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Posts posted by Mistress_Ivi

  1. I've personally bought myself a collector edition of ESO and if they've solved the crash issues some people have when it is released, I'll be playing it full time quite contently. At least for the first month. I've seen pvp footage of people taking keeps, I've played all the newbie areas personally - so I'll likely take my time within those! But it also allows me to make any race for any faction (something this game lacked when it first came out).


    In order for SWTOR to survive new games coming out, they need to reduce the charges in the cartel market or reduce the cost to sub. The newer games are giving you more BANG for your buck; will likely continue to... and that means any existing game needs to adapt their system to compete - or lose players.


    Am I gone for good? Only playing the "completed" game for a month will tell if I ever come back here for a time. Has it killed SWTOR? Unlikely. SWG survived 8 years - only thing that killed it was these 'lovely' people in EA whom couldn't handle some people liked a different Starwars MMO.


    But because it's the only Starwars MMO that'll be standing, it'll stick around.

  2. If you play them by their 'arc types' I can promise you this, don't.


    If you enjoy miss pysco witch of the Inq line - go for it. It'll be amusing, because EVERY problem can be solved by zapping it with lightning or some other force related attack.


    The fun comes when you play against that. Lightside Inq is more interesting, has a few different options and ultimately if you dislike Khem and never use him... things become better for it.


    I totally did not however, enjoy the NUN style Jedi Counsular line when playing good. I've not had much chance to play on my Evil one... but she's querky! I feel being a total witch counsular is going to be way more rewarding.


    But at the end of the day. It is up to you, the player, the story follower / reader / whatever actually fits; if you enjoy one plot over another. It's just a pity so much money was used on the storylines... and they end once 50. The Makeb content see's new voice actors (inq at least) and a merged plot, it loses the fun of the storyline for me.


    I'll make one recommendation. Play against the norm. The plots improve for it.

  3. I find myself liking this idea; sadly though I would imagine only the matches on the PTS (as the test servers are coded differently) would get recorded and put into the 'screens'... and even then, it would only be a single match per screen.


    Plus, in large zones (for this game egine) like the fleet, more than one screen would likely cause massive problems.


    Loving it. But~ I find it would only be practical in a small zone, like your ship.

  4. You need to craft prototypes of something you've learned.


    For example.


    Cybertech recieves a mod; this mod works until xx5 ... but if you dissasemble / RE the mod, you may learn the prototype. You manage to learn it. The new Mod can be made until x10 - allowing you to then go to the trainer and pick up new green mods.


    This will apply to ALL craft skills. I hope this helps.

  5. Adding to the 'ride the lightning' I'd like something akin to actually flying up/down places (level 55+) ... it may have to be disabled in warzones or operations though. I would find it highly useful for datacrons etc - AND FUN.
  6. ... to the Defence buff for 2.7 Sorcs and Sages.


    Instead of using the Bubble and gaining a 1-4 defence proc, it [ Auto Fills the Resolve Bar ]. As far as I can tell, this would only address the issues for Sorcs/sages in PvP situations, but it's the start of which we need in order to make them at least slightly more PvP viable in Arenas if they become temporily immune to all CC... this seems the easiest method in which to do it.


    I'd also like to see the instant cast Whirlwind make a return. But please discuss the Pro's and Con's of the above.


    P.S - if the above does not work, how about making a Sorc/Sage resolve bar 'easier' to fill to max?

  7. Closest thing we got so far is the Visas Marr headset... and everyone can use that to mimic Miraluka.


    I'd like to see more masks; with colour options. If it's white, make sure a black option can be accessed. If black, white needs to be an option too. Instantly, that opens two more options.

    But~ an expansion on the current masks is required as well, this goes double for all races that have lacking options.

  8. Never tell them to stop creating new planets. Never a good start.


    The game Engine though suffers the larger a place you make, so the alternative would be to make copies or each planet and count them as new zones (Example, Section X is Belsavis, but not).


    I would love them to add zones 1/8 or 1/4 of the orginal (example, tatooine, hoth) for 55's or even people lower than the default level... level 10? Want to fight Sand people and Jawa? Go to Tatooine and click a special Mos Ila shuttle when the Imperials took over.

