elite groups looking for an unnecessary challenge could try skipping to the final boss and dealing with all the extra mechanics, or skipping part of the hub, or not trading their tokens all in if that's an option. (Maybe the final boss would automatically grant a hub lockout too, or maybe they could go back afterwards and kill the hub bosses for the comms/loot, I dunno.)


    Just a thought. (And not the most original one, but if it works why not)


    Come to think of it, you could have a "token-lockout" too for the second version, instead of the depleted token. But I don't know how that would work out.


    If you kill a boss, it'll save your progress... it isn't hard to code an NPC to not appear if your mission log says you've killed it. Only issue we have is with "trash" mobs not getting the memo.

  2. Aside from Twi'lek and Miraluka (due to bangs/fringes being a no-no for some odd reason) ... all hair customisations should match up - period.


    This *should* also apply to eyes (minus Chiss and Cathar) as all aside from those two have the same eye system/skin(s).


    I know they are out to make money, but seriously... there's limits to how greedy you can be before it gets beyond a joke.

  3. If I recall, the high point of SWG's sub base was... 550k? Take off 50k for multiple account holders.


    Shortly before the announced ending of the game - the subs were around 200k ( I think that's what, 40% of the original high point if excluding multiple) again reducing that to around 150-175k area for further hits.


    Take into account 2 game engine changes; change of leadership. The fact WoW did infact steal a very large number of subs from the game and kept SWG in the shadow - I think the game would still be running with a VERY loyal 50k-150k subs at this very moment, more so if a free option was around.


    This game, has lost more subs than SWG ever had - twice over. I think the OP made some VERY valid points; an expansion isn't a single planet, 1-2 new skills per class, 5 more levels on the cap... and a *relatively* sub par storyline that covers MAYBE a starter planet when all is said and done. Combine the dailies... and it really was a VERY large but otherwise BASIC update.


    I just hope, if EA stop money grabbing for 10 minutes and let the remains of Bioware do their job, I feel the next expansion that comes out includes more than a single planet and the basic stuff we got this time around; because I was almost done CASUALLY 1 week into the expanion and that was without the rest of my guild.


    An Expansion should take 2-3 weeks casually to finish up... if not longer.


    It's simple, make a list.


    One new planet - doesn't work - try 3?


    One new race - included with the expansion - NOT a side cost.


    Potential new class - or - skill set characters that use previous plot lines for easier development times - overall, improved gameplay as new classes = fresh play styles and enjoyment of learning new skills etc.


    Level cap increased - no brainer - real rewards added; use new skill points on FLUFF boxes instead of game changing boxes like current points. Example --> Dual weilding Assassin tank, double saber weilding guardian etc.




    When making an expansion, the sky really is the limit... as it lets you stretch from the normal mundane required updates you get forced to make. You became game developers, you got through all that course work and qualifications - you're at the point where you can freaking make games and spread fun. You shouldn't be failing this hard! Come on!

  4. I may be wrong here, but is it just me... or does the Gree style armour have 4 pallets over the normal 2 or 3?


    Primary and secondary leaves a fair amount still black and of course, the light.


    I would imagine a simple addition of a 3rd or 4th varient on dyes would cover all bases - and guess what EA, more money in your pocket as you exploit us for things that should cost game credits over real 'credits'.

  5. Does make it somewhat annoying, with the limited choices.


    A human can pick and choose (female) 44 hairstyles, a Miraluka has less than half that, yet is slapped across the face for real options.


    Step up guys! Those appearance things in the redesigner barely skratched the surface of the money you can squeeze out of us!

  6. Disney spent roughly 4 Billion in cash and other things adding up to that total - I'm pretty damn sure they'll make as many games and films as they can dish out with what they have; to think otherwise is foolish.


    I just hope they bring out another MMO in a few years, with the concept of Sandboxing over Themeparking (like this mmo).

  7. Several abilities would be 'ally only' / 'enemy only' and of course 'self only'...


    Each "ally only" ability could act like the Jugg/Guard intercede(sp) where not only does it apply the buff effect, but also literally jumps to an ally - cooldowns would be something like 15sec (with up to 4 abilities like this, allowing some limits to the class) and perhaps when this ability is used threat is increased slightly + damage done by the "fiend" player is reduced by [X]%.


    Self only abilities would be purely evasive types, no self-heals or self-boosts.


    As for attacks, as the class would have a "support" tree + two DPS trees... perhaps replace one dps tree for a tanking tree? As the threat could easily be managed with the default boosts etc.