  9. I imagine banning someone's legacy and/or account is easier than banning individuals one at a time. The logic is multiplied by you having to do the same action on as many alts as you have.


    Change the word banning or ignoring; the exact same logic applies.


    If I legacy ignore someone on my "sorc" then log my "assassin" I'd love to know that the person ignored on the first is also on the same list of my second.


    Account wide isn't a required feature, yet. Because most of the playerbase stick to 1 server... even if they don't, a fresh legacy ignore is all you need on the new server(s).

  10. This game was not designed to be solo'd until fully geared up in the highest tier. 78's? Yeah, that's what a level 78 player is meant to be using as standard gear (aka, pre operation gear).


    So being 5 levels above in gear for a 75+ (the literal meaning on those ratings) in a place designed for a level 50 wearing 140(52/4/6?) gear or worse (Makeb vendor supplies 140 rating stuff for planet comms) does allow you to solo that particular content.


    But please remember - when it was first created, the design was to be done with 4 people in relatively horrible gear compared to what we have now. They wont change that design to cater to solo players; if anything they'll bump them up to 55 - add bonus bosses if the place has none - and make it slightly more challenging for those already geared.


    "NiM" flashpoints I feel would be a better thing DEV time was spent on, over solo flashpoints. If you want easy, the new Kuat one can be solo'd at 55.

  11. To those who do not understand, prior to 1.3, the PTS server was for all intent and purpose a 'normal server' we level'd up characters (finding potential bugs, issues with quests etc) whilst also playing on the level 50's we had earned the hard way when we wished to do level 50 content... as a server, we were almost ready to start attempting operations for the first time.


    The point of a test server is to test new content, under the same conditions as live. This means, level'd up and hard earned. Copied characters have unique coding compared to a generated and leveled character that has unforeseen bugs and problems of their own; whilst any problems a grinded character encounters will match the issues of their live counterparts.


    Granted; the population was somewhat limited compared to live at the time - but we did have enough players on at all times to attempt 8-man content with little problem... and as a SWTOR community, drama and general hate was not apart of it. Much like other MMO's infact.


    Since then, those of us who used to play on the PTS have been forced to play on live - because our community and our gameplay choice was destroyed by the gaming developers who don't quite understand how to get the most out of their testers.


    I will agree on one thing - the cloning proccess is perfect for the questionable player crowd - the impatient - and casual tester. It is also perfect for testing the tool like LFG - despite there being level 50's in place at the time it was added to the PTS. It's also perfect for any new Warzones.


    But there's things a fresh level'd character has gone through, found etc that a clone will not encounter and not contribute at all. They would also acquire all 'new' quests or rewards if they had not done them before. Those whom question why we played on the testing server, have little to stand on... as I have played on testing servers almost as long as I've played MMO's.


    I can accept rollbacks or character deletions for a good reason; I can even understand we may lose a character, get trapped or just lose access due to bugs - I can't accept deleting them for deletion sake. The playerbase have delete buttons - encourage players to delete if you want some names freed up. You have plenty of avenues and incentives you can grant players whom comply.

  12. Large patch.


    Expansion's typically add to character plot; add planets you can free roam (or land mass in other MMO's); skill sets or abilities etc. I'd personally consider the new daily zone(s) an expansion over the GSF.


    Now, if the GSF included free roam options outside of Warzone style maps - like flying around fleet, space mining, space races ... and just general 'time wasting' acitivities - then I'd consider it a true Expansion.


    All it is at this time - to me, personally - is a new type of Warzone with MASSIVE cartel costs to be effective quickly.

  13. The collectors edition vendor was/is meant to offer something unique that no one else can get (at least, for a reasonable amount of time)... they still get a default Imperial soldier uniform (we get a mod version)... so that requirement is already met.


    Since they can access the VIP vendor like the rest of us, be it cash or $5 'upgrade' ... it would be sense to add items to the VIP vendor every 2-4 months, making people either fork out credits (another sink) or upgrading to the Delux, generating money for the game. It doesn't even have to be a unique item, they could be a cartel item that isn't on the vendors hiding in the Hutt section.


    They gain enough new items due to the Cartel market, they might as well recycle them and plant a few things every couple of weeks onto the VIP vendor, thus making it more worthwhile than a slightly less crowded GTN/bank etc.

  14. One of the perks former SWG players lost... since emotes could be seen by any player at any time, providing they were within the range limits of the person "casting/typing" said emote.


    Then again, this game is WAY more involved with factions than SWG, they did fail in regards to the most simplistic(sp) features of the game they were closing down and effectively replacing.


    I can recall, that in Rift, a game that when I played it at least (the first year it was out, several months thereafter) you could quite easily taunt the other faction with emotes and it was encouraged to do so.

  15. Flashpoints used to be a challenge.


    Then they added the LFG tool, something for casual players or hardcore alt hoppers to fully max all the commedations and beyond.


    The problem with casual players, is that they are typically (not always) lesser geared and to be quite frank, rubbish. When compared to the typical player who is on 3+ hours every other day, if not daily.


    So they made them easier... to cater to all. The problem is, some "hardcore" players aren't very raid orientated and now have very little fun content left to do in small groups.

  16. The new flashpoint is designed for 15-54; although I'd like another flashpoint choice for my weekly (when I choose to do it) I've been wanting something I can play where I'd be able to quite literally drag a 'noob' through several times over, whilst still giving them the XP rate of their level (or at least, I'm hoping so... don't want a 2nd Ilum).


    I see your point, but please, remember... this ones' for the lowbies. Our new flashpoint stuff is a few months off, but the 55's are getting 2nd new ones this year.

  17. Considering they had Asian servers for a time, the above poster should get a serious warning. Not all Asians are goldfarming swine.


    My best piece of advice that I can give you, OP, is to try 2-3 servers by simply logging into them with a level 1, reach 10, get to fleet and ask around.

    If this method takes too long for you, then the next step is to pick some of the more populated server forums (like Harbinger) or one of the EU servers (try the pve one over pvp for less agro) and ask there in a thread.


    If these steps don't help you, then you're going to have to resort to using Google/Yahoo/Bing etc to search for them the old fashioned way - also incorperate some Manadrin (under you orginal post) to see if that sparks interest.

  18. If using most plate-heavy type leggings, the loincloth certainly overlaps... and I wish they'd fix this by either changing the loincloth items to not clip - or reduce the plating size on those particular items with exceptionally raised plating sections.


    But yes... I have to agree, certain items that have "excess" details... or horrible shoulder pad extras, like the Battlemaster and all those weird funnel things (Sorc set)... I'd love an option to untrack certain aspects of plenty of items.


    Some items EA makes are amazing; then they add that one detail . . . ruins the whole item.

  19. Jedi and Sith would have "Beast tamers" ... although one forges it through 'friendship' the other through sheer domination, and the types they both gather tend to differ... they are ultimately the same Technique.


    Sorc fits over Assassin or Warrior types. (Same for mirrors)


    Troopers and Bounty hunters would easily get away with a "droid commander" arc-type; as it would fit with lore and just... fit, In general.



    I could see Warrior/Knight perhaps using the 'pet' class to have an Aprentice/Padawan in battle with them in the form of a VERY generic npc... or an Acolyte/force sensitive merc unit, as to not confuse people.





    Although I *LOVE* pet class types, honestly, Beastmaster in SWG all the way. I'm not exactly sure if they would work in end game... as it stands; it'd require a fair amount of recoding for certain instances and alot of micromanaging for the player and their group (an additional to heal, or guard) unless the pet received a portion of a players heals and guard; vice-versa too.

  20. I actually enjoyed the post, beats most in this section by far.


    This said, it would be nice if lucky also dropped a variation of commendations (planet ones x X amount) and be added to the weekly (3 world bosses) if not done so already.

  21. You know what else would be nice, within this "care package" ... freaking hoods.


    Last time I checked, when you're armed with cloth and needle, you can make the hood portion of an outfit to fit the person that is going to wear it... all you need to do is expand it for the lekku and have them facing forward instead of down the back.


    Oddly enough... our Lekku can move.

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