    I'd like to see this happen ,)

  8. As it stands, we currently have every single planet + numerous "stations" or "instances" for our main plotline, each major part of this plotline falls under the visit of certain planets.


    With one new exception - Makeb.


    Although it claims to be chapter 4, it did something "new" and in some cases potentially unwanted. However - it also opened the door for filler worlds for those who either are *bored* or don't like to *quest*.


    Each planet doesn't have to be full scale, or even a complete planet for both factions - nothing special placed on these worlds, just "filler" for certain levels with an applied minimal level attached to each world.


    These filler worls add potential for a multitude of applications, from joining up to fight the Hutts as one to being complete "fun" planets where miniture games like Hutball are fround or puzzles leading to interesting fights. To combat the potential of credit farmers, simply attach the class story of a certain point ontop of the minimal level.


    Have at it.

  9. Should be a much larger selection of melee weapons, especially in this timeframe. Although Jedi and Sith are a dime a dozen (when compared to the movies) - most Jedi and Sith alike practiced with real weapons or even fought with them.


    Not to mention we seem to be missing at least two types of hilt...


    Whips and Short sabers.


    Don't get me started on hilt styles! More weapons = more choice = more yay. Just don't stick them in freaking packs, if you're going to add non-lightsabers, have them single-buy like the Axe.

  10. The mask, guantlets and boots - as well as the armour details should all be silver, like the movie shows. But when you look in game, they got lazy and blacked it up.


    I'm all for having a full black set, but I'd like my real set too!

  11. My mother had watched the entire show, explained it all to me and had me nearly sold on the idea hook 'n sinker.


    Two hours later, she gets onto the computer to track down the truth... and we were both kinda ticked. True story.


    I thought the idea of those channels was to show the truth as we know it, not make stuff up or use mythology (unless stated otherwise in the title, which is was not).

  12. Okay... you will need the following items in order to actually fully gear up your character(s) to 69 grade.


    Main -> Cybertech or Artifice + crew skills

    Alt 1 -> one of the above.

    Alt 2 -> Gathering skills - slicing / treasure hunting / scavenging


    Run several hardmodes (solo qued) until you've deconstructed enough mods to learn all you need to min-max.


    Run PvP once a day, solo. Twice or more if you end up liking it. Buy the Relics from PvP vendor.


    Makeb required. -> GSI questline, seekerdroids.


    Treasure hunt, until you find mass generators and the blue of same grade. Or use credits.


    Craft 30's with mats.





  13. This would require extreme rework of all combat animations for each additional weapon type, which quite simply is not gonna happen.


    All combat animations for single and double and duel are in place. All you need to do is reassign certain animations to cover abilities with the same 'use time' and you'll be fine.


    I for one, would not mind being a single-blade using assassin... I didn't role my Assassin for the double blade, I wanted to use lightning and tank. Traded off on the weapon.

  14. I personally think I know of only 3... 4 of my current guild who *NEVER* PvP due to personal choice.


    20 or so of the guild are "full timers" ... another 20 are casual ... and a disclosed number are lurkers or not currently playing.

    Of those 40, only a handful do not PvP.


    Of those 40, only 1/4 of them actively pay for cartel packs with real money (I admit, I am guilty of it myself) - the remainder use in-game means to buy packs if ever. We all sub, when possible, so they use the free coins for the stuff they really like.


    So... why can't the greater number of people get more Warzones? If cartel updates are every fortnight, could we not expect a new warzone fortmonthly at most?

  15. General rule of thumb, when grouping.


    Someone tanks.

    Someone heals.


    SWTOR... in normal PvE, you can replace heals with DPS - providing someone uses a companion.


    With three people, you had no excuses in having one of each. As it stands, I'd have the 'Sin tanking, the Vanguard 10-m flamespec dps (or pub version) and yourself, the 'operative' healing.


    You'd have little issue finding a 4th for hardmodes etc

  16. Personally, I feel - as a combatant... mind you, not from the point of a crafter.


    Crafted goods should ALWAYS be better than those you loot from bosses.


    By all means, the materials, the schematics (tradable, dang it!) should all be found in high end places when compared to the level requirement of said item(s).


    2.0 for end game, went in a direction away from what it should have been. 168-rating items, okay... but why can't we get materials to make 170 rating items from the new hardest of hard modes?


    Crafters should remain important, it drives a large amount of people... just take a look at Rift (early days) or ESO ... the craft systems made sense. SWG, again... half your gear++ was made by crafters, the elite stuff for weapons and additionals were looted...


    By all means. Loot damn good stuff. Buy damn good stuff from the NPC's. But get the BEST stuff from another player.

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